
Mech: LOCK IN!

Shinobi_Of_Nairobi · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1

"We had no chance, what...what were we thinking?" Asked a soldier entranced by the massacre before him. Ruins and wastelands of what was once his home city, crushed by a few stomps from the overwhelming massive kaiju that reigned it's terror all over the place. His comrades had been flattened not by the creatures...feet, but by the debris that was flang into the air every time it took a step. The soldier dropped his rifle as he stared at the monster. It looked like a golem made of rocks and flesh. It's outter covering was course and shell like to protect the relatively soft interior. The giant crevices allowed one to see the disgusting amalgamation of flesh that hid underneath. It had four limbs and used the two upfront to break and crush everything on sight.

The soldier, so small that this behemoth couldn't even notice his presence, stood there as it lifted it's food off the ground and over it over about sixty feet above him about to crush him with a step when...BOOOM!!

A giant robotic fist came in colliding with the creatures face changing it's course and saving the defeated soldier underneath. The creature fell back colliding with a sky scrapper and breaking its top half off with it's upper body. It's aggressor exposed itself to be a mech robot, standing at one hundred and thirty metres tall. The mech stood in a boxing stance with its right arm still extended into a cross.

Inside the head of the mech was it's pilot, Kel Mullah. A mech pilot and soldier who's specialties revolved around kaiju extermination. He wore a black and tight skin suit with lines of light travelling along it's surfaces. Along his spine and connected to his limbs and neck was an metallic exo skeleton that through LED light&like wires connected to the control surfaces of the mech allowing him to interact with it and act as it's brain.

"You have to be the most oblivious one of these fucks," said Kel pulling back his arm to a neutral boxing stance, the mech followed his movements instantly. It had a kinect sensor that allowed it to copy and execute the movements and commands of the pilot.

The creature, using it's fore limbs got up and turned to Kel. It roared in rage before charging at him. The behemoth standing at one hundred and fifty metres, even Kel's mech was dwarfed, but then again, it was never about the size of the dog in this fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. He stood there calculating his next move, waiting for an opportunity to react to. The kaiju was massive and strong but Kel was more agile and smarter. As it reached him, it swang it's right arm at him, he ducked under it sliding over behind the attack. He then stomped on its right knee breaking it. The creature let out a loud groan in pain as it genuflected. Kel however wasn't going to allow it time to cry about it's broken knee, he immediately followed up the attack with a strong descending right hook. The creature fell down to a crouch position, both knees on the ground.

Kel then dashes in for another blow but the kaiju saw him coming, "Shit," he muttered as it swang a back handed attack at Kel who quickly reacted, blocking it by crossing his forearms into an X. The kaiju's strength was overwhelming and threw Kel back rolling once before using his right fingers to brake and prevent further motion. Literal gulleys left behind by the fingers of the mech.

"Damn it Mullah! I told you not to parry, that mech is a prototype, if you tank anymore attackes it'll fall apart!" Said Dr Bright Lemuel. The lead mech engineer who had worked on the very armor that Kel was using to fight this beast. He stood watching the fight from an army base hundreds of miles away. In the same room were army generals and mech engineers with their asses clenched and fingers crossed hoping Kel would be able to handle this extinction level threat.

"Lucky shot, he won't catch me lacking again," replied Kel.

Menacingly the kaiju crawled towards him, it's right leg dragged along the miniature sized infrastructure. Upon reaching Kel it swang another attack but he saw it and weaved back dodging it. He then threw a left jab then a right cross throwing the creature back falling onto a building. It shook it's head trying to shake off the disorientation from Kel's calculated blows but on turning towards Kel it was met by a strong push kick to the head breaking through the building it hand fallen onto. The impact leaving a crack through it's helmet of a skull. Still staggering on the ground Kell appeared through the dust and debris charging towards it before jumping into the air and dropping down on its head with a strong right punch that crushed it to oblivion. What probably is brain matter mixed with it's exo skeleton splattered around the mech's fist.

"Kaiju eliminated," said Kel before getting up. The rears of the generals back at the base relaxing and dropping down as they let out sighs of relief. A few moments later he was back at the base, he walked the mech into the hanger where a few others stood. He alighted the mech through the left side of it's head.

Dr Bright was there waiting for him with medics. The medics rushed to him but he stopped them informing them he was alright and didn't need their attention.

"That was foolish of you," reprimanded the lead engineer staring at Kel who hardly seemed bothered by this. Kel stopped on reaching two feet infront of Bright.

"I did my job, killed the kaiju, now outta my way," said Kel.

"I told you not to parry it's attacks," said Bright agitated.

"No, you said I should try and AVOID direct contact with it's attacks, key word, TRY. And in any case, what kinda dumbass engineer builds a machine that doesn't have bracing against potential damage. Do your work properly because clearly I'm doing mine," said Kel as he walked past the engineer.

A while later he was out of the base and taking a stroll in Pine City, one among a couple that made the county of Ryward so large in nature. Out here, he didn't have his futuristic jump suit, nor did he have the exo skeleton, just dad duds; blue jean trousers, a black t-shirt and brown leather jacket. He had short black hair and a trimmed beard. His skin was caramel and his eyes were dark brown.

His phone began to ring, he took it out and checked the caller, it read Dante. In a rush he picked it.

"Aye son!" He greeted the caller in excitement.

"Hello," greeted his son from the other side of the line.

Kel could hear the lack of interest in his tone,but he was excited that his son had called him. He maintained his unusually bright energy.

"How are ya? How's school?" He proceeded to ask the boy.

"It's fine, I'm fine. I need some money for a school project," Dante asked his father.

"Right, I'll send you some right now,"

"How mu..." Dante ended the call cutting him short. He had subtle disappointment on his face, one that only those who'd known him for a while and shared an ample amount of sentiment would be able to tell. He loved his boy, cared about him a lot. Events prior to this conversation had created a great rift between father and son. One that had been fueled by the spite his ex-wife had for him. She's not entirely to blame but, she was a catalyst that had taken part in causing the current outcome of the situation. After a few selections and mushing on his phone he'd sent his son a sum, guessing the amount would be enough.

He walked the streets of their city, the light pollution so rampant it looked like day time for the most part. People walked every which way minding their own business, him adding a grain to the pile of sand. Finally reaching his not favorite but convenient bar, he walked in. As expected, there were drunks, waitresses and escorts all over the place.

He walked over to an empty table and almost immediately a tender walked to him, he made his order and sat there waiting. From one of the corners of the bar was a young lady, stalking him...sort of. A short while after the waitress leaving she walked up to him. Like him, she was melanated but her tone was darker. She was of course pretty with dark brown eyes drenched in remorse and a tinge of shame. She had a fur coat on her with black pants.

"I'm not interested," blurted Kel as soon as she reached his table. His eyes weren't even on her, they were focused on the table as if there was something interesting on the monocolored surface that he rested his hands on.

"But, you don't even know why I'm here," she said to him in a relatively surprised voice.

"You're an escort?" He asked her raising his eyes to look at her. Up close, she was actually really pretty, a realization that came to him but wasn't enough to coerce him into anything. She nodded her head twice looking away in shame.

"Hmm, like I said, not interested," he said to her.

"Please, I need this, I have a child to feed," she said to him pleading in a remorseful whisper. Puppy dog eyes that glimmered under the sunset-like tinge of the bars interior lighting. A pout like frown on her face making her adorable and harder to resist.

"Guilt tripping, must be a new technique on the market. There's dozens of men in this place who would pay good coin to get into your pants, why won't you just go for them?" He asked her.

"Because..." She said then stopped as if rethinking what she was about to say.

"Because?" He asked her raising his left eye brow.

"Because you seem, less, feral," she said to him.

He chuckled a bit, "Feral? So you profiled me. What the hell? You realize I could be a serial killer? I could take you to the parking lot out side and gut you," he chuckled once again then took out his wallet saying, "You know what, you made me laugh so here's some coin for ya, go buy your daughter some food."

"Thank you," she said taking the money quick and spreading it between her fingers to count it. The shame on her face sublimed leaving joy behind, " And I have a son, not a daughter." She added as she walked away.

"Whatever, " he said to her as his drink was delivered to his table. A large bottle of whiskey with a shot glass on top of a platter.