
Mated to A Rival Alpha

[COMPLETE] [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 21+ // Mercy Makes You Weak] “And when the sun goes down on your grave, let it be known, that it was all my doing.” ***** Tired of the shit-show put on by her apparent ‘mates’, Kim Rania, the most powerful, ruthless, and psychotic alpha of the Obren kingdom declares that she will not take a mate, a decision that no one questions, not even the mighty werewolf king. However, her announcement unlocks a pandora of betrayal, chaos, secrets, and unforgivable sins; which brews in her, a new tornado of anger, hate, and a great desire for retribution, a need she must fulfill. At the center of all that, is her ‘clueless’ true mate, the man she has grown to hate with everything she has and doesn't have; a man determined to cripple her rule with the unfortunate aid of her parents – Park Jihoon, alpha of her rival pack, Calindra. Rania knows she has a choice to make. To either forgive them and give in to her mate bond, or to burn them all and everything they hold dear. However her anger is too great and it drives her to seek the help of humanity’s greatest evil & immortal psycho, the lycan Kaia Seto, the soulless barbarian of barbarians, who is a little too willing to help her with her vengeance. Perhaps Kaia just has a good heart, right? But what if there is another reason Kaia is open to helping, will the psycho alpha agree to it, just for her vengeance?

she_osprey · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
377 Chs

Sire, We Found HER

[Seven Years Ago]

[Somewhere in the Supernatural realm]

"Something changed, Master," a rough voice said as he walked into a completely dark room, one in which no one could see what was what or even who was in there. The darkness was however alluring to his Master, seeing as the man didn't say anything.

There were vibrations in the dark room, the only reminder and hope that the Master, whoever he was, was alive and well. There were days when he stayed silent for so long that his people would start listening to his heartbeats to check if he was alive or not.

"And you're telling me this, for what?" Master responded in a bored tone like he wasn't in the mood to do shit. He sounded tired and worn out, like his entire life was something he hadn't asked for.

Well, he did try to take his own life a thousand times over and successfully failed, thanks to his immortality curse, a burden he proudly wore as if he wasn't haunted by so much, including his existence, even in silence. 

"We found her," the rough voice said and his master didn't even bother with the statement. He seemed so nonchalant, until a few minutes later when a growl was heard in the room and the man knew his master finally understood what he had spoken.

"Al-Raqeeb," the master called.

"Yes, Master. We found her. She has a birthday today," Raqeeb said and his master got up and walked towards him. It was a good thing that they both had supernatural sights. Raqeeb was a werewolf vampire hybrid, while his master was everything on the face of the earth.

He wasn't specific to a race, thanks to his curse, and could be anything he wanted to. He could be a vampire, a werewolf, a warlock, and everything sinister on the face of the world. He was the one man that the long myths of their realm talked about.

Humanity's greatest evil; a creature so dangerous everyone had assumed the goddess had sent him to punish the entire realm, but was that it?

His name was the one thing that many had sworn to never ask about, because it was safer for them that way, making it easier for the races to go on with their lives in the pretense that their worst nightmare wasn't living in the same timeline as them.

"You found HER?" Master asked.

"Yes, Master. We found her in the werewolf kingdom, Obren. She has a birthday, her sweet sixteen I suppose," Raqeeb said and his master stopped in his tracks. He had waited for this day for years on end. 

His whole life, he had worked so hard to get her, who would bring him peace. She was meant for him and he wanted to be sure before he made a grave mistake, something he would never be able to take back. 

He knew what it meant for him, and he knew that one mistake would mean the end of the road for him and what he had aspired for, for thousands of years. She was what many would call his salvation, but would he be the same for her?

"Go. Do whatever you must and bring her to me," Master said and Raqeeb looked at his Master, his eyes suddenly questioning the master, something that he had never done, and that got his master curious.

Al-Raqeeb had been his most loyal warrior and had never once questioned anything he did. So, he stopped and waited for Raqeeb to talk, and expectedly, his warrior didn't hesitate. It was their way of communicating, which was strange but worked for them.

"She is not what many would consider normal, master. She is an alpha's daughter, and is feared by the entire wolf kingdom, even the nearing kingdoms. Those who interacted with her, say she has a sweet soul, but rips people apart with her bare hands. 

"She is different, master," Raqeeb said, making his master choice at the idea. 

There was no way a sixteen-year-old was that wild, right? What were kids made of these days? And to think that Raqeeb was saying a sixteen-year-old was the terror of the entire realm? That had to be something else.

"I will meet her myself–"

"But Master–"

"I will go close. I know you are worried, Raqeeb, but I have been waiting for years on end. If she is the one, I have to see it for myself. Perhaps we are wrong again like we have been over the years," the Master said and Raqeeb visibly relaxed.

His master's aura was dangerous, something that got people on their knees faster than their brains would think. The man was dangerous, very dangerous and if the one he had been seeking out for years was the same as him, then there was no hope for humanity.

"Okay, Master. Shall we prepare for travels?" Raqeeb asked and once again his master chuckled.

"Oh… Okay. How many of us are coming?" Raqeeb asked when he realized that they were not going to use roads for their travels and instead, they would be using a portal that their master would create for them.

"Just you and I," Master said and Raqeeb didn't question that.

His master never went with so many people on missions anyway. There were times when Raqeeb and the other hybrids wondered what their use was to their master, since he mostly did everything himself, but then they had never asked him.

And just like every other time, Raqeeb didn't say anything. Instead. He just braced for the portal that he could feel slowly opening. 

"Shall we?" Master asked and Raqeeb silently went through, as his master followed. The portal had truly taken them to Obren, and to a pack called Incayon, the strongest pack in the entire werewolf kingdom.

Master knew that, and perhaps that could explain his smirk when they found themselves in Incayon.

"What does she look like?" the master asked and Raqeeb didn't hesitate to describe the fiery woman that was giving their kingdom sleepless nights. He talked about her thick long black hair that was never in a ponytail, at least for the times that Raqeeb had seen her.

She was beautiful, and a charmer, however dangerous she was. Raqeeb talked of a girl with a beautiful smile, and one with scars that she wore proudly, as if to prove she was the greatest warrior in this realm.

Raqeeb didn't fail to mention what he had learned of her in the pack, something that got his master growling so lowly as if he didn't like hearing what Raqeeb said. But what could Al-Raqeeb do other than give his master the truth?

"Walk with me. Show her to me," Master said and Raqeeb led the way into one of the most extravagant sweet sixteen the realm had ever seen. It was obvious that the pack was more than wealthy, especially with the gold that was all over.

Master could smell the stench of werewolves, something that he always despised, but was slowly changing his mind about. Getting into the party wasn't hard, considering there were many races who had come to see the girl of the day.

They looked so proud of her, it was heartwarming, something that the master could have understood if he had a heart. But the master did not have the heart to open up to people. 

Master's heart always belonged to one person his entire cursed life.

Someone he had kept secret and protected with everything there was to protect because that was the only person who knew him for who he truly was. His younger brother, and twin.

"There she is," Raqeeb said, just when the cheers erupted in the hall they were in. Everyone seemed happy for some reason. They looked like they could do whatever she wanted them to.

She looked like love, and for a moment, Raqeeb could have sworn he saw life in his master's eyes. The eyes that had always been empty were suddenly sparkling with life. It was new to him, but it gave Raqeeb hope.

Perhaps this girl could be the solution his Master needed, right?

"It's time for the birthday girl's first dance!" someone announced and everyone cheered. Slowly, the dance floor became empty, save for the girl in the middle, a dashing darling who got Master's heart beating a little too fast.

If he wasn't careful, his heart would be beating outside his chest.

Who is this Master? Any clues?

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