
Me In dxd | Fanfic | High School dxd

Well, he had been reincarnated into the world of DxD. To lead a normal life. . . .What? What did they expect, save the world from a multiversal threat? No mate, I'm not that kind of person.

Fanficnoob69 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1: A Normal Presentation

I didn't like school and other things that are called obligations, but a Deity for some strange reason forced me to live a normal life in a world full of Devils, Angels and Fallen Angels. How ironic, right?

Although I didn't give a shit, I had a new opportunity to live in a world where I wasn't going to be in the same place forever, believe me, it sucks being with that guy.

The students continue to talk about trivial things in their lives, why the teacher hadn't come in their classroom yet.

But that didn't mean leaving my seat, because after all, in the anime Sona was one of the representatives of how the student president of the school, and he knew better than anyone how Sona was with that command.

I sneaked a look at my fellow demon. . .

He had to admit that she was extremely beautiful.

She looked like a college student and in the same grade as me, she could probably pass as a student by the end of the year.

But she looked like a grown woman.

"I can feel your gaze for more than 3 minutes, if you continue like this I can report you for bullying."

"I was just watching you for half a second and you already want to accuse me of bullying? Besides, I just want to start a conversation until the teacher comes to the classroom, can I?"

Hearing nothing from the girl, not even a denial, I began to prepare myself.

"Well, let me start by telling you a little bit about myself. I don't like sports, but I don't hate any sports either. I don't have many friends, as you can see, but that doesn't mean. That I'm bad at making friends. That's some of my stuff . . ."

"You sound like a student who doesn't want to pursue any trouble that could harm your life. It could be said that you just want to be a normal student and make friends, right?"

"I feel like someone has seen through me to get as much information as possible. Please don't do this again."

"I understand, but I don't think it will come true."

"He even lies a bit to make me feel better, doesn't he?"

"No, this is who I am. I would just lie about something that is too important to me."

Without saying another word, he took out his backpack to take out some of his belongings. However, what caught my attention the most was the fact that she had taken out a book to start reading, not bothering that she was looking at her. The book was nothing less than how to learn more moves in the game of chess. . . . Yes, Sona was addicted to that boring game, but on the positive side, no one can marry her until she beats him in that game and that was an impossible challenge.

Looking around the class, I could see that the students went about their business, that means hanging out with their friends. . . .

The only person or demon available would be Sona, but I'm sure she'll either try to ignore my presence or switch to a short topic so she won't talk to me anymore. Though. . . Shouldn't you be with a demon best friend like Tsubaki?

Almost at the same time that I was about to go into deep thought, the door slammed and a woman entered the classroom.

At first glance, she seemed to be a teacher you would only find in a fairly strict academy. . . or we are in a famous academy. She will surely have her 28 years old, along with the beautiful light purple hair of hers.

"Good morning young students. My name is Tamae Okamine and I am in charge of this class this year. I teach history and geography. You also have to know that they have put some rules in the academy, like the class will not allow any student to change classes, so in the coming years, I hope to get to know you better. Greetings. For now, the teachers can't be in an important meeting meeting, so I'm going to distribute the list of the rules that they should follow if they want to be in this school."

Then the teacher went to each folder to give a list of norms or rules to follow in this school, and she could also see some rules that were painted in red. . . . Surely those were the most important rules to follow.

Come to think of it, she had never seen or heard of any rules they could follow before. Oh, it was because they excelled more at supernatural things and women's breasts.

Although it was no problem to follow rules that he would never break.

Heck, there was even a rule that if 25 students accused of something really bad and had no proof to defend themselves that they could be expelled.

"Now is my time to go along with the other teachers. I hope that each one of you will carefully review the sheet that I have just given you, I am sure that in the future it will save your academic life. Be careful and please behave like responsible students."

If we think more clearly about the words of the teacher, the academy can be a very dangerous place to talk to us about this subject and give us some cards that are signed with her name.

Something told me that Sona Sitri had done something to Kuoh Academy, this was nothing like the anime.

Looking to my side, where my demon partner was, I could see a small smirk on her face. Had she planned something with the school? After all, she had bought Kuoh academy herself, or had Rias bought the academy?

"Well, does anyone have any questions before I go."

Okamine-Sensei looked around the room, getting no response from anyone.

"It seems that no one has any questions. Well then, please lead a good student life."

Many of the young students did not give it importance and continued with their own.

"This seems to be a strict school after all, right?"

He was talking to myself, but Sona was looking in my direction and must have thought he was talking to her.

"Certainly a school should have pretty big rules so that students don't do something stupid."

Although I knew 95% that she was to blame for all this, I could only nod my head as she looked at the new class students conversing among themselves again.

Now, I have to think of a way to not get into the supernatural and not meet any devil students in this school, the only thing I don't want is to talk to another devil.

"You should stay out of it."

Hearing Sona's words coming out of her mouth made my skin tingle a little.

I think it was better to remain ignorant to the details of the school and Sona.

Because Sona was a more cunning and intelligent demoness than Rias, her next moves might be unpredictable for the school and me.

"Why don't we get out of school? The teacher herself said she was going to be on more unfinished business. That means we're free!"

"Umm. You're right, where should we go to celebrate our first day of friendship?"

After the teacher left the room, the students, who were really restless to go out of the room to talk.

"Attention, please. Can everyone listen to me for a few minutes?"

A homeroom student raised his hand to try to speak and get the attention of all classes.

She had natural light blue hair and seemed to be that student who is the leader of the class and popular with the girls. Although he also seemed to be a good boy.

"From today, all of us will be partners for the next few years. Therefore, it would be great if all of us introduced ourselves and made friends. We have too much time for some words, what do you think?"

Wow. . . . I never expected a student to have the courage to say such words in the middle of a class of complete strangers. Even most of the students have my same thoughts.

"I agree with you! After all, none of us will have enough time to make friends one by one. I'm even sure that in 5 weeks some of us won't know the name of some classmates"

After the first few people agreed, the previous students more confidently agreed.

"My names is Akemi Tanaka. Since at my other school they always gave me nicknames, you are free to give me one if you want. I also like soccer and I plan to continue playing. That's all, I'm in your care."

The young man who showed how calm and impeccable the class presented himself did the presentation for him.

Really the guy too many guts. He gave one of the best presentations he had ever heard before and kept an honest smile throughout his speech. He was too sure that his popularity had been heard so quickly.

Looking at the girls in the classroom, my suspicions were correct, all the female students had hearts in their eyes. He is possibly the popular kid in the classroom, and even in the whole school.

He will probably be a casanova of women and will surely get the most beautiful girl in the classroom.

"Well, that was my introduction... so who wants to introduce themselves in front of everyone?"

Feeling polite and imperative, Tanaka asked someone to come out and introduce himself.

Although the classroom was silent for a few minutes, a girl's hand was raised in front of everyone.

She was a black-haired girl and was apparently trembling from all the gazes directed at her.

"M-My name is Suzuki Ic-I

Apparently, her words wouldn't come out of her mouth as she tried to look at the ground.

Either his mind went blank or he couldn't find the words. When the words didn't come out of his mouth, his face turned red. It was an extremely rare thing to see an anime girl blush in the first person.

"You can do it."

"Okay, don't rush."

It was the kind words from the girls sitting next to her and then most of the women cheered her on. But apparently she was having the opposite effect.

I mean, when a lot of unknown people cheer you on, it's obvious that she was embarrassed.

The silence lasted 10 seconds, then about 30 seconds. It was obvious that the pressure for the girl was too much.

Little giggles are heard throughout the classroom that are completely silent. The girl was paralyzed with fear. But a girl spoke to him.

"Go slow, this isn't some kind of pop quiz, okay?"

Those words seemed to affect her, because she nodded at the girl. She before her turned to look at all the young people in the vision of her.

After regaining her composure a bit, she breathed in and out to calm herself.

After that action, the girl began to speak.

"My name is Suzuki. . . Ichika. My hobby is cooking in my free time. Thank you!"

Since he began his presentation he had a pause and then said it without stopping.

Right now the girl had a relieved and slightly embarrassed expression before sitting down before her introduction.

Thanks to the help of the girl who cheered her up, Suzuki's introduction to her ended without a hitch. After that, the presentations of the other students follow.

Every student was doing perfectly. Hell, I'm going to be nervous when it's my time to introduce myself. Just imagine all the students looking directly at me, but I had to do it. . . I had to make new friends, and this is an easy way to make friends and not spend the whole year alone.

Most of the students finished their presentations after saying the important thing about a presentation.

Of course, not that it was the best performances. Just in case, I wasn't criticizing any presentation.

He just wanted to feel good accomplishing himself before giving his presentation.

Although, what should I say? Should I talk like Kumagawa? No, the way she is will only bring me more trouble.

Should I make a joke before I finish my presentation?

No, the jokes were never mine. The tension in my body only increased as the students gradually finished speaking.

I was not social.

"So, the next one is. . . ."

A smack of the lips echoed throughout the classroom. Those present and Sona who had lowered her book looked at the person responsible.

The young man had a penetrating gaze.

He had dark red hair and seemed to be the typical young man who bullies the protagonist and his personality was not helping him too much.

"Are you idiots? We're not elementary school kids anymore to introduce ourselves, leave me alone."

The redhead looked at Tanaka. The tension increased rapidly.

"I can't force you to introduce yourself. But I don't think it's childish, believe me, you'll be able to get along better with all of us. If you think I'm being unpleasant in your eyes, I apologize."

After looking at the apology he just made to the redhead, some of the girls began to look at him and not with good eyes.

"It's just an introduction, there's nothing wrong with that, right?"

"Yes, yes, there is nothing wrong!"

Well this was an obvious thing to happen, all the girls were defending the blue haired boy. My idea was true, it attracted the attention of all the girls.

The redheaded boy just got up from his seat to go out the door. Some guys also did the same action as the first one. They probably wouldn't want to waste their time with a presentation. Sona also gets up from his seat.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself to the others?"

He looked in my direction to shake his head, he also waited a few seconds looking at me. She seemed to think that she was going to leave me too, when I was about to speak, she had just walked out of the room.

This is sad. . . .

"They are not bad people. I am also to blame for asking them to stay without their consent. That was selfish of me."

"Tanaka-kun didn't do anything wrong. Let's leave those people alone."

Even though some students left after they didn't show up. The others just followed.

Well, now I can improve my way of speaking, there are not too many people like before. I can communicate better.

Irony, right?

To think that I have a new opportunity, I have seen God with my own eyes and here I am concerned about how I am going to make new friends.

I just wanted to have my old life, and this is the best way to recreate it.

"Um... the next person... please introduce yourself."


My turn had come while I was lost in thought. Many of the students were looking at me wanting to listen to my presentation. Why do they look at me with those faces? Do you know I'm going to screw up?

Oh well, I'll have to improvise.

"Uh, well, name is... Kumagawa Misogi. He, er... I don't have anything in particular that makes me stand out, um... I'm going to do my best to get along with all of you, uh, a pacler." meet him. I guess that's it."

After that presentation, I quickly sat down in my seat. Everyone present fell silent, none of them spoke.

I've failed, haven't I?

The only thing he could do was bury my face against my desk. My student life went to hell.

My presentation was excessively boring for others and surely no one will remember it.

"Nice to meet you Misogi-kun. I also hope to get along with everyone, so let's do our best." Tanaka said with a sincere smile.

The other students began to applaud. It was obvious that everyone was trying to make me feel better.

At the same time I was feeling like trash, they were just clapping out of pity.

But . . for some strange reason it made me feel better.