
Melody Of illusion

Dream is something that every person can experience.It can give you sense of joy,but sometimes,a nightmare. Kintaro was a fresh graduate of Art's and Entertainment Specially on singing. Kintaro turn eighteen on this year but he Didn't celebrate his birthday as he was super tired after the day. In the night when Kintaro fall asleep,He have a dream about living in another time and era,which his not very familiar,but that's not all.even the Living That he saw on his dream was not human but....A DemiHuman?! He see a different kind of DemiHuman.be It a tiger, Lion,Turtle, Phoenix,a fox, and even a Dragon are there living in harmony. Kintaro also saw his self in that dream and he was given a fright as this Body is not a human, instead,Its a DemiHuman.this DemiHuman has a blue Long hair color,which is styled like an Ancient time.His blue Eyes was very tempting as his face looks pretty and handsome at the same time. but that's not all,he also discover that,In that dream,Hes married into another DemiHuman,and what's more is that DemiHuman was also a male like him! Kintaro then wake up as he thought that it was a very interesting dream,but later,He didn't expect that, that dream will appear every night as the dream make a progress on its story. Kintaro didn't think about it too much as he only thought ' I should stop reading fantasy novel temporarily ' But everything has changed as everyday,he discover that he will learn something new Until he learn the Truth on why he keep dreaming about it.

MelodyRain1005 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Chapter 1:Who Are You?

"You are meant to be together!" a union shout of many people

"Thank you everyone for giving your blessings to us, to my partner" a manly voice sounded to their cheering.

"Don't be too polite ancient King, we are glad to be invited to your wedding" an old man walked up with the shell of a turtle on his back with a smile full of sincerity.

"Thank you elder" the man said to the old man and clasped both his fists


While all that was happening, a young man was just looking at the two talking when suddenly,the man and the old man who's talking to each other,then look at him. The faces of the two were blurred in his vision and he didn't know them but he seemed to have a connection to them. because he can't see the face of the man standing by his side, he just observed it's body and noticed that it had two horns that were 6 inches long and dark violet in color, the man also had a tail that was 5 inches wide and has the same color similar to his horn. the point of man tails' looks very sharp. the young man just looked at the man who was 6.5 feet tall. after he finished looking at the man, he noticed something that seemed to be hovering behind him. he thought they were nine snakes and immediately turned back, but he can't get a glimpse of them every time he turn around. He was also very surprised that these 'snakes' were behind him again. He was nervous and might die from its venom, he immediately walk close to the man next to him and asked him.

"Sir, can you please remove the snakes behind me?" asked the young man while shaking in fear but still smiling.

"Sir?" the man said again with a look of wonder "are you alright Jin?" he asked with concern in his voice

"Ahhh..." the young man said was buffled and wonder 'Jin'

"Just rest first, Jin. you must be tired from our recent wedding" said the man when he saw that the young man's reaction was not good

"Maybe...I'll rest first, Dior" said the young man and went into a room and sat down.

'what? how did I Know that man name is Dior?.... married? but I'm a man!...well bisexual but...the f**k? I got a husband in no time?'immediately thought the young man while panick welled up on his heart and mind.

It was only then, that he noticed that the nine white snakes were still behind him, he immediately stood up in great fear and did not realize that he had bumped into a mirror. He turned around and saw a handsome man in the mirror. beautiful body shape similar to the body of a woman and a man, his skin is white as has blue long hair was Style in a very beautiful way. while he was amazed at what he was seeing, he only then noticed something strange about the man body in the mirror. the man have a Blue color Fox eared on it's head,while the ' Snake' earlier was infact,A tail. not just one, two, or three, but has nine tails!

"Who are you?!" the young man immediately shouted at the mirror

He just stared at the mirror with fear and dread when he noticed that the man in the mirror also looked scared.

'is this me?!' he asked himself and approached the mirror, as he got closer, he saw the appearance of the man in the mirror, it had bright blue eyes and a gentle face.

"Jin! Are you okay?" a familiar voice called out

'his' name with concern, it was none other than the man she talked to earlier

"I'm fine" he immediately approached the man and smiled softly

"That's a relief then" the man sighed "sigh,You need to wake up now" the man told him with a bitter smile

"Huh?" the young man asked the man

"Nevermind" said the man and then he smiled "see you in the future...if we really are meant together" he immediately pushed the young man as a concern look painted on his face

"Huh? What Future?" the young man said with surprise.

While he was thinking about what 'Dior' said, he noticed that he continued to fall into the dark hole and the appearance of 'Dior' was getting dimmer. He didn't realize that there were tears in his eyes as he lost consciousness.



The alarm clock rings as it's Small Arm was pointed at seven.

"Wait!" a young man's voice was heard as he raised his hand. His eyes were red, tears could be seen on his face that had not yet dried because of crying which caused his eyes to be red.

"Dior?...who are you?" the young man tried to remember who 'Dior' was but his head hurt when he tried to remember it.

"Nevermind...I have dreams about demi-humans more often, maybe because It's the effect of reading Fictional story " he heaved a long sigh then got up from his bed. he washed his face and went to the living room and saw a boy who's the same age as him (18 years old)

"Kintaro! Hurry up and eat, we'll be late for the audition later" the young man told him, looking angry but not

"Okay, okay. What's the name of entertainment we're auditioning for?" Kintaro asked

"Huh? Are you alright? Isn't that the company you want to join because their CEO is your idol?" said the young man" we are at...Draconic Harmony Entertainment!"

"Ahh, yes, it's probably because of my nightmare, hehe" Kintaro said while scratching his head embarrassingly

"I have a question," Kintaro said and smiled sheepishly

"What is that?" asked the young man

"What...what's...your name?" Kintaro asked with an awkward smile

"What?! Did you hit your head on the wall?!" the young man yelled at Kintaro as he wondered if Kintaro was just playing with him or not