
Mated Thrice,Rejected twice

a young girl with a weak wolf birthed by gamma and a human suffers from her fate. She is mated continuously to alphas and each one falls in love with her but gradually rejects her one after the other, eventually, she gives up on striving in life and suffers through thick and thin. However, a miracle occurs as she becomes mated once more to a powerful vampire who ignored her at first but sees her potential. would he reject her as well? would her other tree mates come for her? Is she capable of changing her fate? Would things become better for her or would she end up with the same fate as that of her parents?, or could there be a deep dark secret she's hiding?.

T_Writes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs



I don't know why but merely being feet away from him makes me fret, perhaps it has something to do with what Tara had told me the previous night, or it could possibly have everything to do with me restraining myself the best I can just so I don't rip his clothes off and jump him right here and now.

"He said that to you?" he asks and I nod slowly, not sure of what the whole situation is.

"what was I expecting, he just have done that to you on purpose" he chirps in not long after, I see him reach out for my face but he withdraws them almost immediately. 

I feel a strong pull towards him and he can't deny that he probably feels the same way either, 

"I have to clean your room up and get going" I pleaded to him as I stood from the bed, I moved away from him and put my broom and bucket in my hands.

He bends over and picks up his bag once again, he throws it over his shoulder and holds his briefcase by the hand, just now do I realize he had gotten most of his stuff packed up already.

"changing rooms?" I ask him, he hesitates for a while before letting out a loud sigh.

"Not really, I'm leaving Laura, this pack doesn't want me and I have a life to search for there" he explains to me but I still can't seem to understand. 

"what do you mean the pack doesn't need you, everyone knows you are the next alpha to the pack so why get worked up on little things, what are the chances that you are leaving because you are way too embarrassed to have a mate like me?" I ask but he doesn't respond. I feel a tug at my heart as he heads for the door and stops to a halt.

"I am not his biological son, Lucas is and I need you to avoid him by all means, I don't want you to stay anywhere around him" Nathan asks, for a reason I'm hit by panic several questions gushing into my mind all at once, where is he going, what does he mean by what he had said, will he reject me, is this the last I will ever see him.

*I need to be sure you got that clear, Lucas is nothing but bad news you need to steer clear of him" he insists once again.

"Well, it's too late for that brother, or rather should I say, friend?" Lucas asks as he barges into the room with a pack guard behind him "If this isn't the two love birds, mate, do you call it having the best time of their life?" Lucas asks with a smug grin at the corner of his cheeks.

"What do you want?" Nathan asks, I sense him tense up a bit as he tries to keep his poker cold face on.

"Probably the question should be why am I here, it's such a pain to watch you guys have fun obviously but not for long"

"seize her" he commands the pack guard who acts on impulse by merely hearing the orders.

"you have seen I intend to make Marie here my surrogate, well she's not strong enough to be the Luna and I have no intention of making a weakling like her my mate but still I want her to be mine, with me and I can't let you bring a goose in the loose hovering around her" Lucas explains, 

"Why me? " I ask as I'm held by my arms pinned behind my back as the. Room and bucket falls off from my grasp.

"well, why not you? I mean I've had my eyes on you and pretty much you've had your eyes on me, you can't deny your head just enough wet dreams about me, would it not be your dream come through to have a child with me?" Lucas asked in the most corny manner ever.

He seems to have changed drastically overnight, I mean last I saw him he was telling Nathan to cut being a jerk at me and now he's the total cheap asshole?, what on earth is happening right now? 

"don't you dare" Nathan yells, he lets off the bag from his shoulder and closes in all. possible space between them.

"You can't do a thing to me now, remember, I am the alpha now, well not yet until night but I'm pretty sure my father would not be happy seeing that you stand as an obstruction to what I want "Lucas chirps in with a handful of pride.

"I don't care about your father and his likes or dislikes but if you so much as lay a finger on her I will kill you myself, now let her go!" Nathan retired, I can sense the anger in his voice and something tells me he really might do so.

"I'm not so sure you are capable of inflicting pain or harm, I mean you've always been the next best thing while I on the other hand have done pretty much things, so if by any means your kill has suddenly broken a synonym to kiss you stand the hell away from my way, you seize her and take her to the room I have prepared for her" Lucas commands and I am pushed by the pack guard.

"you would not dare do a thing" Nathan chips in. 

"Watch me brother or should I say ex?" Lucas asks with a smirk on his face, I can say a thing or two but never have I imagined he would become a narcist over time, my imagination and words are cut short as I'm.shoved to a side 

"let her go!" Nathan yells out right after me but I do not hear anything after that