
Chapter 116- Hold Your Ground

Mid Earth on lockdown as well as The Organization, King Haldor shakes his head,"We should have known this would happen, I mean, it's pretty much the same thing like the Civil War in MID EARTH only this time King Lithos is aiming his eyes at Ground Earth, we employed the same tactic and combined the forces of four Elf clan to destroy his Clan and his dream, he will not fall for the same trick and he did make reservations so we cannot collaborate to stop him," said King Haldor.

"He will try to destroy us first, my King, then he will turn to you once he has no resistance in this world, he will gather as many as he can and attack Mid Earth," said Philip.

"Then we will be ready for him, but we are going to find a way to send help, just give us some time the sages will have a way to counter the barrier," assured King Haldor, and their small talk ended.