
Mated and Rejected by her Beta

Following the death of her parents in a tragic accident, Alessia Santoro became a servant of the Alpha and Luna of the Crestview Pack. Being an omega isn't easy, especially when she's mated to a Beta who hates her. When the one who was destined to love and protect her rejects the bond, it destroys her hope. As a result of the cruel actions of her ex-mate, she is forced out of her pack and taken in by another. As Alessia settles into her new life, she thinks everything is going to be fine, but the moon goddess hasn't finished with her yet. A second chance, mate? An Alpha for an omega? Although she isn't ready for more heartbreak and rejection, he is persistent, kind, and everything she has ever wanted. Does she have what it takes to move beyond her trauma and accept the man who makes her feel worthy of love? Is she going to be able to break free from her monsters and find true happiness? Or is it all doomed to fail?

Mistressofthewest · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 3

The following chapters may include stalking, physical violence, mental abuse, harassment, and sexual assault. This content may be challenging to engage with.

"Happy Birthday, Bestie," Jackie's excited voice woke me from my sleep.

I had barely gotten to bed just two hours prior, as Luna Helen had me assemble the centerpieces for the Alpha Ceremony. It was a tedious job, and it took forever, a total of 500 centerpieces, for an Alpha ceremony. I thought it was redundant, but as it turned out, Vince would also be announcing his Beta and Luna.

"Come on, wake up and blow out your candle," she said as she held a cupcake before me. I smiled at her kind gesture. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and blew out the candle.

"Happy Birthday!" I heard her whisper

I giggled, "You already said that," I told her as I opened my eyes

"Said what?" Jackie asked. I looked at her confusedly but didn't say anything; instead, I stood up from my bed and walked to the restroom.

"So what did you wish for?" Jackie asked

I shook my head.

"What is there to wish for?" I asked as I closed the bathroom door. I took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. I saw a person who had been through a lot and struggled. I smiled and made my wish: to be happy and content.

After I got ready for the day, I made my way down the hall and to the kitchen. As I did, I caught the scent of Birchwood. It smelled amazing. I followed the scent which led me to the kitchen. The moment I stepped in, my eyes landed on Jared.

A growl left me followed by the word "MATE." I stood there frozen as the words came out again. "MATE," I growled.

"What the fuck, J? You seriously mated to the help?" Vince laughed

"Fuck you," Jared replied. His following words were not what I expected

"I, Jared Falcone, Beta of the Crestview Pack, reject you, Alessia Santoro Omega and Orphan of whatever fucken pack you are from," his words cut deep within me.

I clutched my chest as I crumbled to the floor in tears. I could hear a howling in my ears, and at that moment, I realized I had gotten my wolf, only to lose her. As I cried on the floor, Jared grabbed my hair. He gripped my face with his other hand.

"Accept the fucken rejection. I'll be damned if I'm mated to the likes of you. Now accept it," he growled.

"I, Alessia Santoro, accept your rejection, Beta Jared," I cried.

Shoving me back, Jared stood up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving me broken on the floor. I stood and made my way back to my room. Closing the door behind me. I slid to the floor and hugged my knees to my chest.

"W-why me?" I asked.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I felt the tears running down my cheeks and onto my shirt. I wanted to believe this was all a dream and it would eventually end. But deep down, I knew it wouldn't.

"Alessia," came a knock at the door.

"Alessia, are you in there?" Luna Helen called out.

"You have things to do, so get out here now. Do you hear me? Jackie?" she yelled out as she stomped down the hall. As much as I wanted to sit in the darkness, I knew that was not an option. I slowly made my way to the bathroom once again. I splashed cold water on my face and pushing my emotions aside I stepped out into the hallway. I made my way back to the kitchen and began gathering everything needed for the Alpha ceremony.

The day passed by faster than expected as guests started to arrive. I was preoccupied with refilling glasses and small food assortments. I noticed the time when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Alpha Markus standing there.

"There's some trash outside that needs to be cleaned up. You would think they would be courteous on another pack's lawn, but they aren't. Could you please clean it and prepare yourself to become a member of the pack officially?" he said as he strode off.

I sighed and made my way outside to clean up the trash. I gathered the rubbish and double-checked that I had gotten every piece. As I returned inside, I felt something hard hit me on the back of my head. A hand covered my mouth, and my screams were muffled as I was carried away into the forest. I heard laughter and smelled alcohol when suddenly I was tossed on the floor.

I looked up to see Jared, Vince, and two other guys I didn't recognize.

"Look at the little orphan," Jared taunted as he kneeled down before me.

"Don't be scared, little orphan. You should be happy that for once in your pitiful life, someone will show you some kind of love," he laughed.

"Hold her down," he yelled.

"N-No, I cried," as they grabbed my hands and legs and held me down.

"Shut the fuck up," Jared said as his fist crashed into my face.

I felt the searing pain in my face, and my vision was blurred. I tried to fight back, but they were too strong. Tears streamed down my face as Jared tore my clothes off.

"We are going to have some fun with you," Jared said as he shoved himself inside me. I screamed in pain and tried to push them away but was too weak. I lay there helplessly, crying and shaking, as they all took turns violating me.

My heart was racing, but I couldn't move. I needed to die now, right now. I felt so powerless and alone at that moment. Nothing I said or did mattered, as they had complete control over me.

When they were done, Jared grabbed my face once more,

"Now, no one will ever want you," he said as he spat in my face, stood, and began punching me. I tried to scream, but no sound escaped my lips. I felt myself slipping away like a balloon deflating in the wind.

The last thing I remembered before I passed out was his cold stare and the feeling of his heavy boot as he kicked me in the stomach. Hours later, I woke up in the hospital with a broken heart and a shattered sense of self-worth.