
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Outros
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64 Chs

Feros Part 1 Teams and their tasks

When Leo finished his preparations for the procedure with Chloe, he found an old memory of doing something like this in his past. But then it was just a Spinal Tap. It hurt like hell but the person he was dating at the time helped him through it.

Something to talk about later with Jack. She was about due for another talk. Zaed also had been bugging him lately about small stuff. Which needed to be addressed to keep matters going safely.

The info of everything that had transpired flowed into him easily even after waking up from cultivation. Maya was the only one in the room watching over him and Nihlus. Working to late, he did crash on the medical bed a few times.

Maya had checked to see what was altered and checked over all his vital signs. She was quieter lately but kept close to him and became more open when alone. The moment someone else came into the room, her guard was back up like normal.

Jack and Zaed had stepped up big time apparently in certain matters on the ship. The two were having some kind of weird parental bonding thing going on.

Kasumi was more stealthily than normal and kept out of site a lot. Only time Leo knew she was around was when his spiritual sense pinged her. She did have a good rapport with Rila and Falere. As well as the other Asari Commandos on board.

Morinth was getting antsy about something after reading an email one day. Super secretive that gave her a bit of an attitude anytime someone asked about it. Leo left it be until she wanted to talk about it. He had work to attend to.

A message back from Dr.Okeer was troubling. He was getting antsy about some work. Having developed a method, thanks to some gene therapy given from Leo, to use the Tank Bred/Clone Krogan in another way, the old Warlord was gonna storm the facility.

Leo calmed down with the fact they would take the facility and move the Krogan to another place. As well as use some information pertaining to some female Krogan held captive. It was meant for Wrex but using it reign in Dr.Okeer worked just as well.

THe old warlord had to improve his image after all. Especially if he hoped to live long enough to save his people.

Mordin had created a new type of bio suit with Leo. It was to help those like the Quarian with adjusting to new atmospheres. Tali would try it out after the mission on Feros.

Wrex was brooding after finding out Leo took a break from the genophage altogether. But cheered up when he was given the timetable on the next cellular progress he was waiting on. The Krogan was starting to get into genetics slowly.

Which terrified a good bit of the crew.

Traveling down would be the first real assignment for most of them. Under him anyway.




Leo and the away crew currently.

Alpha Squad: 1 Leo, Maya, Morinth, Samara

Beta Squad: 2 Nihlus, Asari Commandos, Kasumi, Rila

Delta Squad: 3 Zaed, Jack, Chloe, Sha'ira, Mordin, Falere

A.I.- Nihlus has taken the Asari Commando team to search the surface area. So far everything looks fine.

'Yeah, its fine.' Leo wondered if it really would be though. 'I have a bad feeling about this mission. Feels like I am back in Siberia extracting Operatives.' Shanking the thoughts from his previous life away, he focused on the hear and now.

"Freaking hell..." Leo said as he blinked repeatedly at them. The bio signatures that read in his hud was nice. The growth of the Commandos alone was enough for weeks of study work. "This has got to work. I want a personal win."

"Everything ok?" Maya asked. "We can change out still."

"Good, everything is done. Let me fix the frequency." Leo said as he activated the final components. Not only did team 3 have to make sure the situation with the populace goes ok, they had to secure a place for Chloe's treatment. "Alright Delta Squad, best of luck."

"Got it. We will do what we can." Zaed said closing the comm. They moved out under his command to survey the Colony. Opposite of what Jane Shepard and her team would be doing.

Both teams were gathered around an old Mako. Waiting on Leo's signal that the cycle cleaner for the suits was done. Apparently, it has been nothing but trouble getting it to work. The groundwork and the finding of absolutely nothing the last few days on the surface took its toll on the old vehicle.

"Next time, let's not buy from the locals." Maya kept handing him parts to fix the thing. It helps since they wanted to bide a little time before heading out. "Beta Squad went to deal with the Geth facility, think they will have casualties?"

They were also to secure any tech that was non operational, schematics, blueprints, and various security footage. Also without leaving a trace they did so.

"Possible." Morinth answered. "They are still green." Her mother Samara was cool as a cucumber. Not a look of worry but she did look in the direction her other daughters went.

"Test of wills for them." Maya looked from the deadly Asari back to Leo. She wanted to approach a sensitive matter with him but couldn't find the right time. 'I guess just need to bite the proverbial bullet next time we are alone.'

*Wroom!* The A.I. drones floated above in synch with one another. Scanners finally done with the test it needed. A small metal rod about two inches thick came down for everyone.

"Alright gather around. These devices will alert you for any "hot zone" nearby. It will also cycle any toxic air to breathable air. Any main neurotoxin into manageable air. Still, use caution. Let's check out all these tunnels and stay fresh. There should still be a danger present inside areas that have been marked."

"Bio weaponry.." Samara said a little darkly. "..I prefer the rumors not to be true in this case." In a full set of armor like everyone else in the squad, she was getting use to it compared to her Justicar catsuit. "Most Asari have no trouble with this type of situation."

"Most, but not all. Need to set an example for the young commandoes mother." Morinth teased. Enjoying it more than she should have. "What would Matriarch Aethyta said about you risking the young commandoes?"

As much as Maya enjoyed seeing the mother-daughter trade words of disharmony, she was more concerned about the Commandoes failing altogether or worse, getting Kasumi killed.

"We are working on a moving timetable and the clock just started." Leo interrupted. "Good news, this should protect us from the Reaper effects. Just dont go crazy with it." Despite the fact this was not their first rodeo, and they knew the info already about what to expect. "I do not recommend Indoctrination attempts to try and resist on your own. No blatant exposure."

At that statement, they checked the gear again. A few things were missed in locking down the seals for Morinth and Samaa. Again, the catsuits was something they were used to. After a diagnostics of all the gear, everyone was ready to go.

They alternated splitting into groups of two in different combinations. Gaining a familiarity with one another and the way they operated. Considering Maya was sue to stealth and infiltration it was something to get use to. With Morinth and Samara use to hunting or escaping situations they had to keep reminding themselves about their partner.

Both teams split up and went their separate ways into the back tunnels and came across an abandoned shaft. With a dead body not to far from it.

"Morinth, check to see if that is operational still. If it isn't, cut the line and set up a rappel system for a quick descent. Samara, check around for salvage material and what happened. Maya give me a hand checking out this corpse." Leo gave out orders before moving to the body. "This should not be here like this."

"Not a problem boss," Morinth said cheerfully as she got started on her task. She moved her head up and down the sides and checked under the console. "Aha," her omni tool started to glow. She also tapped something on her wrist. Pulling something off she dropped it into the shaft. "Dropping tag marker down."

"This guy should not be here. But then again my info is technically outdated. Let's see what he has on him. Maya goes over his past vitals. I would like to know what happened to his body. I will check his omni-tool." Tapping the sides, of the helmet it popped off. "Maybe if we gather all the information, some insight might be available. If the Omni-tool is salvageable I will remove it."

*Schup!* While Leo grabbed the omni-tool, he started to use a technique in the Reaper Manual. It was subtle and wouldn't show up in medical reports. His spiritual energy dived into the person moving up to the brain stem and tapping into it.

The sensation was odd but it passed a certain amount of information or to him. If the person was still alive it would go a lot better.

A.I.- Scenario has started Leo. Possibility of altering the Fate of few in the colony. As well as gaining the loyalty of Samara and the Asari Commandos. A warning is needed, Morinth Loyalty can break based on what happens on this mission.

'Of course it would.' Leo kept at work while conversing with the A.I. 'I assume it is due to her sisters' involvement as well as her mother. Possibly, if the Asari Commandoes get wiped out it would look bad.

Leo was missing one other matter. The Thorian changing further from his people moving on the surface and interactions with the colonists.

A.I.- Additional Scenario Leo, get the Thorian alive to gain something. Possible issue with the cloning process happening. Enough saved material from the creature can also help with extorting money from Exogeni.

The A.I. couldn't dig deeper into the Destiny of the creature due to Leo's current strength. However, it was able to piece just enough to inform the creature was needed more than he thought.

A few minutes there was a problem. First from Morinth. Then Maya.

"The drone has found something down below. There is a group of colonists trapped way down there. Healthwise they are perfect. But these people look a little green in the skin and the images matched those on the surface. I can't really tell from the feed. The lift is done for." Morinth moved over showing him in greater detail. "The cable system will hold up to 800 pounds, tops. But I have found something else here. There is a bomb set up to the lift. It is definitely fresh considering there isn't even any dust on it. Whoever set this up, most likely hasn't gone too far. They might be right ahead of us. Maybe they were trying to kill these colonists ahead of us."

Morinth looked at the screen with a weird look. For a brief instant, she looked to be sizing up a meal. But it was not something the flagged Leo's Bloodlust. Something else or maybe a habit.

"The only ones who know about this location would be us, and whoever is backing the colonists, right?" Samara asked after a quick look at Leo.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Soul Extension

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth

FrozenTidezcreators' thoughts