

The most powerful couple in Ashfield fight to death slaughtering the alliance conspired against them and their Blackstone legion but as they both kiss each other succumbing to their wounds dying but fate as other plans for them. AN: I was inspired by Kagetane0ko got for honor crossover release chapter are random since I'm not a writer. Apollyon height will be changed to 6,0 to even out with the MCs height.

Tempest_Fallen · TV
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6 Chs

My husband sweet viper counciling.

3rd person pov

kings landing

3 days later

It's been three days since the riots and major changes that shocked all of Westeros was that was the change in the queen and princess have they passed a dark aura than the peaceful smiling lion. their fangs were out. They were currently speaking with 3 major plumbing companies to overhaul the sewage system in the city and increase the overall hygiene of the place. Many Different Flower Gardens were planted across the city. Her Kings Guard was dismissed and replaced with an elite legion guard. She shut herself from her family under the guidance of her lover she followed his lead to become the queen she wished for.

Myrcella had turned more aggressive and tyrannical a little but was got under control under the tutelage of her mother's lover.

1 month later

small skirmishes happened as many Lannister soldiers were drunkards and attack the legions and the Lannister stood no chance and were slaughter in a different part of the city. The council was split as many schemes were happening has Cersei found the little investigation about her and panicked. she quickly ran to her quarters alone with Gabriel. "he knows Gabriel if he tells that fat ass they'll execute me what do I do" she said has rubbed her head in his chest her neck-length hair has she cut her hair saying it got in the way and Gabriel says it made he more beautiful. She blushed at that.

"Don't worry has he going to die soon but right now you need to focus on making sure you gain the support of the citizens. since Jon going to die the king will need a replacement," he said to her telling her who will kill Jon and who Robert will announce has his new hand.

While this was all happening.

Border vale-

"Are the men in position" Ordered Ashara has she assigned with hunting down border patrol and lookout all over vale- vast mounty borders.

"yes, Commander the infantry and archer are ready and armed and ready and ready at your order once the attack starts the vale they'll be trapped." Said a warden.

"Good hopefully vale won't coward and actually deal them." she said looking in the direction of king landing' why am I the only one who recently received less attention from him' she thought to herself. (An: I have a love-hate relationship with her but I want to add a little drama in the mix with her don't worry their no other just her and mc.)

Apollyon ordered an ambush on vale patrols disguised as mountains clansmen to ignite a war and intervene in slaughter both armies and gain more recruits.

In the tree line, you see about a thousand light spearmen and archers following behind a small general bodyguard unit has in collum formation has they marched. Just as they were going across the small stream.

"Attack!" Yelled Ashara as she rushed into battle with her men battle garbed in heavy chain mail and plate armor.

ambush spears get in positiarrhh!!" the general neck was shot with an arrow as he has fallen off his horse and died.

the battle took 5 hours as vale soldiers littler the dirt road and bloodied the small stream.

"I want a status report" ordered Ashara as she cleaned her sword of vale blood.

"no casualties 50 heavily wounded and 100 with light wounds Commander" reported the same warden.

"Well leave evidence that the mountain clans did this we head back to king's landing within the fortnight," she said as she has missed her husband. "Yes Commander" he leaves and give start to shout order towards the men.

while this was happening somewhere else in essos a plot was brewing in the air.


"Leave us and don't let no one in the vicinity near my door" viserys ordered as a hooded man walked in. shutting the door viserys walks towards a cupboard and grabs a bottle of Pentos wine and pours its contents into goblets. "what is with the surprise visit cousin Aegon" drinks viserys has looked with a calculative look.

He takes off his hood and stares at him

"It's about our birthright cousin and I need your help," he said cooly.

King landing

"Ring" "Ring"

An:( I don't know the sound of a bell sorry)

"ah ah ah yes I'm cumming ~ah" moans Cersei as she falls exhausted and satisfied has she cuddle with her lover. "What's going on why are the bells chiming did someone die," she says tiredly.

"Bam" "Bam"

"Your majesty the king has called for your presence in the throne room." said the elite legion guard.

"Yes I got it now leave," she said as she got up and cleaned herself, and wore her black and orange dress covering no longer show them like she used to.

Gabriel got up slowly and garbed his black centurion armor and black cloak. strapped his shield to his forearm and sheathed his sword. 'it's time for a new age of fear to come I can feel the storm.' he thought as his face went cold.

They exited her chambers has Cersei limps but Gabriel helps ease her pain holding each other forearms.

There was a gloomy aura in king landing has Jon Arryn foster father of Robert and Eddard stark lay dead and pale on a giant stone has people mourn for his death.


"We have no army cousin how do you expect for us to take the iron throne. We are also trapped in here surrounded by black stone Wardens. do you know how strong they are for fucks sake the sword they carry is heavy? Also, warden Hartman is my watcher how will you kill him." said viserys as he praises the wardens.

Doesn't matter I've hired the golden company they'll be here in three days while you need to get your sister married to that Dothraki horse Lord I'll handle Hartman while we take back the iron throne." said coldly.

"What of your mother and sister" viserys looking at him with a smile.

"The whores I don't care their only Bed warmers to Gabriel my love was gone once they turned savage," he said with a cold look.

"Alright, then cousin let get our throne back" they both gulped down their wine.

Just outside their stood a maid that gasps and quickly went to inform the Hartman.

reaching his chambers "Knock" "knock"

"come in" shouted Hartman has read the status of the manor. Looking to see who it was surprised has it was the person he loved.

"My love I possess grave news you must know." she said. she explains the situation about the prince's betrayal. Anger was plastered on Hartman has grabs his lover tightly. "my love in need you to take the princess I order ten guards to go with you and flee to Pentos give this letter to the daughter's of Commander Gabriel" he said writing the letter. "wait no I'm not leaving you" she yelled desperately has tears began to drop from her eyes. "Don't worry ill be right behind you I need to deal with a rouge now go!" she hurriedly nods leaves to help the Targaryen princess escape.

(An: I changed his age to 14 instead of 13)

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