
Master of Books

I'm a good and helpful person, in my previous world and even the second one. I often help those consumers on my books store that needs some help but... What is this? They suddenly calling me with different titles. "Master of Sea Emperor's" "Shinobi God" "Hidden Octagram Member" "8th Sin" **** Note before you read: I don't have an Editor and English is my second language so expect grammar/spelling mistakes here and there. Warning: Contains Dark elements. *If you like the story, give it some stones and i will try to write a bonus chapter for you.

DivineMelon · Anime e quadrinhos
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: The Wish [Edited]

Sabaody Archipelago, Grove 13.

Inside Shakky's Rip-off Bar, two humans are present: a beautiful woman with short hair and a man with white hair and a beard.

"Rayleigh, could you check out the new store not far from here? My subordinates seem to be vanishing while investigating that store. You're strong, so go in and find out who's responsible for their disappearance."

Shakuyaku said while cleaning a glass with a cloth. She operates an information organization, and her subordinates are spread all over the world, keeping her updated on global events.

A new store suddenly appeared in Grove 13, where her own store is located. She sent some of her subordinates to investigate because the sudden appearance of the store without them noticing seemed strange.

After sending her subordinates, they went missing and couldn't be found anymore. They were trained to remain hidden at all times and to inform others if something went wrong, so their disappearance without a trace was unusual.

She sent another group of spies, but like before, they vanished without a trace. The only option she can think of now is to send Rayleigh into the store when it's open.

She trusts Rayleigh's strength to be able to return from the store. Rayleigh is the former vice-captain of the Roger Pirates, the crew of the Pirate King. Even though he's old, not many can match his strength.

"Hmm, it seems this is a serious matter if you want me to go in myself.." Rayleigh pause of a second. " I already used my observation haki in that store, and it seems something is blocking me."

Rayleigh said with a serious expression. This is the first time something has ever blocked his observation haki. Despite his age, he is still on par with the current admirals.

So whatever or whoever is blocking his observation haki must possess a strange power or treasure that he's unaware of.

"Really? That's really interesting... It's the first time something has blocked observation haki, especially your advanced stage observation haki," Shakuyaku said.

"Does this new store have an owner? If it does, how strong is he?" She wondered.


In the unnamed new store.

On the second floor, in one of the rooms, a young man named Azrael was sleeping.

Azrael woke up and got out of bed, making his way to the closet. He opened it and found it filled with clean clothes. If he didn't know about the closet's peculiar magic, he would think the clothes inside were new and unworn.

The magic closet always cleaned the clothes he put inside, but he had no idea how it worked. It didn't function if he watched it, so he remained clueless about its cleaning process.

After spending several days in this world, he no longer cared about the strange closet. He had encountered numerous peculiar situations and phenomena.

Azrael wasn't originally from this world but from Earth. He worked as a librarian and was an avid bookworm, having read approximately 20% of the library's collection.


People, including his friends, often sought his opinion on books and asked for recommendations.

The library was now closed, and he was the only one inside.

"It's time," he said.

Suddenly, yellow ritual patterns appeared. It was the pattern he had created using the knowledge from the books he had read.

According to what he had learned, performing this ritual allowed him to make one wish.

A smile formed on his face.

"I wish to own all the books in this world!" Azrael shouted.

He found himself suddenly transported to an unknown place filled with red hues, and in front of him stood a massive door adorned with eyes.

Azrael knew that if he entered that door, he would fulfill his dream of owning all the books in the world. However, the price of entering meant he could never return to Earth again.

With a smile on his face, he didn't hesitate to push open the door, finding himself now in a boundless library filled with unlimited books.

Every day, Azrael did nothing but read books, deciding to turn this library into a store and allow others to purchase books from it. The books were endless, as even if he sold one, the library would produce a new copy.

Unfortunately, his customers always left him as soon as he provided them with a book. Just yesterday, he was bringing a book from the library for his second customer, Liam. Liam, dressed in shabby black clothes, seemed poor and requested a book titled "How to Be Rich." However, the moment he entered the library to retrieve the book, Liam left.


- [Flashback] -

Liam observed the interior of the library from outside the window. He couldn't find anything peculiar about the place except for an ordinary man sitting inside, engrossed in reading a book.

'Nothing seems strange here. Where is Getem now? He suddenly vanished while checking this place, but I don't see anything unusual—just an ordinary guy reading a book,' Liam thought.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Liam stood up and approached the door, opening it.

"Hello, is this a new store? What are you selling?" Liam asked with a smile, noticing the multitude of books around the place.

"Finally, you've come inside..." Azrael said with a sincere smile, recognizing that Liam had been observing from outside.

Azrael had encountered a similar situation before when a homeless man looked longingly at his food in a restaurant. Though he couldn't offer food in this library, only tea, he wanted to find a way to help the man.

However, Liam's perception of the situation was different. He thought, '*Gulp* Is this guy waiting for me to enter and... kill me?' Beads of sweat formed on Liam's face as he perceived Azrael's smile as sinister.

'Shit, have I fallen into a trap? Does he know I'm here to spy on his store?' Liam thought, growing increasingly suspicious.

"I know what you want, but you've come to the wrong place," Azrael said. Although he lacked food, Azrael felt sorry for the homeless man and wanted to assist him.

Azrael remembered a book he had read previously, one that he believed could help Liam. It was titled "How to Be Rich."

"Wait here," Azrael said as he stood up from his seat and walked toward the library.

Upon witnessing Azrael's entry into the library, Liam immediately ran away, thinking, "I have to warn others about this dangerous person," as he sprinted towards the door.

On the table, there was an innocuous-looking plant that suddenly transformed into a massive, terrifying monster plant. It extended and moved towards Liam, opening its mouth and devouring him whole, leaving nothing behind.

As the monstrous plant returned to its normal appearance, Azrael emerged from the library and questioned, "Hmm? Where is he?" He already had the requested book in his hand, sighing at yet another customer who had left him hanging after getting the book they needed.

- [End of the flashback] -



Azrael grabbed a book called "Times Flies" and settled into his chair. He had been engrossed in reading this thick book for a while now, occasionally taking sips of tea between pages.

While reading, he heard the door open. Azrael paused, setting his book aside, and turned his attention to the entrance, waiting for the newcomer to enter.

Rayleigh pushed open the door and stepped inside, his intention being to observe what lay within this place. His gaze fell upon Azrael, seated in the chair, looking at him with a smile.

"Finally, a new customer," Azrael remarked inwardly, though he couldn't help but feel a tinge of concern. 'Sigh... I hope this new customer doesn't leave me hanging again after getting a book,' he thought.

'Is he waiting for me here?' Rayleigh thought. It seemed that Azrael had some connection to the disappearance of Shakuyaku's subordinates. Calmly, Rayleigh walked forward and took a seat across from Azrael.

Rayleigh attempted to use his observation haki once more, hoping to find any traces of Shakuyaku's missing subordinates within this place. However, to his surprise, his observation haki failed to work.

'What's going on? Did this man set up something or perhaps possess a devil fruit power I'm unfamiliar with?' Rayleigh pondered. He shifted his gaze towards Azrael, noticing a black fog behind him.

Sweat began to bead on Rayleigh's forehead. This was the first time in his life he felt genuine fear towards something. He doubted that Shakuyaku's subordinates were still alive.

"Well then, how can I assist you?" Azrael asked, still wearing a smile. Rayleigh observed that Azrael seemed to have decent attire and didn't appear to be homeless.

"Ahem... What does this store sell?" Rayleigh asked, unsure of how to initiate a conversation with Azrael.

'Hahaha, I can finally utilize the 'Art of Selling' that I read about long ago!' Azrael thought gleefully.

"I sell books in this store, or you can borrow one for a certain time," Azrael replied with a smile. He intended to engage the customer in conversation and eventually determine their interests, allowing him to make a suitable recommendation.

"Now, customer... may I know your name?" Azrael inquired.

"Rayleigh," came the response.

"Mr. Rayleigh, it appears you have a problem concerning 'Love,'" Azrael said, drawing from his knowledge of countless novels that explored such situations.

Azrael sensed that Rayleigh was a free-spirited, single man who likely consumed alcohol to numb the pain of heartbreak. Filled with pity, Azrael decided to lend Rayleigh a book called "How to Change," believing it would be of great help to him.

Rayleigh, on the other hand, entertained different thoughts. 'This... His words carry a different meaning... Is he threatening me by implying he knows Shakuyaku?' Rayleigh's anxiety grew.

'He's nervous! I'm right!' Azrael thought, his smile widening.

As Rayleigh witnessed Azrael's smile, he couldn't help but feel a lump in his throat. In that moment, Azrael appeared to him as a demon cloaked in human form.

"Wait here. I'll fetch something for you," Azrael said, hoping against hope that this customer wouldn't abandon him like the others. Rayleigh, meanwhile, found himself increasingly apprehensive about what was to come.

Rayleigh mustered up the courage and entered the library, deciding against running away. He reasoned that he should observe what this "monster" intended to do. With his observation haki rendered ineffective, he felt helpless and unsure of what was to come.

After some time, Azrael emerged from the library, holding a seemingly ordinary book in his hands.

"Here," Azrael said as he handed the book to Rayleigh.

Rayleigh's eyes widened as he took in the sight of the book. It appeared far from ordinary. The book had a small heart in the center, pulsating with a sinister aura. Its red cover and overall appearance gave off an eerie vibe. Rayleigh could read the name of the book: "Demon Inside."

Feeling nervous, Rayleigh managed to ask, "Where did you get this book?"

Azrael quickly realized that he couldn't reveal the truth. If he were to explain that the book came from another world, Rayleigh would likely think he was crazy. His mind raced as he searched for an excuse, sweat forming on his brow.

"I wrote it myself," Azrael replied, hoping his answer would suffice.

Rayleigh's instincts screamed at him, warning him of the danger Azrael posed. Even this single book had already filled him with an overwhelming desire to escape.

Deciding to explore further, Rayleigh cautiously opened the book, only to find himself transported to a different realm. He looked around and discovered a colossal monster before him, much larger than any sea king he had encountered.

The monster's body was covered in numerous eyes, all of which suddenly fixated on Rayleigh. His anxiety intensified, and he began to perspire profusely. The monster raised a massive tentacle and lashed out, striking Rayleigh.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Rayleigh screamed as he felt the impact of the tentacle, only to find himself back in the chair moments later.

Unaware of what had transpired, Azrael asked casually, "Did you like it?"

Rayleigh continued to sweat profusely, convinced that this was a warning from Azrael.

"Ye-s," Rayleigh stammered, his voice trembling.

"If you'd like to borrow the book, you can sign here," Azrael offered, handing Rayleigh a piece of paper.

Without hesitation, Rayleigh signed the paper.

"Can I leave now?" Rayleigh asked, his voice indicating his desire to escape.

Azrael, perceiving the situation differently, thought to himself, 'Why does this person sound like he's been held hostage here? Well, whatever.'

Rayleigh stood up from the chair and quickly left.

"See you next time"

Hi! Author here.

I just want to say few things before you read the next chapter. The chapters are currently being edited from 1-9 chapters to give you more better reading experience :)

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