
Meliodas In TBATE

Aiden, an 18 years old boy, living alone in this cruel and harsh world ends up meeting the legendary Truck-kun and die in his hands. Meeting god, he gives him a new chance to live in the world of The Beginning After the End, a magical world filled with adventures and mysteries in the body of Meliodas the Dragon Sin of Wrath from the Seven Deadly Sins acquiring all of his powers and abilities. Follow the story of our Mc in this new world where new people exist and original events happen, and watch how he is going to change the world by his intervention. [NOTE] I do not own any of the characters or the plot in this book, only the original characters and events are mine. [DISCLAIMER] THERE IS GOING TO BE +18 SCENES IN THIS BOOK SO PLEASE IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD DO NOT READ THIS BOOK!

Nouflex · Anime e quadrinhos
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72 Chs

Chapter 3: Big Boom

Another three months went by making it a total of five, during this time I kept reading that magic book I discovered, I learned many things like the existance of mana all around us in the atmospher and that the power to control mana depends on your genetics, its rare to have the ability to control it since only 1 in 100 children possess it.

I also learned about the existance of augmenters and conjurers, those are names of the types of ways you can use mana, for example augmenter enhance their bodies with mana allowing them to possess incredible strengh, defence and agility.

As for the conjurers they emit mana to the world which allow them to create magical and physical phenomens. And both types must supplement their mana cores with mana from tbe outside world in order to use their powers.

And I had this routine of sneaking from mom to go and learn about magic as well as watching father train in the yard in front of the house from the window, I really wanted to start training so bad, but unfortunatly my body couldn't allow it, im still too weak to even walk.

Everything was going well until the day Art learned to crawl too. It was a normal day, crawling to the study room avoiding getting spotted from my mom, I enter the room and found Art looking at a book and turning its pages as if he was actualy reading and understanding it.

'Lol, look at my brother acting as if he understands haha.'

I just ignored him and just went to read my magic book at a corner of the room, and after finishing my small reading session I lifted my head to see the shocked face of my brother. When we made eye contact he quickliy turned his gaze back to his book.


This was the first 'sus' move Art has done which started a serie of weird things that will happen in tte future.

Anyways, while I was reading mom suddently barged in the room and lifted Art in her arms.

"Its you turn today for the walk outside little Art..." She kissed him in the forehead and turned to face the door.

"REY! Im taking out Art, take care of Meliodas while im out!" She shouted.

"Allright, leave it to me." Dad shouted back making an 'ok' sign with his hand.

After my mom left, I was left in the study room reading the book alone, and my so responsible father left the house to train in the front yard. Anyways I started reading from where I left last time.

The books says that to form a mana core you should move the tiny fragments of mana in the air inside your body and guide them to your solar plexus where the mana core forms.

It was a very hard process, I understand why normal people only develop it when they are 11 or 12 yeas old but somehow I managed to do it first try. Maybe its because im actualy 17 years old mentally? Or is it because of the special body of Meliodas? Anyway its good news for me.

I started feeling the wramth gathering on my stomach which augmented my concentration and helped me control the mana way better the thing that boosted the amount of it going to my core.

And after a certain amount of time mana stopped entering my body, I felt a weird pressure in the atmosphere around me, then suddently... It happened.


A huge explosion sound happened and when I opened my eyes all I could see is dust cloud surrounding me. Weirdly enough the book was still next to me and was intact.

"MELIODAAAS! MELIODAS! WHERE ARE YOU!" Father's voice was desperetly trying to reach me, hopefully I was okay, and when the dust storm was cleared I finally saw it, half of the house was gone. What was left of it was barely hanging togethe...

*Crash* *Boom*

Never mind, it also fell.

Dad's worried figure was running towards me. He threw the sword he was using for practice in his way and hugged me tightly in his embrace then he checked every part of my body looking for any injuries but weirdly I was completely fine.

"Fuuuu... Your mom would've killed me if you were hurt." He sighted in relief.

'You ididot father! Is this all your thinking about.' A nonexisting vein popped on my forehead.

"But what was that? How could the house just blow up like this?" Turning his gaze from the surrounding to me he inspected me for a few seconds.

'It's weird, I feel mana presence emenating from his body.' Father thought.

He looked next to his legs, and saw the magic book open on the page of mana core and started changing looks from me to the book time and time again. Then he lifted me up excitedly.

"YESS! I knew it the first day I saw you that you would be talented, you really are my son!" My stupid father didn't find anything of this suspicious but actualy celebrated regardless of the state of the house.

'Damn man, do you have gum instead of a brain?' I looked disapointedly to my father with a disgusting expression which he failed to notice, but at the same time im sad and feel guilty for destroying the house.

Of course after the incident my mom beated some sense into dad for leaving me alone, but at the end of the day she ended up forgiving him since no one was hurt.

She was actualy so suprised and shocked after hearing that I manifested a mana core, but in the end she though that it was luck or that I was a once in a century genius or something like that. Even I started to beleive that.

Dad called for some of his friends that were his ex-party compagnions to help him rebuild the house, and after sharing with them the news of my mana core awakening they refused to believe it until they felt my mana.

Everyone was wondering if this realy was their stupid friend Ray's son but at the same time it was a fact that almost made them choke.

But that is nothing compared to the weird looks that Art was giving me, especially after the incident. Adding that to the fact that he dosent even talk make it creepier. It was as if he was shocked or realising something.

This made me suspecious too but I knew deep inside me that it should be nothing special, he is a kid after all and it is normal that he does some random things from time to time.

Or at least, this is what I thought...



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