

Only ten-years old, Meurs is already homeless and always in a constant battle between life and death. The next day is always a game of chance, but when will all that change?

Sosuu · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 3

Meurs checked every house, attempting to unlock every door, but avoiding houses with cars. He was successful after dozens of houses. Meurs wasted no time in finding a fridge. He made off with a plastic box of ham, bread, and water.

His stomach dropped as he met eye to eye with a large hound about his size. The hound stood its ground, growling at Meurs. The dog barked ferociously and sprinted at Meurs. It would bite onto his legs and ragdoll Meurs.

Through all the pain and agony, Meurs, bleeding from his leg, grabbed a kitchen knife from the counter. He thrusted the knife into the side of the dog's neck while using his legs to keep the dog from biting his face.

There was a whine, multiple whines as Meurs used his pocket knife to continuously stab the dog after he was unable to take out the kitchen knife. Finally, the boy could escape. Meurs recalled seeing movies where people would bandage their legs.

His fight or flight instincts kicked in, enabling him to remember such a memory. He bandaged his very wounded left leg. The boy also recalled his mother always taking medication of sorts in which he'd always fetch for her. Meurs ran through the bathroom cabinets until he found ointments.

He stole a large backpack and ran out of the house after storing everything he stole. He began to cry as his leg rang of pain. As he came across people, he pretended to be fine, smiling as he passed by.

In a public bathroom at a park, only then would he treat himself. He ate his poorly-made sandwiches and remained until it had turned dark and cold outside. After eating, Meurs tended to his wound again, rubbing the ointment and tearing apart a white shirt to re-bandage.

The bathroom earlier had been locked and it was somewhat of a big relief to have a safe place for the night. Yet, there was a lingering sense of loneliness.