
Matri-local Husband Turns To Be Super Mysterious

He experienced the most painful death along with his wife and his unborn child. They were killed by his In-laws family for wealth. . . The family he hated to the core destroyed everyone who hurt him and avenged for his death. Now he has only one wish, If he could have a second chance, he would protect everyone he loved. Everyone he cared about. Everyone who loved him. . . God gave him a second chance. He is now reborn. What will he do for his revenge? How will he protect his loved once? How will he use his new given power to tell truth and lies apart? Read my story to find out. It is my first story , so please forgave me for mistakes.

ASHDS_ROCKS_18 · Fantasia
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11 Chs

Meeting Grandfather

Rensh very upset that e left the moment everything was over. He booked tickets for his family to got to another country and explained about the accident and that they have to go as the person behind all this is not been found. They understood about the situation and got ready to eave the country for sometimes. Rensh didn't tell them about Richard is the mastermind behind the accident and Reyan's rebirth.

On the other side Reyan reached the place were he is going to meet his grandfather. In the coffee shop there was only two men inside, one was sitting and one was standing behind that person. two were in front of the coffee shop and looked like bodyguards. Reyan was surprised to see the that everyday crowded street to be empty, but he knew his grandfather is not as simple as it look like. He entered the shop and sat in front of the man.

"Are you my father's father" Reyan asked in a cold tone.

In mind : ' Sorry Grandpa I have to do this.'

The person behind answered, " Yes Second Young Master. Old master is your grandfather."

"So why are you here. Are you here to part my father and mother apart? Then I MUST DISSAPOINT YOU BUT YOU CAN'T." Reyan told in a cold tone. " Cause they are not alive. You were the reason why they died." Reyan's eyes became blur because of the tears which filled his eyes because of the way he had to talk to his grandfather.

"You does not have to cry and I know that you are sad and you have the right to be mad at me." A voice which was like of a king came from the man in front of him. Reyan looked up.

" I know that my son and daughter-in-law is dead. I was looking for my son and my daughter-in-law for the past 22 years and when I found you I started to search for them and found that they were dead." A tear skipped from his eye . " Look I am not here for wat you have thought. I am here to apologize for not been able to find you and to tell that the day your father eloped with your mother, your grandmother made accept your mother as my daughter-in-law. I was about to tell this news to your father but it was to late." He was feeling guilty while telling this and somehow n Reyan could feel that he was telling truth.

"Please forgave me my grandson." He looked at Reyan.

" I...I...." Reyan was at the edge and now he could not hide his emotions. He got up from his seat and hugged his grandfather. The one who was behind his grandfather and as well as his grandfather was surprised, but he hugged back his grandson. The moment his grandfather hugged back he started to cry.