
Part 1

I sat down feeling dizzy and tired. I've been very weak and tired lately and it's been now one week.

''We should tell him'' My wolf said

At this moment I was so angry,

''Why, Does he care?'' I hissed in return

"Diane are you alright" shouted Sarah, My best Friend

Smiling back to her

''Yeah, just don't worry, I think I'm fine''

Her frown thickened "You think? Okay I had enough we are going to the doctor and that final my dear'' she said

But .. But ..

Trying to protest but her face expression shut me up.

"So Doctor, What wrong with me" I asked anxiously

"Well, Miss, Congratulation you are pregnant"

"What!'' I yelled in his cabin

''Yes Miss, You are 2 month pregnant"

Shock! I know Alisson will be ecstatic about this, after all it's all he cared about. But I don't expect it, I know we made love, no we had S** but it's was only one sided, he just use my body to satisfy his need.

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