

"Everything you say? Master everything about what?"

"Did i happen to misspoke? I don't think i even stuttered. I said, your task is to master EVERYTHING."


Cameron had a face that looks like he was just doused in hot water unexpectedly.


(Few minutes earlier)

Cameron was going home from work. Even though he was tired, he was happy. He was working on a game about his favorite anime, Naruto. He was recruited from new zealand to japan. He couldn't wait until he reaches home to call his dad and tell him about hos work. "I could die happy" he whispered to himself. And he did.

He didn't even know how he died. It just went black for him.

When he came to consciousness, in front him sits a young man, early twenties, handsome but he has a few weird traits on him. The man has solid white eyes, his black hair is flowing like it is underwater. He has a small smile on his face, but his aura felt like Cameron was looking at a king.

"Welcome Cameron. I'm Ygdrast. I am here to present you an opportunity." Ygdrast introduced himself with open arms.

"But first, yes you are dead. I killed you so that it would be quick and painless. No, you can't go back. Yes, i'll help you reincarnate with 1 wish as long as you do something for me"

When Cameron heard all that, his eyes widened. His jaw was hanging open. It was hard for him to fully digest what he heard. It actually took 5 minutes to bring him back from his stupor.

"Okay, that was surprising. Can you tell me what is it that you want me to do?"



"Then what does that mean!?!?" 'What the hell is this man saying? My god, was I captured as an experiment and now they are playing with my mind? Oh no no no no no."

"It means that you will have to learn the concept of everything. In short, learn *EVERYTHING*. Do it as I have done so in the past" explained Ygdrast with a smug smile and an openly teasing voice.

With a small understanding Cameron looks at the Ygdrast and asks "You mean like those novels from china? Like discovering laws of the universe or something?"

"Exactly like that." Says Ygdrast with a smile.

"The circumstances on why you were chosen will no——" he was cut off by Cameron's voice.

"What about my father? My friends? You took me out of nowhere. I was happy then you killed me, now you want me to do something for you? BRING ME BACK!!!!" Screamed Cameron with tears in his eyes.

"No. Besides, I can't bring you back. If you want to return then you do it yourself" "How can I do that?"

"By being stronger and master everything" says Ygdrast with a smile. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes that escaped Cameron's.

"So how will we do this?" Cameron inquired.

"First you can ask for 3 wishes. But that 3 wishes of yours must be confined/limited to the world we are reincarnating you in.Then we'll reincarnate you in your chosen world. Any finer details will be told to you by a system, the same as those novels you have read. It will also have a shop that will contain items from the world you are in and the world that you have been in. If you haven't figured it out already, I do have an ulterior motive to do this. You can either know it now or later." Explained by Ygdrast. "What's the difference?" Asks Cameron.

"The information is sensitive, it might attract trouble to you. There are powerful beings that can tract you down via that info. The downside of not knowing is that you might get lost in your path without the knowledge."

"Then give me that info when you can judge that i am powerful enough." Cameron said with a sigh. 'I'll just have to get powerful right? Then maybe I can see them after all of this.' He said to himself.

"Certainly," said Ygdrast. "Now tell me, what your wish is and where would you want to go?"

"I'll go to the naruto world and reincarnate me into naruto when he was 4 years old. As for my wishes, I want to be the master of sealing." Answered Cameron. "For my next wish, i want kurama to be full and not half of what he is. That includes making my body strong enough to handle it. Is that too much for one wish?" "No. That seems about right for one wish."

"Can i wish for danzo to be killed?" Asked cameron with a raised eyebrow. "No," Ygdrast smile at that question. "Danzo carries a much needed destiny in that world for him to be dead. The only way to kill him is after you let the uchiha massacre happen. There are a few points in time where you cannot change even if you try for billions upon billions of times. These point will, and should always happen. If you try to stop it, like killing danzo before he orders itachi to do it, someone will come and do the job. It won't matter, even after three hundred years of stopping it, it will happen in the 4th century. Of course, there are still loop holes. Maybe you can go around it through those." Ygdrast gives cameron a wink.

That information is now swimming inside cameron's head. "I'll deal with it when the time comes. So i'll just change my wish for minato to be somehow be the direct descendant of izuna uchiha. Or is that one also impossible?"

Ygdrast looks up for a second and hold his chin while thinking. "Yeah, that one should be possible. Not that hard just a little jostling of the situation. Well then, is that all?"

"Yeah, that'll be all I think. Goodbye and thank you for the opportunity." Cameron waves a goodbye.

Ygdrast smiles and waves goodbye as well. As he waves, Cameron was covered in streaks of light then vanishes from sight.


Ygdrast's smile, slowly changes into a frown. He had a friend, a mortal one back on earth. That friend of his was someone that saved him and nursed him when he was blind sided by an attack about 30 years ago. That someone was Cameron's father. He just sent his friend's son to reincarnate. It was the final wish of cameron's father. Who at the moment when cameron was coming home, was being mugged and killed in New Zealand.

Ygdrast slowly and cruelly smiles. "Even the heavens would agree. People like you who attacks my friends should be destroyed." Ygdrast raises his open palm towards the direction where earth is currently, and he slowly closes it into a fist. He then pulls it back and in front of him, 3 20-year olds are now floating, scared and confused. They were just yanked away from where they were.

"You messed with the wrong man". Ygdrast says with a smile that could scare the devil away. "I can't revive my friend as he didn't want to. And i'm mourning because he chose to enter the cycle, that old goat. Guess i'll occupy my time with you." While looking at the tree

"I'll keep your souls. I'm going to have fun with it. And after that, i'll give you 3 to the son of the man you just killed" ygdrast raises his hands once more and snaps.

They vanished from where they are floating. But if you listen closely you can hear the screams of 3 people. And the haunting laugh of another.