
Mate To the Rarest Alpha

This might get laughed at as a fairy tail, as a fantasy that couldn’t possibly happen in the real world. The story of my life… The man I was destined to be with… Little did I know that man was the alpha of the most powerful wolf pack, ‘Moon Stone Pack’, on top of that he is the last of the Zeta wolf.

Raven_EyesV · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Chapter Two

I made it JUST in time, early in fact. If Ryder had held me there any later, I wouldn't have made it here. There isn't any special ritual to meet your wolf spirit, but I want to make it special, so I came to a waterfall that had a pool at the bottom, it was surrounded by the forest. There is an opening to the sky, letting the full moon shine into the pool making it glow.

I walked slowly into the pool, the bottom of my dress flowing behind me. Making it to the middle of the pool, the moon also made it to the middle of the opening. Moments later mist started to fill, covering the top of the pool. A wolf figure appeared before her. "Ava." The wolf walked up to me and bowed her head. "My name is Moon; I am you wolf spirit."

I lifted a hand to gently touch the mist so I wouldn't fade away. Just as I was going to speak to her a feeling came across my entire body. "Your mate is here." Moon spoke quietly, her shoulder and back fur now standing on ends. I turned to look at where she was looking, when I turned, my eyes widened slightly. I stood there not knowing what to say or do. What I saw was magnificent.

He was in his wolf form, his fur as black as night, eyes as silver as the moon, massive body figure with bulging muscles. He stood there staring at me, didn't say anything or do anything, just stared at me. It seemed like hours, until his ear twitched, he turned and dashed back through the forest.

When I couldn't hear him anymore, that was when I finally took a breath. "Moon! Was that my mate!?" I asked, looking around, but the figure was gone. "Yes, that was your mate, be weary Ava, he is the rarest of wolves." Moon spoke. I looked up at the moon. What am I going to do now? I have found my mate, but… He may not acknowledge me as his mate. "Maybe I'm not to his liking…" I spoke as I climbed out of the pool. "Nonsense, if he can't see how beautiful you are then he is blind." Moon growled. I sighed. "Moon, it is what it is."

I finally made it back to my room, my dress soaked, dripping. I closed the door and turned around just to stop in my tracks. "Ryder." I spoke his name. "I just wanted to make sure you came back unharmed, but Ava… Why are you soaking wet?" He stood up and walked toward me. I took a step back from him. Ryder sided, reaching for the doorknob, opening the door. "I shall see you sometime, i have business with the Moon Stone Pack Alpha, tomorrow will be different for you. I promise." He bowed at me and left the room, closing the door.

I sighed making my way to the dresser and got a change of clothes. "Ava, why does he let people treat you badly? Is he not your best friend?" Moon growled. "We have an understanding; he doesn't intervene because if he does I could more than likely be killed by another jealous woman that wants to be his Luna. We are still friends but..." I took the wet dress off and hung it on a drying line outside her window. "But with being his future Luna we cannot act like friends." I put on a new dress, walked over to my bed and plopped on it, laying on my side. "I really don't want to talk about it, I just want to sleep now." I sighed. All Moon did was grunt, she didn't say anything, but she did start humming a lullaby. After a few moments I fell asleep.

Unfortunately, tomorrow couldn't come later for me. I sighed as I made my way to a room full of people dancing. I didn't know that there was a ball happening, it was one of those unexpected events. The Alpha of the Moon Stone Pack was the one that suggested it last night to Ryder. As I made it to the doors of the room full of music. When the doors opened, I saw everyone was wearing masks, it was a masquerade ball. I was not told that it was that kind of ball, therefore I am the only one not wearing a mask.

I made my way through the people to where Ryder was. "My lady, you look beautiful." He spoke to me as if he didn't know me. He leaned down, "The Alpha requested a masquerade ball, so he was not recognized, please be weary." He whispered into my ear. Leaning back up he bowed slightly. "Please enjoy yourself tonight." He spoke then walked away.

I made my way around the room, staying out of everyone's way. Making it to the beverage table, I grabbed a glass of wine and took a drink. The doors flung open, everyone stopped and looked that way. A tall man stood there, glancing around. My wolf became restless, he is my mate. His eyes landed on my eyes, after a few moments he made his way toward me.