
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Outros
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64 Chs

Leo sets the ground work to test the power of an Aspect.

On the way to Feros, Leo went over the majority of the information the last few days. The A.I. working on improving the method to break down Indoctrination. He was currently on a call with Dr. Tsoni about the Protheans. Wanting to discuss the cipher once more.

Leo was not wanting to and just sent her information about her own people and a deeper connection with the race. Much to her dismay about the augmenting them in the past.

"Read all that I gave you then we can talk about the Protheans." Leo answered for the final time. "You are beginning to tick me off. Would you rather we never talk again?"

Next to him, Mordin and Maya just shook their heads in amusement. Mordin finding it funny Leo was trying to lead the Asari to the answers she wanted to know by her having her do the leg work which would help her find out more about her own people.

"No just wanted to.. no never mind." Liara immediately decided not to talk to them about it anymore. "Shi'Ara mentioned she is wanting to talk with you. It is very important. Please talk with her."

"Of course." Leo stopped what he was doing and cleaned himself up. "You should talk to if you like as well. I am sure she wants to spend time with you."

*Doop!* The call hung up.

"That was.. weird," Leo mumbled. He sent a message to Jack, Zaed, and Morinth. Letting them know he would be late on their checkup. "Let them know what is going on with the bone therapy."

Taking the turbo-lift he found her the same place as usual. This time with Samara and the aide. The door opened behind him as Rila came in as well.

"You are an unusual Commander," Samara said. It was no insult. Just her speaking her mind.

"Thanks. Care to stop giving me those looks. Tell your... daughter to stop as well." Leo looked between the women trying to understand what they were thinking.

"We are just appreciating what you are. So all those Ardat Yakshi are on their way to being cured?" Leo nodded. "Matriarch Benezia is to be captured by you and held captive?" He nodded again. "Do you not think it best to turn her over to the Citadel?"

"No. My prisoner, my rules. Only alive for what I need. I can just as easily blow her brains out. And fix it for she is dead like she is supposed to be." Leo moved to a seat sitting down. It was time to test the strength of the provisional contracts really. To see if the strength increased significantly when he moved up a realm. "Is that the reason you called me here?"

"Why keep her alive then if she is expendable?"

"To help my Asari. That knowledge and wisdom is needed. I would be a fool otherwise to get rid of it. I want her to teach along with the Justicar here. Both have so much to teach as well as to the humans gathered." Leo gave them a smile. "As we humans have tendencies that are somewhat rebellious at the wrong time. Her knowledge will be shared with them earning her life and freedom. Eventually anyway."

"During when? On the Ark?" Sha'ira asked. "Almost like a prison for her."

"Not much of a prison. They walk around and talk to anyone on the ship between cryo and training. Only one who will be restricted really, is Benezia from contacting Liara." Leo was referring to the other people he would be taking from the Milky Way Galaxy. The compliant and the non-compliant.

Shi'Ara rubbed her wrist out of habit for a moment before sighing. "Haaa, glad you are not planning on treating her to badly. She is a very influential Matriarch."

"Very influential Asari. Only Matriarch in my crew.. is Samara technically. Hopefully Mornith one day. Do not forget that."

*Chish!* The door opened as another joined the conversation.

"Oh, and what if I want the position?" Falere came in. "Sorry for being late."

"You would have to prove to me you were capable by convincing Maya you were better for the job. I have utmost faith in her for something like this. I do not see your sister Morinth stepping down for a few centuries if ever actually." Leo looked to the human woman with her. "If you keep looking at me like that I will have a problem. What is it?"

"Your biotic energy is so.. Controlled and Powerful. May I touch you?" Chloe asked. Much to the shock of Leo.

"Ok.... Go for it." Leo watched as the woman grabbed his chest and touched his palm. She traced her fingers delicately and started to hum. "Alright... Whatever." Feeling no harm from it and his actual spiritual energy enjoyed the touch, he left it alone. "So your the other Spectre we have onboard where do you want to go?"

"It is only on paper Commander. I have no real orders. But I want to go on missions with you. Both the small and big ones." Shi'Ara said neutrally. Her eyes not leaving Chloe. 'She is unaffected by his biotics. Maybe he really can help her.'

"I see. Then I need to get you trained up again. There is a place I want to go to. Since my involvement with Cerebus will be sparse at best, I wish to snatch some things before they get to it."

"What would that be?" Samara perked up at this. She knew of the group and had a few run-ins with them.

"An A.I. That is running wild on a base soon developed by the Alliance. We are going to take it for ourselves."

"And do what with it?" Falere did not like that at all.

"Make it a living creature like." Leo was remembering up the body that Cerebrus had in development for infiltration. Combining that with Spiritual Energy and Genetic Engineering, a possible human could be created instead of born.

"Playing god is never a good thing." Sha'ira gave him a cross look.

"The A.I. Is powerful but untamed and dangerous. We will get her before she causes to much trouble. She will be Eve to a possible Adam." He wondered how the A.I. would react with he other. Especially after the changes made to it.

A.E.- I do not need and Eve.

"An Adam?" Samara shook her head after thinking about the Geth and how they are still a problem here. "That means you have messed with A.I.'s. Have you create one yet?" Leo shook know since he did not create one yet, just modified one.

"Glad I do not have to hunt you down afterward." Samara said. She still didn't release some maters yet. "I think it better not to do it so early since it is outlawed by the Council."

"I definitely do not want anything to do with that." Falere muttered.

"Ok then. Glad to know. She will be used for another project I have then. Consider yourself removed from that project and it's future developments."

"Are you serious?"

"Yup." Leo nodded and watched as the young asari sat down and pouted. " So Shi'ara and miss.... Chloe right?"

The Aide stopped humming and nodded. "Yes, Commander?"

"Can you fight actually?"

"Yes. I am a trained Martial artist. However from what I have seen of the few people on this ship I can maybe beat the regular personnel. I just don't have the body to keep up with those like "Maya and Jack."

"She has a few medical problems. Nothing serious but has limited her options for life." Shi'ara said. "But she is a great friend and I cannot imagine my life without her."

"Thank you, Mistress." Chloe looked back and smiled. "I enjoy your company as well."

"Ok love birds. I can fix most medical problems myself easily. If you become a contracted some of those become available to you." Chloe nodded showing she agreed. Sha'ira already having told her about those before hand. "Great let's see what's wrong."

*Woom! Woom!* His omni-tool scanning her over while his spiritual sense checked her over. His Aspect of Medicine and Disease reacting to her condition as well.

Ai.I.- Chloe Spritz has a very terrible terminal disease. The amount f procedures I have found in her medical record is astounding. At least 234 hospitalizations before she was 5. She was part of .. well the process of trying to create biotics in humans. Tread carefully.

"Woah that is a lot!? What happened to you?!" Leo looked on dumbfounded. He came across a few tumors that developed to a high state.

"As a child, I was exposed to element zero. My father an Alliance Officer couldn't get the treatment early for me. So besides having powerful biotics that I can't use, since it would actually kill me if I tried, I have about 5 years left to live and susceptible bouts of blackouts."

"I have something to treat you the long way but it painful." Leo thought about gene therapy combined with his own genetic manipulation. But the chance she might not survive didn't sit well. It was to early to alienate Sha'ira and the others. "THe short way in this case is the best way."

"What way is that?" Sha'ira was on pins and needles. "We will do anything to make sure this can work."

"Well, she is a strong biotic so I am gonna want you to train her. And I mean really train her to utilize her power. No, she is not a weapon or any of that nonsense. I cure her flat out, you train her to be a powerful biotic, deal?"

"I have no problem with it." Chloe answered.

"But her biotics might be an issue still. I mean on the ship if you cure her. We would need to do it planet side." Leo liked her resolve. "It should not be a problem though. The body you will gain will be like new."

Reading over the process he sent her via omni-tool, Chloe signed the contract and shared it with Sha'ira. Samara and Falere conversing with themselves but watching Leo go over something as he started working on his omni-tool.

Diagrams of a woman with a biotic network visible. Closer inspection of the man they could tell it was him. Mother and daughter blinked then contacted Morinth. Who said she would be on her way.

*Chish!* The door opened 7 minutes later. Morinth looked at the work then blinked rapidly. Not understanding until she talked to the others.

"You are gonna do what to cure this exactly?" Morinth understood the transference part but wanted to make sure that her thought process was correct. "Are you going to transfer the disease to yourself?"

The others in the room stopped and stared at this. Not thinking the cure was something like this.

"It will take care of the biotics problem but the cost is high. I can afford it thanks to recent activities and all." Leo was needing to test his Aspect of Disease out after all. Seeing how much power he could gain from this in one go. "With the patient having this since birth.. I am sure it will be quite costly of a procedure."

"I will work to pay you back no matter what!" Chloe said. "I have funs and.."

"Wait, Commander, choose something cheaper than this. The health ramifications to yourself.. will not be to good. Even though we longed for the day she will be without any pain, this is to much." Shi'Ara said resolutely. She grabbed Chloe by the hand. "Your health is more important to me, but Leo has a very important job."

"It will be fine. Probably." Leo mused it over. The A.I. gave him the odds he would survive but the bounce back to good health might not come quickly. 'It is better than nothing. Besides, Feros is not that dangerous. Well, it shouldn't be.'

"Umm right mistress." Chloe agreed a little embarrassed. "I believe in Dr.Shepard."

"Just we take care of everything on Feros, then after that make touched down trying everything out." Going over what to expect on Feros, those in the room did not like the sound of the Thorian.

Falere was the only one that felt sympathy for the creature but no enough to keep from napalming it.