
Mated Thrice,Rejected twice

a young girl with a weak wolf birthed by gamma and a human suffers from her fate. She is mated continuously to alphas and each one falls in love with her but gradually rejects her one after the other, eventually, she gives up on striving in life and suffers through thick and thin. However, a miracle occurs as she becomes mated once more to a powerful vampire who ignored her at first but sees her potential. would he reject her as well? would her other tree mates come for her? Is she capable of changing her fate? Would things become better for her or would she end up with the same fate as that of her parents?, or could there be a deep dark secret she's hiding?.

T_Writes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs



This is nothing like I had imagined, far from what I had expected,

All my life I've felt I was gay, I've never for once thought about a lady nor had they looked beautiful to me.

However at this moment, a lot seems to go through my head, a lot more than I thought could be true.

"What is wrong?" she asks, staring right into my orbs which I'm finding difficult to maintain right.

I pull away from her, throwing her hands off mine as I feel the pulse I electrify jolt continuously through me.

"this is impossible" I mutter to myself but i'm sure she picked up the words.

"What's impossible? Are you crying?" she asks, cracking up a light laughter. "I know you are an alpha's son but that makes you just as anyone of us"

I'm offended by her laughter, I want to lash out at her like I always do but I'm restricted by an unknown force.

I stare hard and long at her, trying to take in as much information as possible, her eyes are blue, ocean blue, how come I have never noticed this beauty about her before.

Her brown hair, coiled up and packed up into a messy bun compliments her oval shaped face perfectly well, her plump deep shades of pink lips which I suddenly feel a strong urge to hold tight and kiss firmly and passionate.

I stare down at her psyche, she has a great body, the type that would make men go nuts if she wears the appropriate clothing unlike the worn out and thorn ones she has on now.

I feel a pang of guilt hit me, I have never in my life felt this miserable, she had served me for years and I had not even taken a proper look at her, not cared for her, she looks totally unkept.

"Okay, stop being weird, this is way too awkward for me, will you stop Gawking at me like I'm food?" she retorts, her voice seems so calm to hear, coming out they almost sound like melodies, I want to relax into her arms and fall asleep in them.

"Get away from me!" I lash out, even when she is merely feets away from me and the words were indirectly meant for myself,

"I was here all alone enjoying peace until you came and went about crying. You invaded my private space, you can't be all bossy outside your room, this isn't the main quarters, 

Besides you hold me by my hands and jerk it off like I am the pervert and rather than rendering an apology to me this is what you do?"

Hearing her rant on makes me somewhat at ease, all I want to do now is watch her rant on at me, she looks even more adorable..

I want to reach out for her and kiss her breathless, I want my fingers to slide down her thighs and hear her moan my name out loud.

But I can't, never!She is Laura, the one who I had hated for years. How can it all change? How can she be my mate?

"Stay away from me!" I yell out once more and all she does is scoff in response and walk away.

I'm stunned by this action of here, yes she had worked under me for years and not even for once had she retaliated in such manner, she is acting somewhat different this night, free spirited unlike the cautious Laura I've always known

How does she not feel the mate bond? Nothing seems different about her other than the utter disrespect and sudden easeness which she had shown.

Dazed and speechless I walk back up into my room, I ignore everyone who passes by and greets, 

As soon as the news is cleared through tomorrow no one would care about me anymore, after all I am the adopted one and their true heir had come.

It would be of no use anymore, my plans, my pain, every single thing I had wanted.

I push the door open, headed straight to bed, I toss around for a couple minutes yet my mind seems to be way too burdened.

A slight knock comes through on my door, I check through the window, it's way past bedtime, the patrol team would be on.

I ignore the first few knocks but then again, it comes on in a disturbing manner, I know for sure it's not Lucas, he would not be so calm about things in this manner.

Reluctantly I walk towards the door, with a frown, I pull the door ajar to see a face pop up behind it.

I feel an uneasiness at the pit of my belly with disdain written all over my face, nothing good seems to have happened today.

"What is it tara?" I ask with my eyes pinned on her.

She walks into the room towards my bed, I close the door shut not liking the situation of things.

I flip on the right switch to see her make up all ruined, her face dripping with all sorts of colors mixed with her tears..

I walk towards her worried.

"weren't you on a date with Lucas? Why are you here looking like this?" I ask, but it seemed like had ignited the fire of her pain.

She burst out further into much more tears, usually tara had never been my favorite person but I have to stick with her.

She's with my boyfriend of all people,,which makes us cross path few times, I have to keep up with the attitude due to our parents but coming here at this time of the day looking like this is not seating right with me 

"Tara, what happened to you? Should I call Lucas by chance? He could come over" I ask her, she raises her eyes to meet with mine on the mention of Lucas name.

" I do not ever want anything to do with that monster"she screams amidst her tears