
Maxed Out in Another World

This is not your ordinary 'Hero Summoned' to another world type novel. This novel follows our MC Mikax after he is summoned to the world of Bedel. This is much like any typical medieval magical fantasy world except our MC refuses to follow the social norms or structure of the denizens who live here. Follow him as an unstoppable force meets a world full of very movable objects.

Zerosum89 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

You killed so many people

"Seriously, last chance to do something right. We won't be pulling any punches." Mikax finally looked at Yzzera again with a serious tone.

She sneered at him and took several huge jumps backward towards her side.

Mikax let out a sigh and turned around and casually started walking back toward the rest. Yzerra saw this and became mad with rage. The disrespect he was showing them by turning his back.

"Burn them all to a crisp!" Yzerra shouted before beginning to cast a spell herself. She started to transform into her dragon form while the remaining 25 dragons all had concentrated attacks towards the guild members.

Flames erupted simultaneously engulfing them all. The spectators on the wall shielded their eyes with their arms. As the spells came to an end the area where the guild members were still drowning in flames. Everyone on top heard a woman cheering. As they turned their heads they saw a beautiful woman with honey-colored hair yelling and clapping.