
Rescue Them

"Where did Callan and Liz go? I can't see them anymore!" Sophia said as she looked at the magic well, her voice laced with worry. "It seemed that the other demon chased them off somewhere we can't see them," Matthew murmured. "This is not good. How do we know they are safe?" Sophia asked.

Matthew sighed, clearly troubled by the situation. "We don't know for certain where they are or what's happening to them. The well's magic is limited; it can only show us what's directly observable."

Sophia's anxiety grew. She paced back and forth, her mind racing. "We have to do something. They could be in danger, and we can't just sit here."

Matthew looked thoughtful. "I might be able to cast a locator spell, but it would be risky and could draw unwanted attention."

"But..." Sophia started but Ronan interrupted.

"Your sister will be fine. Callan is half demon and it's a demon world. He should fit in there perfectly," he said.