
Chapter 1

One day, I decided to end it!

End all my hardship, my loneliness, my sadness and hurt that burns inside my heart.

I walked and walked into the woods, until I found the cliff. While watching the ground, I inhale deeply. This is the last time I will inhale the fresh air.

I closed my eyes and widened my two arms. This is it, I already decided.

"Mom, Dad I will see you now. I miss you so much."

And suddenly my tears fell down into my cheek.

I inhale for my one last breath and step forward and...

I wake up, and I slowly open my eyes fluttering as they focus to the brightness surrounding me. I look around and see that this is a different room.

"Where am I?" in my mind.

"Are you awake?" a beautiful, musical voice came into my ear.

A spectacularly handsome man stares at me, his startling green eyes disconcerting me with their brightness. I feel myself get lost in them, examining their wondrous beauty, trapped in their spectacular gaze.

His skin is tan and muscled, his arms bulging, his hands strong and firm. Wearing a t-shirt and cargo shorts, he is dressed casually, yet he has an elegance that can't be explained.

Straight and long, his hair cuts off around his jawbone, about his hair, though, is that it is blue. A royal blue, even, that shines in the sunlight. But the hair suits him, complimenting his lightly tanned skin and emerald eyes.

"Am I dreaming?" I thought again.

"Hello?" he asks again, his voice soothing to my ears.

I blink once, trying to adjust to the incredible handsomeness before me. A man this beautiful has never been within five feet of me before.

Finally examining myself, I notice that my leg is not bleeding anymore, covered with a thick bandage. My shoulder is covered likewise.

I am laying on a soft, plushy divan.

The floor is of pure marble, a deep black with hints of white trying to squeeze its way into the tile. A huge chandelier, crystals dancing generously just below its metal limbs, hangs delicately on a thin, gray wire in the center of the chamber.

He chuckles as I scan his face yet again, taking in his perfection, looking at masculine features that, at my school, I used to only be able to observe from afar.

I cough once, attempting to croak some words.

"Your throat is probably dry. Let me get you some water first."

His hand feels so comfortable, and I feel, somehow, saddened when he releases it from my face.

Another thing that peaks my curiosity is his eyes. When I skimmed over it before, I hadn't noticed the reflection of the light upon his pupils.

Now, as I more carefully observe, I realize there is no reflection. The light doesn't bounce off his eye, but rather, sinks into it.

It is barely noticeable, even by me, the queen of scrutiny, but I now can see the difference. The bright, emerald green seems to snatch the light and display it in his irises, his pupils a deep black in comparison.

When I look at them, and he returns my gaze, my form is not visible in his pupil.

He brings a cool glass of crystal clear water to my lips, gently pouring it into my mouth. "Can you speak?" he probed.

"Yes," I barely whisper.

"Okay, good," he smiles brightly.

I suddenly find it hard to speak.

"T-thanks for s-saving me," I stutter.

He lets loose a musical laugh, the most beautiful one I've ever heard.

"It was a pleasure."

I feel self-conscious; suddenly disconcerted by the way he is scanning my face, my body. I start to feel nervousness when I meet his gaze, even one glance at his beautiful, appraising eyes causing butterflies in my stomach.

The need arises to avoid this strange, alien behavior towards me, to return to the orphanage and work on that science project I didn't do earlier because I thought I would die today.

I quickly sit up, my back reposed on the fluffy pillows, and then I attempt to swing my legs over the side. Before I succeed in depositing my feet on the floor, though, he catches my legs and deposits them back on the divan, the hint of a smile in the corner of his lips.

"Just what do you think you are doing?" he demands, rather laughingly.

"Leaving." I decide to tell him the truth. "Thanks again for the help."

His eyes widen, "But you can't just leave! We have to find out more about each other! I don't even know your name."

He is so different from any guy I've met. He actually seems like he wants to know more about me.

His gaze tugs at mine, his expression of disappointment. If I didn't know better... I'd say that he likes me, or at least my appearance.

But, the thing is, I know better. Being liked is a privilege reserved for prettier people than me.

I shoot up so quickly my movement is almost a blur, ignoring the pain that my motions are invoking within my injuries. The joke is over.

"Well, sorry. I'm leaving," I say sharply.

Why does my rudeness have to flare up at a time like this? I really need to work on my social skills. He did save my life, after all.

I start walking to the door, my slightly damp red hair waving in the light breeze. Maybe this is all just a dream.

Maybe in a matter of minutes I will wake up to find that the man is only a figment of my imagination.

"Please stop!"

I hear his relaxing, hypnotizing voice, but I manage to shake his command from my mind.

However, as I continue to walk, there is a blur, and then...

He is standing right in front of me, blocking the door.

"How did he do that?!" I was surprised.

He had been standing more than ten feet away from me before.

"I need to go home. Now I'm still alive, I need to do my task before Ms. Pearl will hit me." I said to him, while gazing at me.

"No, you can't go home. You are not yet fully recovered. And who's Ms.Pearl? So, she hits you. That's why you have many bruises and injuries?" he asked me.

"Yes, she is the one who causes me so much pain. She actually manages the orphanage. So, I need to obey her." I said.

"No, I'm the one you need to obey!" he exclaimed.

"Ha? Why?!" I asked him.

"Because..." he bowed and got closer to my face.

"You are my Mate!"

"Mate? What are you talking about? What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's like a soulmate. You and I are bonded together." he said.

"No way! I'm leaving!" and I try to push him to stay away from the door, but I can't move him even a single step.

"Urgg, why are you so strong?! Just let me go! I need to go home!" I get annoyed.

"I said you can't go home, because you are my mate and you are mine now." he said.

"I'm not!" I said.

"Am I dreaming? I need to wake up." I thought and I slapped my face.


He laughed at me when he saw I slap my face.

"Oh, this is real!" I just said while touching my red cheek.

"So, you need to realize that this is not a dream? I can help you with that." he said and just one second, he is touching my lips with his.

"Oh no, he's kissing me." I thought and pushed him harder, while embracing me.

I feel his warm breath and soft lips while kissing me. I just feel nervous and feel my heart will get out of control. I opened up my eyes and saw him closed eyes while kissing me.

Suddenly, he let go and smile at me.

"You're a crazy bastard!" I shouted at him.

"Now, you're in reality!" he said to me while smiling.

I can't believe this... my first kiss with this crazy man in front of me.