
Master of Deception

"Beauty? Love? Feelings? Riches? Status?" No, I don't care for any of these! He was a ruthless overlord in his first life, one who ruled with an iron fist and a mind cunning. A man who made the world tremble at his fingertips. No, he didn't have any supernatural powers or something. He was just... a little cunning. Known by many names, The Teacher of miracles, The Star of Change, the Artist of the future, and many more — he ruled an era. But he himself knew what he ruled was nothing! Nothing more than a shallow well! Nothing more than mere dogshit! Only his obsession mattered, only his goals served any purpose... All else was in the end... Just drifting ash, flying clouds. .... This is a Progressive Fantasy type novel. A story that has a strong foundation taken off of our good old Xianxia but it still has a major part of En Fantasy genre of magic too. And I will warn you, Don't read if you have a faint heart. In the end, it could be considered a Xuanhuan story? The rest of the story would be posted on Rr

Bamboo_Vine · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Trust this old man and I will buy you candy!

"Where are the other details?" Xan asked, his voice sounding sad.

[Please go down to the basement.]

Standing up, he briefly glanced around at his room, it was a dark room; even though it was bright outside already.

Walking forward, he opened the door and went out into a hallway, sighing gently at the dim yellow lights surrounding the place and the irritating orange carpet below his feet, he walked a bit further and entered a small elevator.

Its opened doors closed with a gentle hum, and a red light blared weakly, brightening the buttons that lay at the side, he clicked on the third button; the one that lead to the basement of the mansion.

The silence returned, the faint screeching of ropes lingered and the lift gently came to a stop, the doors opened and he went out into a wide room, quite dark and filled with dusty objects.

Putting a hand on his nose, he moved a step into the room and his heart skipped a beat.

His mind halted its faculties, and his breath hitched.

Turning his head, he looked down at his feet, it was floating an inch above the ground…

Xan gulped and walked another step, he was still floating an inch above the ground.

'Wow,' he thought, mystified.

Curiosity poked, he then looked around, the old piano of his dad that was tinted with dust from one end to the other, the old vacuum cleaner on a side in parts and covered in cobwebs, the dirty carpet, the broken chandelier parts scattered around, the old pieces of furniture — All of them floating an inch above the ground.

Some small crystalline glass parts even gently revolving.

"When did this place become so…magical?" he wondered in fascination, it had been just an ordinary basement some days ago when he had come here to pass boredom.

Trz, Trz.

A white projector flickered and a screen, bright against the dark place flickered on the wall,

[Welcome, Xan.] The screen showed.

Intrigued, he looked at it and walked closer, his figure blocking the light of the projector, casting his shadow onto the screen, yet, the words were clear, like magic, [Xan, what I am about to show you is how I and your mother ended up realizing the lies and facade the world has played on us.]

Xan nodded to the screen and continued looking, [Look at the piano's side and you will find a small scroll stuck to it, take it and read it. The guide that we failed to comprehend.]

He gently went to the side and looked, the screen flickered: [On the left bottom, on the place with the most cobwebs.]

Putting his hands in, he gently took out the scroll and put it atop the closed piano, gently furled it open, and read the first words, aloud: "First Part of Wisdom."

He furled it further and then started to read, first was a small excerpt, "Oh you people of Earth, dumb like a flock of chicken and scattered like sand, beware… bread crusts are healthier than the white part inside."

He blinked, Speechless, he unfurled it more, and read the next excerpt, "The world is vast and filled with unexplainable wonders, you know? They call this a planet here and we call it a division, they lie to people here and people believe, how simple right? No one even questions, after all it is common sense."

He blinked and read on, there being another world out there didn't seem like a big thing to him, after all, it didn't matter to him much.

"Ah, the soda thing here is absolutely delightful, beer is even better, of all the seven divisions and even Wumalogam, you Earthians should be the ones with the best taste."

"Uh, Women are so complicated… why can't they just come and do what I say? So troublesome, tsk, tsk, working my old bones to death."

The yellowed old scroll turned with a rustling sound, making him forget his hunger, his heartache, and fears as he just read on, "Today…I am sad, why? This fucking guy showed me a middle finger and I didn't know what that meant and even gave him riches as thanks, only now do I know what that means, so fucking annoying, so fucking annoying, luckily for him, this old man is too lazy."

Smiling, Xan chuckled and read further: "Do you know who I am? How dare you ask this old man to pay? That fucker, hehe, I made some birds shit on his car. So fucking awesome!"

Xan read on, but paused: "Today... I am disappointed."

Xan blinked, "State the reason, you fucking old man!"

Shaking his head, he then read the next excerpt, "…I can see why the big lineages want people from here, the minds of many here are too bright, too unique, such wonderful potential… No wonder he bothered enough to create a system thing to deceive you all, no wonder he cared."

Xan scrutinized that part a bit and then read more,

"I can't resonate with the sea here no matter what I try, I feel like it is hiding something."

"Oh, wonderful, delightful, delightful I say! The water was so hard to resonate with, I almost doubted my path, tch, tch, it's just that the water is not a part of this world, it came from the Wumalogam, But, who the fuck put water in here if it was just discovered by Hyakku in the Seven World Era? I bet it must be some conspiracy."

Xan raised a brow, "Funny old man," he muttered.

And unfurled the scroll a bit more, "…Earth is so boring. Dead-eyed men working, frustrated women screaming, children trapped inside the mobile phones, I just can't understand… why waste so much potential? Or Is this incited by someone from Wumalogam to keep the people here weak like lambs? Then why not just kill all of you? You guys are so weak after all…"

"Boring..." that indeed resonated with him.

"…I decided to take a disciple from Earth, and let him or her roam free in the world of Wuma in my stead, my lifespan remains merely three more months and then, there will be no more Savage Madman Little Wuma, he will be dead."

Xan read on, he coukd feel the emotions in those words, the unwillingness.

"No! No, everyone sucks, each one of you are so drastically worse compared to the people of the past who invented those interesting tech, so shitty in comparison, I feel ashamed to even be here searching for a disciple...I wish I could find a way back..."

Disappointment was evident.

"It is just three minutes away from my death, I have found no one worthy of calling me a teacher, I have found no one I can be proud and throw into the world of Wuma, but my legacy… how can I let it rot away in death?"

the next few parts were blank, just blank ancient ish yellow paper, "Had the old man died?" Xan melancholically thought.

Another excerpt suddenly appeared on the page, and he read, "I am the man who did it! Me! Not Hyakku, Not Rwha, nor the high lineages, it's me. Only me. I did it, I am the only one who came past the barriers inbetween Wumalogam and this place alive.

No wonder Earthians are just influenced but not directly murdered like chickens, no one except me had come here from the beginning of time.

Hundreds of billions of Wumas had been born and passed, yet no one could stand in this place except me. Seeing the foreigners roaming the lands of Wuma, I had dumbly believed until the last moments of my life that it was so easy, so simple to come as I did.

In the end, I was just too good.

And yet, no one in the fucking Wumalogam knows? Those people still remember me as just a mad mongrel I bet, but no matter.

Oh the person of earth reading this, are you fucking interested in going to that Wuma world and making my name resound through the lands again?

Taking my legacy of knowledge with you, bringing it to light?

If so, prove to me your worth.


Bath this scroll in the blood of one billion mortals.

A 10th of Humanitie's population.

"These words will be hidden from all the incapable, untalented people, so if you ended up seeing this...

Oh fuck kiddo, you are fated with this old man!"