
Master of none

Everyone has a system they just need to meet hidden conditions to unlock it. A blacksmith system may unlock after a human walks by a forge. A master mage may unlock a system after attempting to control the mana in their body. Even something as simple as kicking a rock at a bucket can unlock the marksman system a unique system allowing for perfect accuracy. But what happens when someone reaches the age of fifteen and hasn’t unlocked their system? Walker is about to find out, time is ticking and he doesn’t want to live out his life as an ordinary human; he has dreams you know! ****** My first ever story please leave plenty of comments so I can adapt and learn as I write The first chapters may be shorter but the length is improving as I write. Editing is in progress To see recent updates remember to clear que regularly

1King_Rep1 · Fantasia
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2308 Chs

1904. First Tests

The buzz in Genesis City had become much more than many could handle. The adventurers guild, the forging guild, the alchemy guild, and the tamer's guild had all gained a lot more strength after their buildings had been finished, resized, and even improved. 

This was why all of their leaders had made their way to the Genesis building. Why they had found themselves sitting at a table behind the representatives on the Genesis council. 

Many had arrived at the Genesis building as more quests had appeared. World quests in particular had begun to appear more so than what Walker or the party knew. One person who had been documenting them much more closely than before was Clara.