
Mato's Shinobi

A normal guy gets reincarnated with the powers of some of the strongest shinobis in a world where only women have power. You can guess how that's gonna go. World: Mato Seihei no Slave Genderbend Warning!!!

The_Great_Sage69 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 3: Meeting A Kinky Woman

This place looked really strange. It was really rocky with little to no vegetation. All I could see were rocks, wierd structures and pointy rock peaks that looked as if spikes came out the earth.

So this is where my sister displayed to five years ago.

As I was looking around the place, multiple shuuki popped up right behind me. Shuuki are huge humanoid monsters that attack humans.

"Hoo? Perfect timing." I said with a excited smile. I can finally test out some of my powers.

I dropped my bag as I stretched my neck arms and legs a little and instantly vanished from my spot. I appeared behind one of them and kicked its head while I was in mid air which made it faceplant the ground full force with a little crater and alot of dust. It died without even knowing what hit him.

The other shuuki got alerted and started attacking me. I easily dodged every single one of their attacks and made multiple hand signs in quick succession while taking a deep breath and brought one of my hands in front of my mouth and said, "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!"

Just as I said that a huge fireball came out of my mouth snd completely obliterated the shuuki along with some of the area around them. Just as they died, more shuuki appeared from the ground. It seems the fun has not ended yet.

I was getting ready to attack again but I was something wierd feom the corner of my eye. I saw a human riding a shuuki like a mount or a horse.

She sped up and stopped right in front of me. From what I can see is that she wore the Anti-Demon Corps uniform and had long shiny silver hair with a katana on her waist. "To be already under attack. Lady Luck isn't on your side." She said as she drew her sword.

"Umm... Wait a second lady--" "Hide behind my back!!" She interrupted me as I was saying something. Ahhh!! Fuck!! Just as I was getting to the good part!!

But I did as she told as I was also a little interested in her power. So I just quietly stood behind her and watched her completely obliterate the shuuki with her sword. She rode on her shuuki and went around cutting up every enemy that came in sight. I have to say, her skill with the sword is not bad at all. If anything, she should be a master but there's still alot of room for development.

Suddenly another shuuki killed the one she was riding on and she jumped off it and clicked her tongue in annoyance, "Tch. That one was too weak." She said. The shuuki came to attack her but she completely mutilated it within seconds.

"You're the victim of the Mato Disaster, correct? I am the chief of the 7th unit of the Anti Demon Corps, Kyouka Uzen." She said as she waved her sword to get all the blood off. "Rest assured you're in safe hands." She said as she looked at me.

And goddamn is she beautiful. She had read eyes with cat-like pupils and a few drops of blood on her face. She looked like a dangerous beauty.


Alot of footsteps sounded right behind us as if an army was coming. I looked back and guess what? An army really was coming. There were hundreds upon hundreds of shuuki. Seeing the made the Madara in me excited for a dance.

But just when I was getting ready for a fight she took control over another shuuki, with her power I think, and picked me up and ran off. Okay, now I'm really getting annoyed.

"Oi! Why did you do that!? I wanted to fight them!!" I shouted at her. She looked at me like I was mental and said, "Are you dumb?! Men can't fight shuuki!! You'll die!" She shouted back at me while killing shuuki which were coming at us.

I didn't say anything as her logic was also right. Men in this world cannot fight monsters as they do not get powers from peaches. While I am an exception, she wouldn't know that so I can blame her too.

Slowly but surely we were getting overwhelmed and finally when the shuuki we were riding on couldn't handle it, she jumped off it while carrying me. She pulled out something like an onmyouji tag and pierced it with her sword. The tag activated and formed a barrier around us.

"I've made a simple barrier. Don't fret." She said with a serious expression. I on the other hand wasnt even paying attention as I was busy examining the barrier. The barrier, as she said, was really simple. The basic of the basic barrier. It'll be okay for now but it'll break in a minute or two.

-----3rd Person POV-----

Kyouka grit her teeth and clenched her hand in frustration. 'My Peach's blessing is a faliure of a power, even for me' She thought to herself. She looked at Shiki and thought, 'I have no choice now. I have not yet verified that men could be of use but I have to make up my mind.'

Her power is called the 'Chains Of Eternity, Slave'. Its a really strong yet unconventional power that requires her to enslave beings to fight. This power brings out the hidden potential or latent strength of the living beings which she enslaves.

"What's your name?" She asked him. "You do realize that this isn't the time for introductions, right?" He said with a look that said 'are you dumb?'. Seeing his face made her more angry but she controlled herself. "Just tell me your name already." She said in frustration.

"Fine. My name is Shiki Wakura." He said in a nonchalant tone. Seeing him not even taking the situation seriously irked her more but she didn't show it.

"Shiki. There is a way for us to get out of this, but you'll have to do your part too." She said in a serious tone. "Sure, I'm willing to help." He said.

"Then, I'll make you my slave!!" She declared. When she said this Shiki's mind went blank for a second and he thought to himself, 'Is this girl right in the head?'

"This isn't the time to get kinky, lady!!" He said with a deadpan face. She a little blushed when he said this because she realized what her previous statement sounded like. "Its not like that! My power draws out and makes use of the power of living beings I enslave." She explained.

"One way or other, I'm not becoming a slave. Atleast not when there is no need to." He said. She was baffled with his response and got angry as their lives were on the line.

"You said you'll help, right!? So what now!?" She shouted at him in anger. "Chill girl, dont get your panties in a twist. Let me handle this situation." He said as he walked near the border of the barrier which hand now been thoroughly cracked due to the shuuki.

"What are you doing? Do you want to die!?" She asked. "Just stand back and watch." He said as he stood right in front of the barrier.

'I haven't used this jutsu before but this will show her a bit of my power' He thought to himself. There is no harm in showing off in front of a beautiful lady.

Just as the barrier broke he made a Horse seal and inhaled alot of air and then spit out a literal sea of flames from his mouth, "Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku" He said. The shuuki didn't even stand a chance and more than half of them got annihilated in an instant.

Kyouka, who was watching from the back, was completely dumbfounded. She didn't know just how to react to what she just witnessed. She saw a Male using powers and he was this strong.

"Hmm, the power is not satisfactory. Well, I guess this was the first time I used so considering that its pretty good." He said to himself but Kyouka who heard him was even more astonished. It was his first time using his power, then what will happen if he trained.

He started running towards the ones who were left and the shuuki also charged at him. 'Sharingan' he said in his mind as he activated his sharingan.

He was going so fast that even not even Kyouka could see him properly. As he charged more and more to the center more shuuki started blown away into the air by his sheer strength. He was killing them with a single punch or kick. He made it seem like a childs play.

He didn't use any jutsus for this fight. Just pure taijutsu. He couldn't train ninjutsu but that doesn't mean he couldn't train taijutsu.

He stuck a few paper bombs on a shuuki and punched him back towards a cluster of shuuki which then exploded. He jumped high up in the sky and formed a Rasengan in his hand and aimed his hand down towards a huge 4 story building size shuuki as he was falling.

When the Rasengan hit it created a huge explosion and a crater. When the dust settled all that stood there was a satisfied Shiki.

He looked back at Kyouka who couldn't even process what just happened. He just gave a big smile and asked, "How was the show?"

"Wha-? How? Y-You...? T-There-?" She couldn't even respond properly and was reduced to a stuttering mess. "So I take that you liked it?" He asked with a goofy smile.

"How did you do that?!?!? You're a male right!? So how?!" She asked after she composed herself a little. "Well, that's a secret for now. I'll not go around telling everyone about my powers y'know" He said. This was the verbal tick he pick up from his Naruto side which he sometimes says subconsciously.

She wanted to ask him more about it but stayed quite because his reasoning was correct too. " Hey I left some of those there because I'm quite curious about your power. You said that it brings out the power of a living being right? Try it on me. I wanna see what happens." he said pointing at the 8 or 9 shuuki he left.

When Shiki heard of her power one of the things that came to his mind was that what will happen if she uses it on him. Will it bring out Kurumi's power? Will it bring out the other tailed beasts powers? Or will something else happen?

As much as he didn't wanna do this, the curiosity was killing him.

She also agreed because she too wanted to she what will happen due to his abnormal powers.

She extended her hand forward right in front of his face and said, "Lick it". Shiki was so confused that you could see that on his face. "You're a really kinky woman huh. Don't worry, I also have a few kinks of myself. But you see, this isn't the time to do this." He said with a deadpan smile as if to assure her that she's not wierd.

You could see a vein popping on her forehead after he said this.