
Chapter 3 we will meet again

The Eiffel Tower, standing under the blue sky, carries the glory of the citizens of Paris. The body that has been erected since 1889, after a hundred years of wind, frost and snow, still unswervingly vomits his pride to the sky.

Looking at the busy traffic under the tower, Tanisha on the tower looked depressed. In the city where people come and go, she is lonely, no matter the ends of the world.

Those who are related to her have gone and separated. Even Aunt Linnea, who has been taking care of her and growing up, is also married. This fact often makes her feel that she is unnecessary.

Her soul was lost in the city.

Except for two close friends from the same school and Flora, she rarely interacts with others. After seeing people's ostentation and hypocrisy, disappointment is the final answer.

The world is full of many hypocritical and lonely cities, and the cities are full of many lonely people. In the streets and lanes of the city, literati are more likely to feel lonely.

Pure literature seems to have come to an end in her hometown. The end of the road has reduced the number of works on the shelves, replaced by a new generation of writers backed by the media.

She is not a writer, and she chose to step into the lost pure literary empire, should it be her own wishful thinking!

Your mother will embark on the road of fashion design, it is her own wishful thinking. But she has no regrets, and always believes that she will get ahead in this business, so she did.

Aunt Linnea's words are still in my ears. In the same way, she hopes that her wishful thinking will allow her to break into this field and embroider the most profound artistic conception of literature.

"What a coincidence, I met you again."

Looking back, Tanisha saw the man who borrowed an umbrella from her yesterday.

"Yes! What a coincidence," she replied with a smile.

"Are you traveling alone? Yesterday and today, I saw you alone." Putting down the backpack on his shoulders, the man chose to look at the city with her leaning on the railing.

"Presumably you are too." She turned her face slightly, her untied long hair floating in the wind. At this moment, she looked like a fairy who had fallen into the mortal world, and she seemed to leave the world at any time.

"As you said, I like to wander alone."

"Wandering with a violin seems a bit cumbersome." He glanced at the thick pile of music in the hands of the person beside him, and saw his violin case hanging down on his left hand. Very temperamental man, Tanisha thought.

"It is my other half, without it, my heart will be flawed."

"In this case, your wandering is not considered lonely, but two people walking together."

"I found that your ability to control words is quite strong." This is definitely admiration rather than teasing.

"Thank you, professional dictates."

"Miss is a writer?" the man asked in surprise.

"It's very impolite to ask a stranger like this. Should I ask "Are you a musician?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean it."

"Basically it should be considered a writer! Anyway, it's just writing words and changing sentences." Tanisha said lightly, as if the disgust just now didn't exist at all. "What about sir? What is your occupation?"

"My main job is a music player, but occasionally I also write some pop songs or play accompaniment in bars."

"A very rich life, you must love your expertise very much."

"It is indeed." There are no general polite words of strange men and women meeting, there is no excitement of meeting and encounter, in the dull sky background, some are just plain answers.

After a brief silence, as if protesting the lack of romantic conversation between the two and slandering this beautiful city, the already gloomy sky of Paris began to rain.

Taking advantage of the rain in the city, Tanisha stared at the man, a faint sense of familiarity emerged in her heart.

"Are you a half-blood?" A handsome appearance, is this the first time anyone sees him? But to her, he is more than just looks. His whole body exudes a temperament of absolute elegance and arrogance, which is the main reason that makes him handsome and charming.

"My father is Italian, so I inherited some of the characteristics of the Latin." He straightened his brown hair tossed by the wind, mixed with black and brown. It looks like it's been highlighted, and you can't tell if you don't look closely. "How did you tell? I thought I inherited more characteristics from my mother."

"It's just a feeling. My mother also has a half-foreign ancestry. The feeling you give me is very similar to her. Moreover, your eyes are not blue or green. I don't think this is a genetic mutation."

"I heard that many girls like to have romantic love songs with mixed races. I usually wear contact lenses to cover up in order to prevent trouble." He explained with a smile.

"It's a pity that we are now in the foreigners' base camp. This protection measure can be avoided."

"Of course, I am not short-sighted, so why bother to toss myself with two pieces."

"Don't worry, I know a lot of handsome mixed-races like you, and you still can't arouse my interest." An example is Jelock Lathersis, an American-French high-class son and half-father of Sirena. The younger brother of Cprbt is currently the CEO of the most powerful group in France-Cprbt Group.

"Although your words hurt people, they make me feel relaxed." He blinked his amber eyes and replied.

"I just want to tell you, not every girl likes to be a nympho to handsome guys."

"Can you let me know your name?" He asked with a slight smile, and his nobility was undoubtedly revealed in his gestures. "I feel I can talk to you very well, I want to make friends with you."

"As mentioned before, it is impolite to ask a girl like this, and the questioner should state her name first." Without turning her head, she stared at Rain and replied.

The last time they met, it seemed to be a rainy day.



"Very poetic name."

"It happens to be suitable for this kind of day." Looking at the watch, Tanisha turned lightly to face the man. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Hadwin. Seriously, you are an eye-catching man. As for making friends, if we are destined, I believe we will meet again."

Picking up the bag, she left without nostalgia.

There is only one poetic name left.

"It's raining again." Tanisha murmured when she opened the curtains.

The faint sunlight outside the window seeps into the house, and the paintings hanging on the wall do not change its depression. Rain, in the winter in Western Europe, is as normal as the sun in the summer in New York.

The white mist was light and hazy, and I was watching the rain through the window.

After taking notes from the low cabinet beside the bed, and after writing down the verses floating in her mind, she was going to go downstairs to make breakfast.

At this moment, a figure outside the window appeared on the corner of the street, holding a black umbrella, and the rain and fog whitened the hurried figure. Turning and leaving the pace slowed down, she opened the notebook again, and continued to write a few lines of text.

Suddenly, the poet's rainy night passed by her eyes, and his back was a bit familiar.

Poetry is a reason without context, it appears in every moment of life.

After closing the book, Tanisha went downstairs to prepare supplies for the day's mental energy. Soon, the smell of bacon and the aroma of fried eggs floated out of the kitchen. The coffee machine chuckles the brown beans and spreads the charming fragrance heartily, and two breakfasts are neatly placed on the table.

As she served her coffee, the door ring rang, a visitor with messy hair, slippers, and an unconscious face. Without waiting for the owner, he opened the door and entered the house with the key, and went to the table to eat his share.

"Really punctual! Andreide."

Tanisha sat down to eat without surprise.

"Hey, I live next door! If you have free, of course you have to come and eat it early. Unlike the demon of Teana, who only tempts me with aroma." Well, this coffee is indeed a high-end product, and the taste is different.

"Are you normal? You don't become a doctor, you go to be a gambler." Two dissidents who don't do their jobs get together. It really should be designated as a danger zone, and a sign indicating that strangers should not enter.

She seriously suspects that the medical education in the United States and foreign countries has failed too much, and all the first-class talents have run out. Otherwise, who would know that the man in front of him stays at home all day playing stocks, or he would fly to Las Vegas to gamble and gamble. He doesn't win a sloppy man who doesn't go home with hundreds of thousands of dollars. Is the most powerful heart surgery authority?

If you want to get him for surgery, you need someone to contact him, and he can only be moved if he is happy!

Sending away a bunch of people, there will be a bunch of people coming to bother me soon. "

"Yeah! I think Las Vegas is about to list you as a denial of business."

"It's okay, I can go to Macau, or Morocco will be closer." It seems Teana didn't say anything. Everyone still doesn't know that he has another more profitable side business.

"I'm too lazy to stand up against you, I'm going out after breakfast."

"Please, just remember to come back before dinner. I want to go back to see today's stock market." After eating the food quickly, Andreide flashed back to the next room with his head in the chicken coop, completely action-oriented.

Tanisha shrugged noncommittal, anyway, she and Yelena have been together long enough, she can bear this kind of weird person.

Quickly clean up the desktop and put on warm clothes. Tanisha, who visited Paris for the first time in winter, finally understood why Sirena could wear short sleeves in the winter when she was in America.

Compared to here, America is much warmer.