

  "I'm telling you man, we got attacked yesterday", Brian growled.

  He was on the phone with his best friends who tried to calm him down as best as they could but they were failing in that.

  "Where's the body?", Jack asked.

  "In my garage downstairs. Why are you asking? That wouldn't change the fact that I got attacked", Brian growled.

  "I know but do you know we can track the print on the body's hands and get where he actually came from", Jack said.

  Brian felt stupid, he didn't know why he didn't think of that before but he was glad someone pointed it out to him.

  "Where's Serah?", Killian said.

  "She's on the phone with her parents. They called today in like over a week now", he said.

  "Brian, I need you to come back home soon and with the body. We need to run a test on the body especially since it's connected to your mother's death", Jack said.

  "I will, I don't even plan on staying here any longer. Heck, we're no longer safe here", Brian said.