
Chapter 58 - Mid Earth

Princess Alecia just came out of the Portal, She immediately went to the throne room to report to his father King Haldor.

The Kings Throne room has Massive braziers attached to each of the fourteen marble columns light up the lower levels of the throne hall and engulfs the throne hall in a brilliant glimmer. The paintings of Valkeries and Unicorns on the oblique ceiling dance in the flickering light while statues and statuettes look down upon the oaken floor of this ostentatious hall.

A lavender rug runs from the throne down through the center and splits into two paths leading out while embattled banners with emblazoned decorations decorate the walls. Between each banner hangs a lantern, all but a few have been lit and in turn illuminate the sculptures of royalty long gone below them. 

Slim windows are enclosed by drapes colored the same lavender as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with jewels and decorating tips.