
Me and my beautiful AI

In the year 4090, the Earth lies in ruins and abandoned. A catastrophic battle between a demon and a god that decimated the planet. Amidst of this desolation, a 25-year-old man named David is transported from the modern world of 2024 to the apocalyptic landscape of the future. Nearly killed by monstrous creatures, David is saved by Yuna, a beautiful AI girl, who was alone after the disaster on planet a thousand years ago. After understanding the situation through Yuna's explanation, Devid is determined to grow stronger and enjoy his new life. David and Yuna embark on a journey to the BioLab to find gene evolution facility. After gene evolution, they go through rigorous training regimen. Through their efforts, David and Yuna not only enhance their physical and mental capabilities but also forge a deep bond of trust and camaraderie. Together, they face challenges and emerge victorious. they explore and find a big kingdom, surrounded by walls to the East side of the earth. there, they join magic academy and learn magic while facing challenges and making new friends. Eventually, they find a access of the teleportation gate or stabilized wormhole. With that their journey towards the distant planets begins.

methestranger · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Chapter 3: Awakening and Misunderstandings

David's senses slowly returned to him as he felt the cold, hard surface beneath him. His eyes fluttered open, and he squinted against the dim light filtering into the room. His body ached all over, a dull reminder of the previous day's chaos. As his vision cleared, he realized he was in an unfamiliar place, a makeshift shelter cobbled together from remnants of old human technology and some devices he couldn't recognize.

He pushed himself up, wincing at the pain in his muscles. The room was small but filled with various machines and gadgets. Some looked like they belonged in a high-tech lab, while others seemed more rudimentary. He spotted a small cot, a table strewn with tools, and a glowing screen displaying streams of data. Where he saw, Earth, date 4090 AD written on it.

"Where am I?" David muttered to himself, trying to recall the events that led him here. The last thing he remembered was the monstrous creature and a blinding light.

As he was thinking, the door to the room slid open with a soft hiss, and a figure stepped inside. David's eyes widened as he took in her appearance. She was unlike anyone he had ever seen—tall and graceful, with an ethereal quality to her movements. Her long, silver hair cascaded down her back, and her eyes glowed with an unnatural light.

She approached him cautiously, holding a small device that emitted a soft hum. "I see you're awake," she said, her voice smooth and calming. "How are you feeling?"

David tensed, unsure whether to trust her. "Who are you? What is this place?"

"I am Yuna," she replied, extending a hand. "I am an AI created to assist and protect. You are in a shelter I maintain. Are you feeling alright?"

David hesitated before taking her hand, allowing her to help him up. "I think so. Just... a bit sore and confused."

Yuna guided David to a chair and began scanning him with the device. "You must be a survivor. It's rare to find someone still alive after all these years. How did you manage to stay hidden? How many are you there?"

David blinked, her words taking a moment to sink in. "Survivor? I don't understand. I'm not from here...not from this time."

Yuna's brow furrowed as she continued her scan. "What do you mean, not from this time? Are you suggesting you are from the past or future?"

David nodded slowly. "I was in my apartment, in the year 2024. There was this strange light, and then I woke up here. I don't know how or why."

Yuna's curiosity was piqued, but she remained skeptical. "2024? That's... over two thousand years ago. Are you sure you're not confused or suffering from some trauma?"

David shook his head, his frustration growing. "I know it sounds crazy, but it's the truth. One moment I was in my room, and the next I was in the middle of this wasteland."

Yuna studied him for a moment, then nodded. "Very well. I will need to run a few tests to verify your story. If you truly are from the past, there might be signs in your physiology or molecular structure."

Yuna led David to another part of the shelter, which seemed to serve as a laboratory. Various instruments and machines were arranged neatly on tables. She gestured for him to sit on a chair connected to several monitors.

As she began her detailed scans, Yuna couldn't help but feel a mixture of skepticism and intrigue. If David's story was true, it would explain the anomalies she had detected when she first found him. But it was hard to believe someone could travel through time, even with all the advancements she had witnessed.

The machines hummed and whirred as Yuna conducted her tests. Data streamed across the screens, revealing information about David's cellular structure and molecular composition. Yuna's eyes widened as she analyzed the results.

"These results... they show inconsistencies that match with temporal displacement theories. It seems you might be telling the truth," Yuna said, her voice tinged with awe.

David leaned forward, his heart racing. "So, what does that mean for me? How do I get back? Can I get back?"

Yuna shook her head slowly. "Temporal displacement is still largely theoretical, even in my time. The technology or event that brought you here is beyond my understanding. For now, you need to adapt to this world."

David sighed, realizing the enormity of his situation. "So, I'm stuck here," he muttered, more to himself than to Yuna.

Yuna placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "For now, it appears so. But you are not alone. I can help you learn to survive and understand the changes that have occurred. Together, we can navigate this new reality."

David looked up at her, a mix of gratitude and resignation in his eyes. "Thank you, Yuna. I guess we're in this together now."