
Matters Of The Throne

"Hold on..." The rustling of falling clothes magnifies under the silence of the night. Lying in the midst of torn corpses and bloody soil the couple entwines under the moon. Protected only by the clothes spread out beneath her the young woman shivers. Feeling the touch of his slippery tongue running across the curve of her back. "Wait." She murmurs... "I can't." The man answers as callused hands slip into the fabrics of her dress. It's not that, she tries but unable to express. "They're... watching..." The man laughs instead, "is this another way for you to reject me?" No. That's not it the young woman thought as she listens to the voices overhead. "Hey! Move over, I can't see!" "See?! What are you watching!? Roll to the side, she's my representative!" "Shut up! I can't hear the sounds!!" "Calm down everyone." Tears gather at the corner of her eyes as the young lady listen to the conversation above. Biting on her lips she really wanted to shout to the sky, "you shameless deities!! Stop watching!!!"

Xing_Yue · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 5: Passing Of The Night

"Leader, you're here!"

The moment the two men entered the hidden cave, a young woman with short brown hair rushed up to them with a joyful expression. "I was worried when you guys didn't show up for so long." Her large eyes stare expectantly at the dispassionate captain in front of her. "Leader, let me treat your wound for you." The young woman said while approaching hastily with a hand outstretched.

Ignoring the hand held out to him, Xiao Fanyu walked past the young woman and took a seat on the floor of the cave. Leaning against the wall with a tired sigh, dark bangs cover the expression of his eyes as he falls into silent contemplation.

Hands still outstretched in midair, the young woman retrieves it back with an awkward brush of her neck. Flushing cheeks glanced at the second in command for answers only to receive an equally confused look.

"What's wrong with the leader? He doesn't usually treat me like this.." The woman whispered with a displeased pout.

"... …" What can Seven say? This woman, Xiao Mei, always seemed to think the leader treats her differently only because she's the only female member of the team.

But in truth, the leader is cold to everyone equally. He might reply to her questions more often than others. But that's only because she bothers him way too often and he wanted her to quickly leave him alone. Anyone with eyes can tell that our commander doesn't have a single thought about this woman, she's the only one who thinks otherwise.


Taking a peek at the figure resting in the corner of the cave, Seven's gaze locked onto the others in the area with an identical understanding. The captain right now is strange! This morning he was still fine with the usual stoic expression and minimal words of reply to everyone. Eyes still bright and full of confidence, how can a few hours of parting cause him to change so much?! See that absentminded expression on his handsome face? I've never seen the captain look so lost before, like as though he lost his soul.

What did the bandits do to their leader?!! 

Did he lose his soul?

Xiao Fanyu expresses his uncertainty.

Everytime he closes his sights, the charming moans of seduction ring within his ears, just like now.

"Ha… ha… ha.... ngh.. ah…." 

The sound of sticky liquid along with the scent of musk mixed with forest foliage hover in the air. A woman's slender body grinds in beat of his thrusting fingers as her porcelain skin flush to a beautiful pink hue. Cherry lips open and close to release alluring music that yank at his soul. 

The white dress worn on her body slips down to her hips and sways simultaneously to their movements. Its sight of half revealing, half covering of that flushed figure serves only to ignite the flames in his body. Unable to bear any longer the young man pulled that lithe woman towards his chest. Just as his lips were about to overlap hers, a pat on his shoulders disturbed this dazzling dream.

Eyes opening with a sharp glint full of cutting aura, this overbearing appearance startled the young woman into flinching. 

"Leader…" Xiao Mei called out weakly.

"... …"

Realizing that what he saw just now was a creation from a quick doze, Xiao Fanyu asked in a hoarse voice, "need something?" Tilting his head to the side, this indolent look of haziness struck at the heart of this illusional woman.

Crouching down to his eye level, Xiao Mei expresses her desire to treat his wounded chest with a blushing face. Receiving his nod of confirmation, she quelled the urge to scream in excitement when the man of her dreams began to undress.

Broad and firm muscles bulge from his movements of taking off the blood soaked garment. Slender with clothes on but solid and well defined underneath, this must be what most women would desire in a man.

At least, it is her desire.

Placing her trembling hands over the bloody gash on his chest, Xiao Mei couldn't help but to admire the profile of this cold man. Short black hair that clung to the side of his face and thin pale lips. Straight nose and a pair of sharp phoenix eyes closed due to fatigue. Beads of sweat rolling down from his forehead seem to be drops of dew left for her to drink.

Allowing her gaze to trace down from his neck then collarbone, Xiao Mei suddenly notice a queer marking on Xiao Fanyu's left shoulder. Peering closer, the wound appears to be a bite mark left by something with a small mouth, "Leader, did you get attacked by an animal?"

"... …"

Xiao Fanyu slanted his sights onto the area pointed out by his subordinate. Seeing the small tooth marks embedded on his shoulder, the youth couldn't help but remember the glare of anger that little woman sent him during their tangle. Giving out a low chuckle of amusement, he said in a light tone, "I met a small ferret." After saying that, he closed his eyes again without further explanation. Leaving only the shocked expression of the teammates around the space, "the leader laughed!" 

This is the first time they see their commander laugh so openly and it was due to being bitten by a ferret?! Everyone can only shake their heads in surrender, as expected, the leader is on another plane entirely from ordinary humans.

On the other hand, Xiao Mei doesn't feel the same. Seeing the look of amusement flashing past the man's face, she instantly felt a thread of dread. Like as though something she coveted for so long is about to be seized by another. Gritting her teeth, the young woman moved her hands over the wound. Flowing green light wrapped around her slender fingers as she attempted to remove that irritating mark.

"Leave it." Only to cease from the command in Xiao Fanyu's tone, "no need to heal it."

"Yes…" She can only reply in a weak voice.


"The edge of the forest is covered by a mist that causes us to return back to the starting point whenever we go through." Zhitao explained while drawing a temporary map of the area. "Using the time we waited for you, me and Cipher scoured the woods for clues that would lead us to an exit. Look at this, the whole area is around the shape of a large circle and encircling the area is a layer of mist that prevents us from leaving."

"This "X" right here is the hiding place we are at right now while the square right here is the approximate location of where the bandits are located." The young man drew the symbols on the ground to support his words, "The rest of the ground on the left is an area that we haven't searched through yet. But I have a feeling either the exit or clues to the way out would be in the most dangerous of places."

What is this so-called doorway or more accurately, exit? 

The exit is a portal or opening located at a specific location of the level. It only appears if certain conditions related to the mission are met. 

This time for example; the door should already be available for players to go through. As the requirement for clearance is to [escape from the forest of thieves]. 

Players only need to find the portal that will lead them away. But of course, even the most simple of instructions given cannot camouflage the amount of danger presented. The exit could be anywhere, anything, from the entrance to the bathroom to the lake in the forest. Logic cannot be used in a place such as this so keen observation is always important.

However, at the very least, clues are usually presented to point out the way.

"And the most dangerous place would be the bandit's hideout." Seven finished.

Nodding in confirmation, Zhitao continued, "that's right. But the problem is the enemies themselves. There are around thirty bandits in the group and each one of them are strong by themselves. You guys saw how they took care of the other players in the level. We first need to think of a way to shrink their numbers." 

Contemplating for a moment, Xiao Fanyu pointed at the space around the bandit hideout. "Let's scout the terrain surrounding their settlement first before deciding on anything else." Tapping a finger on the side of his thigh the youth proceed, "we'll explore the uncharted territory afterwards."

"That's fine with me, rushing into enemy territory without preparation is never a way to win." As if enveloped by a veil of fatigue Zhitao suggested with a yawn, "The sun will set in a few hours. Leader, Xiao Mei, and I will rest for the first half of the night while Cipher and Seven will take a break in the second half." 

With the next course of actions decided, the group ate a hasty meal before proceeding to prepare for the journey the next day.


Holding onto a stick only large enough to compare itself to her arm, the young woman took careful steps to avoid falling. Cold shivery breaths of white mists exhale from her mouth with each trembling breath. 

The path in the forest is dark and unfeeling with constant unknown rustling sounds coming from all directions. The veil of darkness is akin to a thick black cloak constricting both her mind and body. 

Each branch and call of the wind seems to be like a stalking beast ready to pounce on her fragile frame. Another shiver ran down Xin's back the same moment her foot broke a dried twig. The snapping sound frightened her into an unconscious crouch with arms covering her head. 


Porcelain skin glowed under the shimmer of moonlit light shown from the ragged opening of her dress. With this sudden action the barely conjoined fabric slipped down even further. Revealing even more of her snowy skin dotted with blooming red markings.

"Shit!" The young lady cursed under her breath with tears forming in the corner of her eyes. She bit down in anger on the bottom of her lips to quell the rising urge to shout. 

"… …"

Moments passed in silence as Xin Yue finally raised her head up from the enfolds of her arms. Staring in a daze at the only form of light and comfort she can receive. The young woman swore to the moon and towards herself, "I'll definitely survive…." A low voice rang out as the trembling figure stood up. 

"I'll survive this shitty place and go home." The delicate silhouette took a step onward before taking another. Tying what is left of her dress to hide as much skin away as feasible, the night air does not feel as cold anymore.

"Before going home, I'll rip off all the hair from that fake deity." Plucking a nearby vine off the branch of the tree, Xin Yue tied her loose strands of hair into a high ponytail. Perhaps gaining courage from this heroic style, cautious steps grew faster with the swishing feel of sashaying hair.

"After that I'll go home, take a shower, lay on the couch, and indulge myself in food!" Soon, from careful steps the figure began to run through the forest without heed for any possible danger. Heavy heartbeats drum inside her ears along the flashing of dark weaving objects fading out the corner of her vision. 

[It's too late to stop.]

She cannot stop. 

If she did, the courage to continue would vanish.

However, the constant running without pause is wearing down her stamina. Low branches and sharp leaves left streaks on the fine surface of her skin. Red and bleeding in multiple places her sight blurs with the lack of oxygen.

[Just a little longer.]

View became unfocused.

[I'm the person chosen by a deity.]

She must have the will to continue.

[I am strong.]

That's right, she's very strong!

Stretching out her arms, Xin Yue pushed aside the bushes before her to reveal the blinding lights of human settlement. Under the cliff she appears out of, welcoming torches and lit tents spread out in her vision blurred by fatigue. Billowing smoke and fragrance of food carried itself towards the cliff along a type of indescribable warmth. 

If one were to scrutinize carefully, strolling figures could be seen wandering the area of the place with leisure.

What a sharp contrast to the lonely figure overlooking from above.


Collapsing down to the ground the young lady stares with a dazed expression over the beautiful scenery. A strange smile between crying and laughing curves the corner of her pale lips.


She's unsure if it was only due to perspiration from running too much or something else entirely. But droplets of water ran down the side of the young woman's cheeks and disappeared into the dark night.