
Chords of play

Of course, Yixing lost a big game, it took only five minutes for them to lose, which was even less than it took Shan to lose. But it was as he thought it would go. Both Yitian and Huobai had skill shooting them from afar, while Yitian was safely shooting from behind Huobai, Huobai was using his best abilities to slow down, frighten, or even bleed and poison Yixing and Junjun to death. And they died halfway through the spell range of those two. It was really unfortunate that they were paired up like this.

After a few more rounds, for fun, they went back to their routine of quests, raids, and combat bosses in parties of five or six.

They were saving almost all resources to the guild warehouse. It had three floors. One was for everyone. Usually, low-level ingredients were there. The floor above was for slightly more special items and ingredients that anyone could use, but it was registered what you took and what amount.