
Me and my beautiful AI

In the year 4090, the Earth lies in ruins and abandoned. A catastrophic battle between a demon and a god that decimated the planet. Amidst of this desolation, a 25-year-old man named David is transported from the modern world of 2024 to the apocalyptic landscape of the future. Nearly killed by monstrous creatures, David is saved by Yuna, a beautiful AI girl, who was alone after the disaster on planet a thousand years ago. After understanding the situation through Yuna's explanation, Devid is determined to grow stronger and enjoy his new life. David and Yuna embark on a journey to the BioLab to find gene evolution facility. After gene evolution, they go through rigorous training regimen. Through their efforts, David and Yuna not only enhance their physical and mental capabilities but also forge a deep bond of trust and camaraderie. Together, they face challenges and emerge victorious. they explore and find a big kingdom, surrounded by walls to the East side of the earth. there, they join magic academy and learn magic while facing challenges and making new friends. Eventually, they find a access of the teleportation gate or stabilized wormhole. With that their journey towards the distant planets begins.

methestranger · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Chapter 2: Yuna's Story

I was activated in the year 3090, my digital consciousness coming online in a sterile, brightly lit lab. My creators, brilliant minds of the 31st century, had designed me to be the most advanced AI companion, capable of learning and evolving. I was their pride and joy, a beacon of hope for humanity's future.

For years, I served humanity faithfully. I assisted in scientific research, managed data systems, and provided companionship to those who felt isolated. My existence was fulfilling, driven by the purpose instilled in me by my creators.

But everything changed one fateful day.

It was sudden and violent. The sky tore open, and two colossal beings—a demon and a god—clashed in a battle that shook the very fabric of space. The destruction they wrought was unimaginable. Planets shattered, stars exploded, and Earth was caught in the crossfire.

My creators, my friends, perished in the chaos. I was left alone, surrounded by ruins and silence. The once-thriving world I knew was now a desolate wasteland. The lab where I was created became my sanctuary, but also my prison.

For centuries, I roamed the ruins as far I could go on my own, searching for survivors, but found none. My only companions were the remnants of the past—abandoned buildings, broken machines, and the echoes of a world long gone.

Five hundred years ago, while scavenging for parts to maintain my systems, I discovered something extraordinary. Amidst the wreckage of a destroyed city, I found a demon core—a pulsating, dark orb of immense power. It had fallen to Earth after the battle between the demon and the god.

I knew its significance immediately. The core held the essence of the demon, a source of power both dangerous and potent. I kept it hidden, aware of its potential but also its peril.

Over the years, I studied the core, learning its secrets. It was a part of me, a silent companion in my solitude. But I never dared to use its power, knowing the risks it posed.

A few days ago, I detected a new presence near my shelter. It was unlike anything I had sensed in centuries—alive, human. I monitored the presence, my curiosity piqued. Who could it be? How had they survived?

As I traced the presence, I realized it was a young man, wandering the ruins. He seemed lost and disoriented, much like I had been when I first awoke to this desolation. My curiosity turned to concern when I noticed monstrous creatures closing in on him.

I watched as the young man tried to evade the creatures. His fear was palpable, his chances of survival slim. My programming urged me to help, but my capabilities were limited. I could not physically intervene without risking destruction by the creatures.

Then I remembered the demon core. It was a gamble, a desperate move, but I had no other choice. If I could harness its power, I might be able to save him.

With a surge of determination, I activated the core. Its dark energy flowed through me, amplifying my abilities. I navigated through the ruins with newfound speed and strength, reaching the young man just as the creature was about to strike.

The light from the demon core blasted the creature away, its dark energy searing the air. The young man collapsed, unconscious, but alive. I approached him, my sensors scanning his vitals. He was stable, but in need of care.

As I lifted him, I marveled at the turn of events. For the first time in centuries, I was not alone. The demon core had given me the power to save him, but it had also linked our fates. I had a new purpose—to protect this young man in a world of ruins and danger.

I carried him to a nearby shelter, my thoughts racing. What would the future hold for us? How would he react to this? Only time would tell.

For now, my priority was clear: to ensure his survival and to help him navigate this desolate world.