
Mated Thrice,Rejected twice

a young girl with a weak wolf birthed by gamma and a human suffers from her fate. She is mated continuously to alphas and each one falls in love with her but gradually rejects her one after the other, eventually, she gives up on striving in life and suffers through thick and thin. However, a miracle occurs as she becomes mated once more to a powerful vampire who ignored her at first but sees her potential. would he reject her as well? would her other tree mates come for her? Is she capable of changing her fate? Would things become better for her or would she end up with the same fate as that of her parents?, or could there be a deep dark secret she's hiding?.

T_Writes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs



"You are a lost cause Lucas, I was fooled by you, I thought you were worthy of love, I had no idea I was merely fooling myself" I answered him before taking slow strides away.

"oh please, are you gonna act like you aren't in pain? Suck it Nathan we both know you are obsessed with me but you would not stop acting like daddy's little minion and now I'm guessing I'm his son and that leaves you where? Lonely, obnoxious

 And a nobody" Lucas yells, I suck in lots of air, wanting to drown my anger and pain.

"you are right, you are his son and you are just like your father, I do not care what you think neither do I care about your intentions all I know is I'm leaving and go ahead and have fun with whoever you want to" 

I walk past him headed back to the room, prepared to leave, I've had just about enough rubbish to put up with and this would not be entertained anymore, I'd had enough of him

*I definitely would have fun, someone got to keep the pack buzzing but you really should wait, I intend on getting married to Laura as soon as I am coronated aloha" he yells out from behind me, I feel my body shake and my legs stop moving on their own accord.

I turn to face him and I see a wide smirk plastered to his face, he seems so cunning and I can't help but think he has something sky rolled up beneath his sleeves.some dirty trick. Some lie, anything that is far from good.

"what do you think I care about anything you both do anyways?" I ask as he talks up to me, he places a gentle tap on my shoulder and holds me by my arm

"It didn't occur to you that I could want her? I mean she's just perfect, unlike you I know who to choose and who I should love, there's no way you think I would end up with a slut like Tara, Laura on the other hand will make a beautiful wife if I put her to it, I've had quite a long time to study her and a long time at that to notice that you both were mates but you just didn't put your mind to it did you? " he asks, the smirk on his face becoming wider.

"I don't care okay, mates or not I'll be leaving the pack you can get married to her or sell her or make her into your concubine, maid, surrogate whatever it is you feel fit but leave me out of this" I answer before walking back into the main waters of the pack house, I head straight up to my room to find it empty, tara must have left while Her yappy ex of a bisexual boyfriend had drawn me out.

I pull up the little suitcase and bag which I slouch across my shoulder as I head back for the door, I push it open to see Laura standing behind it.

"Sorry I was just about to knock " she apologizes and averts her gaze away from mine

I stare down at her to see her holding a broom, bucket and a mop and instantly I get an unsettling feeling at the pit of my belly, I mean she had cleaned out my rooms.for years now and yet I've never felt as bitter as this all through the entire thing.

"What is all this about? " I ask And stare at the cut in her hands, blood soaking the little fabric which she had wrapped around the wound.

"I didn't have a bandage so I used What I had" she answers to me and a frown On my face instantly.

"What is that about? I saw you heal last night and although you are an omega I expect your healing to be slightly low but fresh blood? Looking this pitiful and carrying a broom around, you've got nothing better to do?" I ask almost biting on it tongue out of anger.

She stands awkwardly and stars right at me, she looks at the suitcase and then the bag and then back at me.

"Come inside " she walks past me as I speak, "put down everything you have in your hands for now and have a seat" she does just as I say without breaking a sweat, I look around slowly before meeting her eyes which she averted from me almost immediately. 

I reach for the first aid box by my closet before walking over to her. I can sense her itching desperately to say something but for some reason she has been really cautious about it.

"don't bother asking me questions, and what's with the cut on your hand?" I ask to let the fabric loose, seeing the cut if fresh and refusing to heal.

"Who did this to you?" I ask almost immediately with all my essence fired with rage and pain.

"Your father, the alpha" she answers Curtly as she avoids her eye contact again.and I feel a part of me get plunged by knife.

"Why would my father do this to you?" I ask still Leaving out the part where he would make a public announcement day that I do not belong to him.

"Enough with the questions, that's what you told me so if you have no intention to help I'll get on with my usual duties" she stands and I pin her back into the chair.

"Okay, you get to ask one question but first you are going to answer me, why did my father do this to you?" I ask almost immediately again, running out of patience.

"He called me into his office this morning and had one of the pack guards cut me deep with a wolfsbane laced knife. I am nothing but a mere maid and omega but I dared cause a scene last night " were his words.