
Mega Man Online

A girl named Hikari decided to play the new VR game called Robot Master Online. Little did she know that her life and the life of 10,000 would be changed forever.

spirit_draw · Videojogos
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11 Chs

Episode 01 Link Start


Hikari Shujin

1ST person POV

My name is Hikari Shujin and I'm 16 years old.

Right now I was in my room holding a controller looking at my computer playing a game. There were tons of bags of chips and soda bottles on the floor. My room was dark and I was covered in my blanket.

I know that you are all confused right now. So let me describe myself to you.

I am what people would call a shut-in. I would spend most of my time staying in my room. My time is spent on playing video games and videos on the internet.

My social life is nonexistent and my social skills are terrible. I have no friends nor do I have time to have any.

My relationship with my parents is not good in my opinion. We rarely interact with each other and I can tell that I disappointed them with the way I'm living my life.

Sadly neither of us made any move to change the situation. But I'm content with what I'm doing right now.

Anyway today is a special day. The new game 'Robot Master Online' is to be released today. It has been the talk of the year as over 6,000 people have made orders for the game.

You see a VR console had been released 1 year ago called the Light Head Gear. This VR console was revolutionary allowing players to actually feel and go inside the games.

And this new game is has been said to be the best due to it being created by the CEO of Light Industries Albert Wily. After the death of the former CEO Thomas Light, Albert Wily finished the Light Head Gear and had been working on the creation of 'Robot Masters Online' for a while.

This is why many have been waiting and anticipating for this game. Though there were beta testers who have played it in the demo. I sadly wasn't one of the beta testers as the amount needed had already been filled.

But aside from that I'm just waiting for my package to arrive.

Knock knock

Someone knocked at my door and I got up and walked over to open it. The person on the other side was my Dad who was holding a package.

He waved at me with a strained smile, "Hi sweetie I got the package that you ordered."

I nodded at him and grabbed the package. I turned around getting ready to close the door, but my Dad held it open.

"Hikari" he said with his voice being serious, "I know that nowadays you don't go out much or if at all and that you have no friends."

I silently groaned as now was not the time for him to confront me about my shut-in persona.

"But maybe that can change? You could get out more, get some fresh air. Make a friend or two if you tried."

No thanks. The last friends I made were complete jerks and that all I'm going to say.

"Just…just think about it okay. I don't want you to waste your future. Okay."

With that said he left and I closed the door. I contemplated on what he said but quickly dismissed it.

I got better things to do, like playing this new game. I'm very excited at what the game has to offer.

I opened the box and took out the box. I connected it to my console and put on my Light Head Gear.

I then laid on my bed as my console was processing the game. Once it was complete I said out two words.

"Link Start"