
The day it started

On a snowy, midnight, Kai lay peacefully on her bed a short 14 years old girl with long White hair spread like the root's of a tree. And a lovely face, that looked like it came from a fairytale. A man slowly came in through the window of her house, he started to look for valuables. Then he spotted Kai, he thought "this girl might sell for a fine price". He put all the things he took in the van, and kidnapped Kai. As the van was moving Kai woke up, her hands, mouth and legs were tied, she could not move. Then she spotted the man in the drivers sit, that's when she knew she was kidnapped. Her family always warned her about kidnappers because of her long white hair. They said "If you were ever to get kidnapped, look for a way to escape, before it's too late." As she looked around she found a shard of a broken vase, she took the shard and tried cutting the rope. To her success it broke off, she tried cutting the rope on her legs next. When she finished she closed the window that connected the driver and the back quietly, as they were driving, the light turned red. Kai said "this is it, this is my chance to escape."

She opened the van's door and ran as fast as she could, people were staring at her long white hair and her blue eyes that looked like the ocean as she ran to a mall. The kidnapper was not slow to catch up and parked the car as he ran after the girl. He took a gun with him, he thought it might come in handy. He ran into the mall only to find that Kai was already on the second floor, her long white hair and PJ's stood out the most. Kai ran to the exit, when she bumped into a boy, he looked as if he were 3 year older than Kai, he was with his family of 3. He stared at Kai with his Red eyes that looked as if he were to stab your heart and kill you the minute you drown in it.

Kai did not have the time, and ran away, as she ran the kidnapper was already behind her. She looked behind her with a frail face that looked so afraid, she ran for the exit of the mall as fast as her legs could go. The boy that Kai bumped into was not slow to catch on, he ran after the kidnapper and punched him right in the face. The kidnapper fell to the ground, but Kai was still running. She ran in the direction of the parking lot, as she spotted a big oak tree. She ran for the oak tree, the boy right behind her telling her "STOP! Everything is fine now." it was like Kai could not hear the words of the boy and kept running. She reached the oak tree and ran right behind it, she put her hands on her ears and curled up like a ball. The boy approached her silently, it was as if time had stopped, he gave her his hand and said "Little wild cat, it's okay now."

As she looked up, a tear went down her face as she found a feeling of comfort, the boy hugged her gently and said "shhh… it's okay now no need the cry." The boy's parents came right after. "Aubry, why were you in such a rush and why did you punch that man." They then spotted Kai "Oh my what do we have here." As Aubry explained to his parents, that Kai was being chased. His parents said " Oh, my how horrible, dear how

about we buy you some clothes then we can figure out what to do." Kai nodded, stood up then Aubry's mom brought her to a shop near the store as they saw the kidnapper getting arrested. It turned out he had more cases then this one, as they entered the store they found a lovely short white dress with red roses attached to it. Everyone stared at Kai one again as she tried the dress, her hair with two braids starting from the side of her head then being tied loosely up at the back. She looked like a white angel that descended from the sky, no one could take their eyes off her. As they reached Aubry and his father, his mother said "look at this gorgeous young lady". They were both in shock how a small girl turned so lovely in just 20 minutes. Aubry smiled as he reached his hand to Kai "Is my little wild cat, better now". Kai took his hand and said "Yes I am, thank you, My name is Kai." "I see, my name is Aubry." Aubry's mother and father were in shock, "Aubry has never voluntarily given his hand to a girl in all his life, this girl must be something." They smiled at each other as they watched Aubry and Kai, "Well then, shall we be off ?" Kai answered with a smile "sure!" She knew if she were to go back home everything would go back to how it was. Her parents were always abroad, she had no siblings and the people that took care of her were very mean. "If this is a dream I want it to last an eternity" she thought. As she entered Aubry's car, Aubry sat in the back as his parent's sat in the front. She entered the left side of the car, as Kai sat in the car she was a bit drowsy and wanted to sleep. She leaned on Aubry's shoulder and whispered "thinks for saving me," Aubry smiled as he patted her gently on the head as she fell asleep.

When she woke up she was back in her bed at home, "wow that dream felt so real." Then she went back to sleep.