
Chapter 4 Nothing wrong

"One time unfamiliar, second time familiar."

"Three times I had to bow my head to fate."

The wet umbrella was not put away, and a string of water drops dripped under the canopy in front of the tavern.

"It's nice to meet you, Miss. Tanisha."

"It's an honor to meet again, Mr. Hadwin."

Pushing open the door, the elegant piano melody flows through the universe.

Jardinssousla Pluie, the rain garden of Debussy. The name of the song flashed through Hadwin's heart.

The pianist in the tavern seemed to enjoy the cold and gloomy weather, using his fingers to exaggerate the comfort and tranquility in his chest.

"It's a coincidence, why is it raining every time I meet you?"

"Maybe God thinks this is more romantic."

After entering the bar, they tacitly chose to sit at the same table.

"I hope so." The cocktails ordered by the two were delivered, her White Russian and his Green Alaska.

After taking a sip of the wine she ordered, she took out the manuscript paper from the backpack beside her, and she began to write.

Taking a sip of the wine he ordered, taking out the violin from the waterproof bag, he began to tune.

The silent space has only the sound of the piano, mixed with a little faint violin string, and there are no other guests in the deserted bar, making it an exclusive place for the two.

The urban rhythm in the morning is monotonous, and some sentence patterns are enough to describe it all.

With the end of the Debussy Rainy Garden, the pianist changed to Chopin's Raindrop Prelude, and the pure melody matched the rain scene outside, forming a harmonious interlacing of thoughts.

"When I finish playing this song, bring me a glass of Tequila Sunrise." Holding the violin, Hadwin said to the bartender who cleaned the utensils behind the bar.

The pianist took the score he handed over, tried several passages, and nodded to indicate that he could start.

The charming timbre of the violin blends with the piano accompaniment, echoing in the morning light:

Like Apollo, the sun god who is good at playing lyre in Greek mythology, Tanisha discovered for the first time that men can also be so radiant, in confident eyes and elegant posture.

Suddenly there was inspiration in her mind, and she covered the manuscript with the tip of her pen, sincerely jot down the touch at this moment.

The thread breaks and the beads fall, not in the jade plate but in my heart.

The sound of rain in the city is a song, quietly forgotten by the sound of the sun god...

If you are willing to listen, you will surely have a beautiful encounter in your life.

The music stopped and the bartender brought Tequila Sunrise.

Tanisha's glass was also empty at this time.

"How? Does it sound good?" Hadwin left the stage and came to her.

"It's a perfect performance, I can hear you put a lot of hard work and heart into this aspect."

"I said that this is a side business, but the location is not only here, I have been involved in almost all bars in various countries."

"Seeing that you enjoy this side business, even though there is no audience."

"Music is played for people who are predestined. If you are predestined, you can hear songs that move you."

"Do you think we are destined?" There was a slight smile in her eyes.

"Without fate, how can we meet again and again?"

"You can classify it as a coincidence." Tanisha thought it would relieve the yearning in her heart.

"I would rather believe that it is fate." He did not agree with her.

"Do you know? Some people say that wine will make lonely souls meet."

"Then I'm happy to toast the lonely lady a glass of wine to celebrate our meeting." He raised the wine and smiled lightly.

Tanisha looked at him for a while, raised the empty glass, and collided with his orange Tequila Sunrise.

"I know you are lonely too."

"Does your words contain any hints?" Hearing these words, he let a few thoughts float in his mind.

"What do you mean?" She didn't explain much. Whenever she got interested, she always talked roundly.

"I think that an artist is always lonely." Hadwin, who dedicated his soul to art like her, did not have any lustful thoughts.

She ordered the wine again. This time Tanisha changed to Fuzzy Navel, allowing the wonderful combination of peach fragrant liqueur and orange juice to dilute the whipped cream flavour of White Russian.

People always say that drinking is hurting the body, but for her, sometimes it hurts her heart if she doesn't drink.

"Want to listen to another song?" A guest came in between the words.

The rain outside gradually stopped, and the sky slowly brightened.

"Go! Lonely musician."

She raised her glass to applaud the destined person.

Paris, a true art paradise, with tolerance and liveliness, she takes in every traveler who comes here admirably.

Here, all dreams can be realized.


As the saying goes: one after another, there must be four. The fate between him and her is like a continuous rain in February. Although it is not vigorous, it continues to spread forward.

"Is it because Paris is too small or our magnetic field is too close, why do we meet you every time we go out?" Tanisha felt very helpless to meet the same person again.

"Miss. Tanisha doesn't seem to want to meet me." Even being dismissed, Hadwin's performance is still so noble and elegant, like a noble son in medieval Europe.

"Did you know? If I could meet up even when I went out to buy a bottle of milk, I would suspect someone was following me."

"Heh!" Responding with a chuckle, he neither admitted nor refuted.

"Moreover, it's all rainy days."

"It's amazing, isn't it? You can meet the same people in the same weather." Hadwin seems to have more romantic cells than her.

The hand holding the milk freezes slightly, and she can't help but mumble: "I always think where I have seen you, but I can't remember it after thinking about it. I admit that my ability to recognize people is very poor."

"In many novels, the relationship between the male and female protagonists is led by this sentence." Hadwin also picked up a dozen cans of beer.

"Sometimes I really wish that my memory is as good as Sirena." Tanisha looked very upset.

She often feels that this face is a bit familiar, and she vaguely thinks of a few names, but she can't get it together.

"Miss. Tanisha is sure we want to maintain the status quo and continue to chat in front of the freezer?"

"Nothing wrong."

Retracting the hand holding the milk, the two of them walked towards the counter together.

"Miss. Tanisha is free tomorrow morning? I will wait for you at the previous tavern."

After the checkout, the two stood chatting under the canopy in front of the store.

"What are you waiting for? Do you drink and chat with me?"

"Tomorrow I have a small concert at that pub, I want you to come and listen."

"Alright, I don't have any special plans tomorrow anyway." She found that the man in front of her had the aristocratic aristocracy as well as the aristocratic bossy. It seems that it is not easy to refuse his request.

"The time is ten o'clock in the morning. As usual, there should be no seats left around 9:30." Hadwin opened the black umbrella and turned to say goodbye to her. "Don't get up late, bye."

It was still raining, and Tanisha stood alone at the door of the store, stunned, thinking about how she could accept a man's invitation so easily.

Her past dating record was almost zero. The classmates in the previous department laughed and said that she was a heavenly fairy who could not eat human food.

However, today her long-sleeping heart of dust seems to have quietly awakened in this romantic city.


It stands to reason that the morning should not be the prime time of the pub.

But this pub next to a high-end residential area was abnormally full of people, with people having a glass of cocktails and whispering and talking about the schedule posted next to the bandstand.

There is no Mozart, and there is no Beethoven. All the tracks have not been heard before, and the author partially filled in a familiar name-Hadwin. Four chairs were placed on the stage. Except for the violinist who is also a composer, the list of performers is all French names.

Tanisha was not surprised. The European literary atmosphere is stronger than that of America. Such small concerts held in workshops generally have a certain audience group, and there are more people willing to perform. Music appreciation, which is regarded as high-end leisure in the Americas, is everywhere in cities and towns.

There is no room at the table, Tanisha chose to sit at the bar, anyway, the music is for listening, and sitting farther does not hinder appreciation.

At about 9:30, holding Snow Red decorated with red cherries, she saw five men in simple casual shirts walking towards the seats arranged early on the stage, and tuned in silently.

The chat continues to talk, the discussion continues to discuss, the people present are not quiet because the performers are on the stage. The waiter's complexion kept busy shuttled among the crowd, and the bartender continued to show off his skillful skills, bringing out glass after glass of gorgeous cocktails. Everything is no different from before they appeared.