
Chapter 5 Let god decide

Suddenly, the pianist played a few notes, and the audience here stopped talking in a tacit understanding and turned to face the stage. There was no conductor in this performance, but the man sitting on the left side of the stage kicked off with a solo.

The name of the suite for this performance is "Dream Paris", which is divided into six chapters, namely "Morning-Dimly Seen", "DayTime-Daylight", "Noon-Coffee Scent", "Evening-Twilight" , "Night——Starlight" and the final chapter "MY Heart Dream Paris".

"Very authentic music, the Parisian style has been integrated." Tanisha glanced at the concert hall advertisement in the hands of another guest in front of the bar, and she squinted slightly at the figure above.

This person is...

Looking up at the person who was engrossed in the notes, the memory of him was a little back.

"So it's you! Fortunately, my violinist." At this moment, his eyes on the stage glanced at this, Tanisha raised his wine glass to greet the chief violin man, regardless of whether he could see it or not.

As time passed by, the tune reached the third chapter. With wonderful music, the wine glasses on the bar have already bottomed out, and the people by the cup sink themselves into the hall of writing.

At this moment, her poems are born for music and for moving.

My Heart Dream Paris, her poetic heart, drunk Paris.


"How is it? Not bad!" After the performance, Hadwin sent away three other performers. They were already familiar and sat at the same table, enjoying the sumptuous lunch served by the tavern owner. After all, this concert gave him a lot of income increase.

"You are humble. It is not only good, it is perfect and impeccable." Although she likes to play with words, he is always not stingy with the compliments he should have.

"Thank you for the compliment." He toasted to each other with wine, and the crisp sound of collision knocked out the first spark of the two encounters again and again.

"Miss. Tanisha."

"Huh?" Tanisha, who was drinking, responded in a single tone, asking with the slight mineral flavour of Chablis, known as "oyster wine."

"If I remember correctly, you should be the female writer who won the National Literature and Art Award in the novel category for a novel "Three Years, Six Months and Seven Days" in your junior year, right?"

"So everyone only remembers me back then!" Some self-deprecating put down the glass, she continued to enjoy the luxurious seafood meal. "Personally, I prefer the collection of poems published later!"

"No wonder your ability to control words is so good, you have made me ashamed several times."

"It's okay, Mr. Hadwin's violin skills also make me feel ashamed, violin master." She responded with a smile.

"I thought I should be well-known." He sighed, chewing the food on the plate somewhat discouragedly.

"You think too much, except for politicians and celebrities. Other celebrities are not famous. Even if Yo-Yo Ma comes out to go shopping, there are not many people who can recognize him." Hmm! The salmon is really fried, and the oysters next to it are also good.

"You are humble. It is not only good, it is perfect and impeccable." Although she likes to play with words, he is always not stingy with the compliments he should have.

"Thank you for the compliment." He toasted to each other with wine, and the crisp sound of collision knocked out the first spark of the two encounters again and again.

"Miss. Tanisha."

"Huh?" Tanisha, who was drinking, responded in a single tone, asking with the slight mineral flavour of Chablis, known as "oyster wine."

"If I remember correctly, you should be the female writer who won the National Literature and Art Award in the novel category for a novel "Three Years, Six Months and Seven Days" in your junior year, right?"

"So everyone only remembers me back then!" Some self-deprecating put down the glass, she continued to enjoy the luxurious seafood meal. "Personally, I prefer the collection of poems published later!"

"No wonder your ability to control words is so good, you have made me ashamed several times."

"It's okay, Mr. Hadwin's violin skills also make me feel ashamed, violin master." She responded with a smile.

"I thought I should be well-known." He sighed, chewing the food on the plate somewhat discouragedly.

"You think too much, except for politicians and celebrities. Other celebrities are not famous. Even if Richard Clayderman goes out shopping, there are not many people who can recognize him." Hmm! The salmon is really fried, and the oysters next to it are also good.

"Really? Then why in America, every time I go out, people chase me, making me always dodge, and sometimes I have to pretend to be a pervert?" Hadwin asked casually while cutting the steak.

"I think those people are not chasing your musical achievements, but your appearance. They will chase you, probably because they want your number!"

The ridicule in her words is obvious.

"Thank you for your reminder! Honest lady." Hadwin took a sip of soup, and Hadwin couldn't accept that his talent was inferior to his appearance.

In any case, he is also an internationally renowned violinist, not just a man with only appearance.

"Ah! I almost forgot."

Putting down the knife and fork, Tanisha took out the pamphlet, tore off one of the pages and handed it to him.

"Thank you for letting me spend a beautiful morning, a little gift, and please help me."

Hadwin lowered his head, and there was a poem on paper.

"For me?"

"Well! I wrote while listening to the performance. It should be of a certain level."

"Your literary attainments are so good, no matter how you write, you have a standard." How can a talented literary woman who writes an essay give away a work that she thinks has failed?

"Thank you for your love." Her smile became warmer, and she was no longer as professional as before.

"This is really bad, am I going to write a song back to you?"

"If you want, I'm happy to accept it."

Putting away the poem, Hadwin paused. "So, when can you come out and sit down again when you have time, Miss?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I'm here for vacation. If there is no major accident, I will be free every day." With the gentle jazz music, the atmosphere in the pub is slightly ambiguous. "It's just that Mr. Hadwin simply wants to chat with me on wine tasting, or does he have any intentions?"

"This doesn't seem to be the first time Miss. Tanisha has positioned me as a man with other intentions."

"It's just that our current relationship is very strange, as if the heavens insisted on getting us together, so that we met in a series of chance encounters."

"In this way, if we don't meet up, maybe we will meet in some corner of Paris!"

"Maybe! Paris is not that small, and it is not really that big. If we didn't leave, there would still be a chance to meet."

"You don't seem to like dating man? I don't dare to brag about how good I look, but this look will attract some people. I haven't met an insulator like you in a long time."

"You can't say that. Maybe if we meet a few times, I will start to have a good impression of you."

"Is that right?"

"After all, fate is also an important factor in the formation of a relationship. Don't the heroes and heroines in many famous books have met through successive encounters, and then fell in love with each other?"

"Sounds really interesting. Why don't we travel separately. If we meet one day, I will give you the song that I wrote."

"Yeah! Let's experience the power of fate!" Tanisha smiled brightly and quietly concealed something in her heart. These days, she will stay in her residence, sorting out the poems written a few days ago, and by the way help Yelena sort out the paintings that piled up the house.

Then, she will set off to Italy, she won't have time to hang out, and the ingredients in the refrigerator are enough for her and the neighbors next door to eat before leaving.

But before taking the flight to Italy, she also wanted to visit Sirena's parents by the way, say goodbye to everyone, and send some words back to America by the way. I believe the two should never have a chance to see each other again.

In conscience, apart from the dizziness of his amber eyes, in fact, she still likes the noble violinist, and being able to meet him is probably a charming urban episode.

The two ate and talked, time passing unconsciously.

Rarely, it didn't rain on this day.


If you suddenly ask me

Why write poems

Why not do something

Something useful

Then i don't know

How to answer

I beat and beat day and night like a goldsmith

Just to extend the pain into

Gold ornaments as thin as cicada wings

I don't know how hard it is

Turn the source of grief into

Shiny and soft words

Is there also a kind of

Beautiful value