
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Outros
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64 Chs

Feros Part 4 Body coming along nicely

'Damn that is quick. How in the heck are they almost here?' Leo looked to the map checking a big red mark. As well as his people's movements. 'This place is full of bad news.'

Stopping himself behind a wall to observe the situation, Leo was satisfied with the armor holding out during the run. A quick switch between the armor to black sleek one was not needed. THe previous one had overheated in just a few places.

His chest rising just a little for the exertion. He was still burning with energy. Not enough to break through to the next Realm, but his body was pushing along with his mind and spirit.

'Look there are Krogan mercs here. I have no idea how many there are since the numbers keep increasing, or what they are here for. But what I can summarize, it has to do with the Genophage.' Leo entered stealth as he looked out at them. No sense in causing an issue just yet. 'Unless they know about the Thorian cloning ability. Then that would be a problem.'

A.I.- Your team cleaned out a lot in the area already. Takin g out these forces should allow for a better meet up.

'Fat chance it is this easy!' Leo retorted angrily. 'Not mad at you but I think something will happen. Tell them to be careful if you can.' After saying that, Leo sprinted to catch up a walking Vorcha. Snapping it's neck and stashing the corpses in his Internal Space. 'Glad I have these grenades.'

Running through dropping grenades all over the room, he was happy the Varren were to preoccupied with an injured Krogan. Trying to wear him to use as food.

The others just laughing instead of helping their comrade.

Deploying at least 50 microexplosives and making sure to include the ammunition they carried, he ran to the next area quickly. Detonating once he was out of range and calculated the aftershocks shouldn't cause a cave-in at this current heading.

*KABOOOOMMM!* The place shook the moment the first explosive went off. With several of the mercenaries down just like that, confusion will definitely play to the advantage for his people.

Leo banked a corner quickly. A squad of Krogan were firing at his people.

Morinth was pinned behind rocks. She continued to fire with the only real protection was her Biotic Barrier that went down quickly from the excessive fire.

Samara was laying as much fire as she could with her shotgun. Throwing out Biotic Shockwaves in every direction. From the looks of it that was the only thing keeping them from getting overrun.

Maya was doing her best to get an old door opened. One that leads to the big old problem down below. Several bodies laid blown apart between both groups. The dead geth was facing away from the team. A few lights were still lit up.

They were trying to fix themselves.

Leo's biotics kicked up a notch. The Bloodlust produced in the chamber and the amount he left behind was coming at him quickly. The Reaper Manual circulating quickly.

He felt a weird throbbing at the base of his neck. It overrode his judgment to call out to the drone. Before he knew what came over him, a large power boost came from his contractees again. A power that forced him to Protect the group. He had enough sense to fire as he moved. He could feel Morinth through the contract. She was excited.

"Backup arrived." Morinth stopped firing as she needed to rest. Samara doing the same but kept her biotics at the ready to through up a barrier quickly. "Hurry up over there!" Maya didn't stop her current speed at all. She was working pretty quickly.

Behind her, a few shield projectors were going red. To much fire taken.

"Arhhh!" Two Vorcha cried as Leo's arm went through them like tissue paper. He gripped the bodies reaching back and turned into a spin. Throwing them at the nearest enemy with a special surprise attached.

*Kaboom!* A few sticky grenades detonated the moment they landed. Giving no time to recover as well as causing the others to scatter for cover.

One of them caught sight of Leo easily as his biotics flared out. "Who the hell are you?!" A Krogan across from him yelled. "You think you will interfere? Die!" The Krogan yelled as he fired his shotgun at him."

*Koom! Koom! Koom!* The three rapid shots into his biotic barrier did nothing. It continued to remain up eating the fire. Seein' this, the majority of them turned to fire at him trying to bring down the barrier quickly.

Covered in a hail of fire, Leo moved across the area like death. Running around caused the shots to hit Blood Pack members who were to in good cover. His left punching out nonstop as his smg in his right hand ran hot from the continued fire.

"Hah!" Leo shouted as he sent a biotic shockwave out. It smashed several Krogan and Vorcha into a wall. "Raaaahh!" He forcefully pushed against them crushing them in the armor as well as the wall.

The proverbial rock and the hard place. The more Leo fought the more his cultivation sped up. Spiritual energy swirling around him building up momentum. A bit of a specter formed around him.

A skull of a human appearing. Morinth grinned as she popped up giving suppress fire. Samara frown but started firing again as well. Both mother and daughter having different takes on this.

*Chish!* Leo's barrier finally gave a little. He immediately gathered the rest he had and turned on the Blood Pack members coming down a passage. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

*Bwwwooomm!* Leo fired a SIngularity. It was extremely charged. While moving down the passage, it pulled on the sides sucking all in its path. Organic and inorganic. Blending it once it stopped moving.

"Kill him!" A Krogan shouted. Leo was still holding onto the Biotic attack. Spinning it in place to pull more enemies. His arms moving like he was stirring a pot. The passage started to collapse but he didn't stop. "Damn it!"

The Krogan threw his shotgun down grabbing a rocket launcher. He fired at the smallest opening in Leo's shield. The shot hit dead on.

*Boom!* The explosion sounded almost muffled. The smoke blocking visibility but that did not stop the gunfire from ceasing.

"Leo!" Morinth shouted. She was about to jump out of cover but Samara stop her. "Let me go!"

"Continue to fire daughter, not sense in risking your life." Samara said coldly. "The more brought down the better it is to get to him after."

The moment the smoke cleared they were suprised to see Leo ripping apart the Krogan that shot him. His smg on the ground completey done for. A pistol in its place as he fired at the nearest Vorcha.

"Keep firing!" Another Krogan ordered. Not even caring for his comrade that just lost his throat. "What the hell are you!?" His voice almost sounds afraid.

The blasts of fire tore into Leo's armor shields. A blast of electricity left his suit in the form of green energy to disrupt the rest of the mercenaries. Defensive program to let him know the suit couldn't generate shields of its own again. It wouldn't last long but would give him some breathing room. If he would have went for the kill on the next Krogan it would be a different story.

"Just a guy." Leo jumped to the side as his armor was basically decoration at this point. It lasts well enough though. It was to early to but his body defense against the attacks. "Trying to kill you and the rest of the Blood Pack here."

A.I.- Your firearms are definitely needing further improvement. Best you try one of your techniques in combat in combination with the technology. Despite you small understanding of it.

*Vrrm!* Leo activates the Omni-blade program. Incasing it with his spiritual energy to increase the power. In a sprint, he was toe to toe with who believed to be the next one in charge of the group.

Leo and a Krogan started bashing each other in hand to hand. Due to his flexibility, he was able to move around easily. Took every chance he had to fire at one of the other mercenaries. Each shot pinning them down blasting a good bit of their armor away.

Morinth yelled through gritted teeth. She fired a shot then got back down and focused on healing the hole in her side that opened back up. Omni-gel barely keeping it closed.

"You need medical attention." Samara stopped firing patching her daughter up with her omni-gel. "Do not fight it since it will only get worse." For once, Samara listened to her mother. "We need an exit!"

Leo went into a blood haze from the Bloodlust once more. Mind already adjusted to it after the last bout, he was still in full control. He felt a strange connection to something that passed through from behind. Something of a breeze had entered the place. Despite all the heat from the gunfire and grenades.

*Chhhsssh!* Maya had the door opened a good crack now. But something was keeping it from continuing to open. Frustrated beyond belief she needed to release some tension. Just in time as a few Blood Pack members moved over to try and pincer them.

*Pow!* She caught a Krogan right by the side of his face. With a twist of the wrist, Maya severed the head of the Krogan. Her mental energy was more refined than Leo's but not more powerful.

"You can not hope to defeat all of us!" Another Krogan shouted. Making an executive decision, several grenades were tossed at Leo and the fighting Krogan. "Sorry old friend." The grin on his face was anything but sorry.

"Not by himself he won't. Good thing he has backup." Jack's voice came out as she came out from nowhere that they could see at first. A few of the mercenaries looked around to try to determine where the voice came from. "Up top boys!"

Jack and a few of the Ardat Yakshi Commandos were looking down with guns drawn. Just 4 of them. A quick check revealed the others were with Zaed still. Both Beta and Delta teams in the same location.

"Take care of the enemy!" The Ardat Yakshi yelled. They descended from above with a Biotic Charge. Ramming into the nearest enemy then moving across the battlefield like dancers of death.

*Pow!* Jack had one hand on a rappel as she descended and fired. The moment she made contact on the ground, she switched to a shotgun.

*Kachak, kachak!* Two quick shots before she switched to full biotic use. She cleared the way as Leo charged out at the Krogan wh o threw grenades at him.

"Rah!" Leo punched the Krogan Warlord in the gut. The Warlord only grimaced as his shields were broken through. He grinned at Leo for a second. His eyes going wide when a fist came towards his face.

*Crack!* The enhanced bones in the Krogan's face actually cracked. He didn't think Leo had this much strength after the first punch.

"Kuh, not bad for a.." The Warlord said. Leo fist came again and punched him in the face. "Ugh, pft!" He was forced to spit to the side. A small amount of blood. He was no pushover, the Warlord reached for his weapon. Pointing his shotgun right at Leo, and fired. "You will have to do better than that runt."

*Kachak!* The shot tore right into the remainder of the armor. Leo did not move as he brought another fist down with more strength. Removing more of the hold with his cultivation. It was quite a problem to keep his muscles from tearing from the physical might he could output.

*Wham!* A left jab sent the Warlord's face to the side. Neck muscles straining from the imapct.

*Wham!* Another right to the snout of the Krogan was delivered. He didnt stop as he bashed it another time for a few more rounds. Each blow building in strength as blood-red mist started to produce around Leo.

The fighting in the cavern was turning outright. The blood Pack numbers whittled down greatly.

"Ughh," the Warlord groaned. His vision blurring just a bit. "What are you doing?" He was surprised when Leo picked him up by the head. His vision blocked. "Ahhh," he yelled out in shame. Leo headbutted him.

"Never.." Leo snarled as he came down again. The front plating on the Warlord's head broke apart. Leo headbutted him again. "..ever.." he came back down again. "and I mean never.." Leo's biotics flared back to life. It wrapped around his head and body completely. ".. touch my people again!" His hold coming undone from the force. He dropped the Krogan and mounted him. He started wailing on him just punching his face. "Do you hear me?! Answer me damn it!?" For the next few seconds, he just kept punching down.

*Ping, ping!* Leo had mashed the Warlord's face in and was punching at the metal underneath. He ignored the damage to his hands as he kept going. The blood mist gathering around him in large waves.

Internally his Body Cultivation increased in progress. Muscles coming to life as they were enriched and restore from the previous strain. The parts of his body damaged by the explosions and the gunfire regenerating to the visible eye.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Soul Extension

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Samara, Zaed, Ardat Yakshi

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