
Mastermind of the Akatsuki

Traveling back to the Yahiko period within the Akatsuki organization, Byakuya initially sought to escape swiftly to avoid becoming a victim of the rise of Pain. However, he unintentionally acquired a system bound to the Akatsuki organization. This system offered rewards as long as the Akatsuki organization grew and developed. To prevent the Akatsuki organization from being obliterated, Byakuya had to take charge of guiding its development, steering it onto a completely different trajectory. When Hanzo and Danzo joined forces to crush the Akatsuki organization, they were astonished to discover its newfound strength, capable of challenging even the Hidden Rain Village. Many years later, the five major ninja nations were taken aback to find that the Akatsuki organization had quietly subverted the entire ninja world, emerging as the uncrowned king of the shinobi realm. All of this was thanks to the man concealed deep within the Akatsuki organization. === I don’t own anything in the novel and English isn’t my primary language. I could rely on feedback to improve myself. Don't ask about Harem since even I don't know yet. Romance would be decided for later. Read advance chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime e quadrinhos
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146 Chs

Chapter 1: The Akatsuki

Chapter 1: Kidnapped by the Akatsuki

Somewhere within the war-torn borders of the Land of Rain, nestled a humble village struggling to survive in the brutal world of shinobi.

A young boy, no older than a teenager, expertly twirled a kunai in his hand, his gaze fixed intently on the group of defeated rogue ninja sprawled before him. Just moments ago, he had led his team on a daring mission, thwarting the rogue ninja's raid and safeguarding the terrified villagers. Now, a new challenge presented itself – the fate of their captives.

Sensing the boy's contemplative silence, one of his subordinates hesitantly approached. "Lord Byakuya, do you intend to… kill of them like the others?"

Byakuya's response was swift and decisive. With a flick of his wrist, the kunai shot forward, embedding itself deeply into the shoulder of a rogue ninja. The man convulsed in pain, his muffled screams echoing through the clearing.

"I questioned the villagers," Byakuya spoke, his voice laced with a chilling certainty. "These bandits have innocent blood staining their hands. They deserve nothing less than death."

"But Lord Yahiko," the subordinate countered, a flicker of doubt clouding his features, "didn't he specifically instruct us to avoid unnecessary bloodshed? Perhaps these men could be swayed to our cause, become allies in our struggle."

The mere mention of Yahiko's name caused Byakuya's brow to furrow. His voice dropped to a low growl. "If outright execution is off the table, then we must ensure their demise appears… accidental. A few casualties during the transport of these prisoners back to the base? A perfectly reasonable outcome, wouldn't you say? All for the greater good of Akatsuki's future."

Faced with Byakuya's unwavering resolve, the other ninjas exchanged nervous glances. While Yahiko held the official title of leader, it was Byakuya who wielded the true power within Akatsuki.

Entanglement in the brewing power struggle at the top was a dangerous game they were all too eager to avoid. Besides, a part of them, fueled by righteous anger, craved justice for the innocent lives these rogue ninja had so ruthlessly stolen.

With a resigned nod, they heeded Byakuya's grim command and began escorting the captives deeper into the concealing embrace of the forest.


A few hours bled into dusk, painting the sky with streaks of orange and purple as Byakuya and his team finally emerged from the village gates. The grateful villagers, their faces etched with relief, showered them with heartfelt thanks and warm farewells.

During a well-deserved rest break beneath the shade of a towering oak, Byakuya dug through the pockets of the fallen rogue ninja, a sly grin tugging at his lips as his fingers brushed against a wad of brightly colored bills.

Byakuya harbored a secret he held close to his chest: he wasn't a native of this war-torn world.

Back in his previous life, Byakuya had been a diligent cog in the corporate machine, tirelessly pouring his brainpower into his boss's demands by day and burning the midnight oil grinding away in mobile games by night. One fateful night, fueled by the ambition to climb the ranks and achieve the coveted Super Shadow status, he stayed up far past his bedtime.

Then, darkness.

When his vision sputtered back to life, he found himself amidst the chaos of the ninja world, reborn as an unremarkable ninja with no fancy bloodline to boast.

Not only was he thrust into a world of violence without the privilege of a prestigious lineage, but fate had landed him smack dab in the middle of Akatsuki during Yahiko's idealistic reign.

This fledgling organization, supposedly striving for world peace, had been teetering on the edge of absurdity since its inception.

In anime, Yahiko, the first leader, was a bleeding-heart pacifist who believed kumbaya and understanding would magically usher in an era of tranquility.

The second leader, Nagato, envisioned a more "practical" approach – nuclear deterrence, achieved by first casually wiping out a few billion people.

And then there was Obito, who took the cake with his outrageous plan to trap everyone in a virtual dream world, essentially turning the ninja clans into a buffet for some parasitic alien clan called the Otsutsuki.

Talk about swinging from one extreme to another!

However, these were all worries for the future.

In its current form, Akatsuki was more of a struggling grassroots organization than a world-dominating force. Aside from taking on the occasional odd job from various villages, their biggest hurdle was a crippling financial crisis.

Yahiko's unwavering commitment to peace meant avoiding missions that reeked of bloodshed or warmongering. Instead, Akatsuki found themselves relegated to tamer tasks like fending off bandits or tilling fields.

Yahiko's occasional bouts of charity didn't exactly help matters, leaving the organization perpetually teetering on the brink of financial ruin.

While his comrades readily pledged their loyalty to the cause, the harsh reality was that weapons, medicine, and other necessities didn't magically materialize.

Maintaining a functioning organization required a steady stream of funds, something Akatsuki desperately lacked. So, Byakuya, with a heavy heart, devised a covert operation: target rogue ninjas, loot their valuables, and use the black market to plug the financial holes while simultaneously keeping the villagers safe.

A tired sigh escaped Byakuya's lips. The irony was thick enough to cut with a kunai.

Back in his old life, he slaved away to buy his boss fancy cars and houses, and now, in this new reality, he was still stuck in a cycle of work, albeit for a ragtag group of ninja.

Was there any point to this whole isekai experience? Maybe jumping ship and joining another village was the answer? But the thought of venturing out into the war-torn world sent shivers down his spine. With his current skillset, leaving the relative safety of the Land of Rain's novice village would be a death sentence.

Nagato, with his powerful Rinnegan, was the only anchor keeping him grounded in this chaotic world.

Just as Byakuya was contemplating the merits of strategic job-hopping to secure a better position and a raise, a jarring electronic voice echoed directly in his mind. Simultaneously, a semi-transparent panel materialized before his eyes, its luminescence cutting through the fading twilight.

[System Prompt: You are now bound to Akatsuki]

[The state of Akatsuki will be linked to your body. Enhancing the organization's strength will earn you corresponding rewards. If the last member of the organization dies, you will die as well]

[Current Akatsuki Rating: An unknown small organization. It may become famous in the future, but few people know about it now. It is recommended to quickly enhance the organization's strength]

Byakuya's eyes darted between the swirling information on the panel and the surrounding world, momentarily forgetting the ache in his muscles. He meticulously examined the floating interface, noticing not just the development panel but also a personal panel showcasing his stats and a tantalizing "Newbie Gift Pack" waiting to be claimed.

[Name: Byakuya]

[Age: 12]

[Current Bound Organization: Akatsuki]

[Chakra Attributes: Water, Wind, Yang]

[Ninjutsu: Three Basic Techniques, Basic Kunai Throwing Technique, Wind Release: Great Breakthrough]

[Kekkei Genkai: (None)]

[Personal Evaluation: Chunin level, capable of crushing ordinary ninjas but with little chance of escaping when facing true strong opponents]

He brushed aside the personal evaluation, focusing instead on the implications of this unexpected development. After a thorough inspection, Byakuya dismissed the possibility of a genjutsu prank. A surge of excitement coursed through him, tempered by a healthy dose of caution.

The system, as it presented itself, tethered him to Akatsuki's fate. While it didn't appear to directly endanger his life, remaining within the organization inherently carried risks.

However, this unexpected twist slammed the door shut on his job-hopping fantasies.

Byakuya, now presented with a system and a purpose intricately woven with Akatsuki's rise, was forced to re-evaluate his path forward. The path of a rogue ninja, while offering a modicum of freedom, no longer held the same appeal.

Fortunately, a flicker of hope ignited within Byakuya as he noticed the consolation prize – a newbie gift pack offered by the enigmatic system. With a tentative tap on the virtual box, the electronic voice once again filled the air.

[System Prompt: You have obtained the Uzumaki Bloodline (Partial)]

[System Prompt: You have obtained Water Release: Wild Water Wave]

[System Prompt: You have obtained Paper Release: Basic]

A surge of warmth, like a tidal wave of chakra, coursed through Byakuya's body the moment he received the rewards.

Almost instantly, he felt a surge of renewed energy. Not only did his chakra condense at an accelerated rate, but his senses sharpened, expanding his perception range considerably.

Curiosity piqued, Byakuya wandered away from the group. Rolling up his sleeve, he drew his kunai across his arm, leaving a shallow cut. Blood welled from the wound, but then, in a mesmerizing display, began healing at a visible pace.

Within moments, only a faint white scar remained, which itself vanished before his eyes.

A satisfied smile tugged at Byakuya's lips as he lowered his sleeve. The Uzumaki bloodline's regenerative properties were undeniable.

Even in its partial state, his healing factor surpassed his previous capabilities by a staggering margin. However, a healthy dose of perspective kept his excitement in check.

Compared to the likes of Nagato, who wielded the legendary Rinnegan, Karin, a living medical pouch, and Naruto, who defied death itself, his regeneration paled in comparison. It was a "partial" inheritance in every sense of the word.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Byakuya turned his attention to the remaining rewards.

[Paper Release: Basic] and [Water Release: Wild Water Wave] were, on the surface, fairly common ninjutsu. The intriguing distinction, however, lay in their origin.

[Paper Release: Basic] belonged to Konan, while [Water Release: Wild Water Wave] was Yahiko's signature technique.

It seemed, by a twist of fate, Byakuya had inherited a piece of each member of Yahiko's trio. Perhaps those deemed "weak" by the system simply didn't leave behind any "looted rewards."

After all, with the exception of Yahiko's potential Jōnin-level prowess, the rest of Akatsuki were likely Chūnin at best, a fact that likely influenced their decision to join the organization in the first place.

Regardless, the system's generosity, particularly the bestowing of a kekkei genkai right off the bat, couldn't be denied.

With this newfound power and the system's guidance, a sliver of hope bloomed within Byakuya.

Perhaps, one day, he might even stand toe-to-toe with the prophesied Child of Prophecy, or even reach the dizzying heights of a Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. The future, once shrouded in uncertainty, now shimmered with exciting possibilities.

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