
Mastermind of the Akatsuki

Traveling back to the Yahiko period within the Akatsuki organization, Byakuya initially sought to escape swiftly to avoid becoming a victim of the rise of Pain. However, he unintentionally acquired a system bound to the Akatsuki organization. This system offered rewards as long as the Akatsuki organization grew and developed. To prevent the Akatsuki organization from being obliterated, Byakuya had to take charge of guiding its development, steering it onto a completely different trajectory. When Hanzo and Danzo joined forces to crush the Akatsuki organization, they were astonished to discover its newfound strength, capable of challenging even the Hidden Rain Village. Many years later, the five major ninja nations were taken aback to find that the Akatsuki organization had quietly subverted the entire ninja world, emerging as the uncrowned king of the shinobi realm. All of this was thanks to the man concealed deep within the Akatsuki organization. === I don’t own anything in the novel and English isn’t my primary language. I could rely on feedback to improve myself. Don't ask about Harem since even I don't know yet. Romance would be decided for later. Read advance chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Chapter 9: The way of survival in Kusagakure

"Exploring beyond the Land of Rain?" Konan echoed, a note of apprehension creeping into her voice. After a moment of deliberation, she offered a hesitant nod.

Though the prospect of venturing into uncharted territory was daunting, the dwindling resources within Akatsuki outweighed her fear. The well-being of her comrades, their lack of basic necessities like food and clothing, resonated more deeply than the potential dangers that lurked beyond their borders.

Byakuya, perceptive of Konan's unease, offered a reassuring smile, albeit somewhat helpless.

According to the system's evaluation, Konan, despite the "soft-heartedness debuff" hindering her full potential, possessed the strength of an elite Jonin.

This placed her among the top ninja within their ranks. Yet, it was precisely this unwavering spirit, this willingness to face the unknown for the sake of others, that initially drew Byakuya to the fledgling Akatsuki.

As they ventured out of the Land of Rain, a palpable shift in the atmosphere greeted them. The perpetual drizzle that characterized their homeland gave way to sunnier skies and a gentle breeze.

The Land of Grass, in stark contrast, boasted sprawling grasslands and vibrant forests, a landscape teeming with life. Were it not for the presence of formidable creatures and the delicate balance of power between major nations, this land would have likely been devoured long ago, leaving even smaller countries like the Land of Tea scrambling for scraps.

Maintaining a low profile, Byakuya and Konan weaved their way through the Land of Grass, discreetly inquiring about the whereabouts of a black market.

They soon discovered the harsh reality – the battles between Iwagakure and Konohagakure had taken their toll. Black markets were either obliterated or under strict military control.

Weaponry and medicine were subject to even tighter regulations than what they had experienced in the Land of Rain.

However, amidst the destruction, an unexpected opportunity arose – the black market for scavenged goods thrived. The bodies of fallen ninja became grim treasure troves, yielding a motley collection of useful items and jutsu.

While these scavenged supplies were a far cry from the comprehensive solution they desperately needed, they were better than nothing.

Days bled into weeks as Byakuya and Konan traversed the Land of Grass, eventually arriving at the doorstep of Kusagakure Village.

Unlike other "ninja villages," which resembled heavily fortified military towns teeming with tens of thousands of inhabitants, Kusagakure presented a stark contrast. It was a true village in every sense of the word, its permanent population hovering around a meager ten thousand, with only a few hundred actively practicing ninja.

Kusagakure lacked the sheer scale and might of the major nations. During peaceful times, they relied on a steady stream of cheap missions and tolls to keep their heads above water.

Wartime, however, found them powerless, forced to surrender their land as a battleground for the larger powers, their village swaying like a blade of grass in the wind, offering a temporary refuge at best.

Donning the guise of merchants, Konan cast a doubtful glance towards Byakuya. "Byakuya, is it truly possible to procure supplies here?"

Byakuya, though harboring his own reservations, projected an air of confidence. "We'll have a clearer picture upon reaching the market. If they have the audacity to keep the village operational during wartime, there's bound to be some stock available within Kusagakure."

Konan offered a skeptical nod, and they ventured into the marketplace, cloaked in their merchant personas. Byakuya's eyes immediately darted towards the numerous Grass Shinobi stationed around the perimeter. It was evident – this market enjoyed the tacit approval of Kusagakure's leadership.

The wares on display were enough to raise an eyebrow. Beyond the usual shuriken and kunai, vendors even dared to peddle ninja scrolls.

Granted, these were low-level techniques, but their open sale during wartime spoke volumes about Kusagakure's brazenness.

Their inquiries with various merchants yielded information on acquiring supplies, but the exorbitant prices elicited a grimace from Konan. Her meager funds wouldn't stretch far enough to secure what they desperately needed.

Byakuya, sensing her plight, reached into his backpack and produced a weighty purse, extending it towards Konan. "Don't fret. This is the profit I earned from selling explosive tags. Konan-senpai, you yourself possess the knowledge to create them, yet the notion of selling them for profit seems to have eluded you. Exploding tags are a valuable commodity in the current climate of the ninja world."

'Even though I was the one who first grasped the art of crafting exploding tags...' Konan's face remained impassive, yet the substantial purse instilled a sense of insecurity.

Before Konan could voice a response, Byakuya deftly put some distance between them, disappearing into the throngs of the marketplace. He left behind a note scrawled in black ink: "Konan-senpai, I'm merely stepping out for some fresh air. We'll meet at the inn later."

Konan crumpled the note after reading it, a hint of relief softening her usually cold demeanor.

With Konan out of the picture, Byakuya wandered the streets of Kusagakure, his motives twofold. Haggling with merchants held no appeal, and a more pressing matter occupied his thoughts – seeking suitable prey.

Of course, launching a killing spree within Kusagakure was out of the question, unless he possessed Hanzo's formidable strength.

He also harbored a distaste for resorting to violence as a problem-solving mechanism. Mental manipulation held a greater allure for him, though sometimes brute force proved more efficient.

Lost in his brooding, Byakuya actively approached groups of Grass Shinobi, hoping to glean valuable intel from their conversations.

More precisely, Byakuya sought information on the Uzumaki clan. His memories from his past life contained details about Karin Uzumaki, a kunoichi who hailed from Kusagakure and possessed exceptional talent. With proper guidance, she could blossom into an elite Jonin at the very least.

In this current reality, while Karin herself wouldn't be born for some time, her mother might already be residing in Kusagakure. Locating her would allow Byakuya to recruit a future prodigy for Akatsuki, netting him another reward from the system. After all, with the vastness of the ninja world, there was no pressing need to be in Kusagakure with Konan.

Several hours of investigation yielded no fruit. The Grass ninja he interacted with were either too low-ranking or their knowledge didn't extend to Karin's mother's arrival in Kusagakure. The only Uzumaki he'd heard mentioned was Minato Namikaze's future wife, Kushina Uzumaki, and she belonged to Konohagakure.

As night fell, Byakuya met Konan at the inn. Her elation was unmistakable – their procurement mission had been a success. They'd managed to secure enough weapons and medicine for Akatsuki.

"Byakuya," Konan began, her voice brimming with excitement, "Here's the remaining two hundred thousand ryo from the million you gave me. I'll find a way to reimburse you for what I spent."

"The weapon prices were triple the usual rate, but medicine remained fairly stable. So, I decided to get some extra supplies, just to be safe," Konan explained, a rare cheerfulness coloring her tone, leaving Byakuya momentarily surprised.

However, the minimal increase in medicine prices, compared to the exorbitant weapon costs, furrowed his brow.

"Weapon prices have skyrocketed, yet medicine hasn't seen much change? Why the discrepancy?" He muttered to himself.

Konan, catching his murmur, mirrored his contemplative frown.

After a thoughtful pause, Byakuya turned to Konan, his expression serious. "Konan-senpai, draft a message to Yahiko immediately. Inform him that the supplies will be delivered to the border of Amegakure. We'll have someone from the organization collect them there. It seems we'll need to extend our stay in Kusagakure for a while."

Konan offered a gentle nod. Though she lacked full comprehension of the situation, Byakuya's grave demeanor compelled her to comply.

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