
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Outros
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Citadel Part 17 Jack shares something Mordin Project Seed

Leo was currently working in the lab when Jack came over before she heads out. They were given the all clear so his people were going to hit the Citadel as soon as they could for some personal matters.

"You really need to check into this." Jack handed a pistol over. "See if you can make some yourself. I have gone absolutely crazy trying to replicate it myself. It keeps falling apart anytime I try."

"Alright. Will add it to my list." Leo tucked the gun into his Internal Space. Jack was antsy still about something. "Go ahead and tell me whatever it is on your mind."

"Sure... so.." Jack looked at the door then back at him. Silently counting to herself how fast she could get to it before Leo grabbed her with his biotics. She took two steps closer to the door. "..well you see.."

*Chssh!* Mordin stepped in making it even easier for her.

"Maya stored away the fertilized egg the last time you had sex with her before taking off for your assignment and I am going to meet my mom for the first time in forever! Bye!" Jack was gone in a flash. 'It will be fine. I am sure he can handle this matter!'

"Well.. that was illuminating." Mordin blinked a little. "Taking Ark to a whole new level already it seems." He was looking at the samples of various plants Leo had in front of him. "Did you hear what she said?"

"A sample of every floral from various planets. The genetic material of almost every animal. Sperm and harvested eggs from every race we could acquire. Hell, mineral samples to. Copy of every piece of history we could get our hands on." Leo stepped away from the table. "I heard what she said.. just don't know which part she was really wanting me to react to."

"Yes, very impressive. Very envious." Mordin nodded slowly. "So much to study so little time."

"That brings me to the next thing. How would you like to live longer?" Leo pulled a chair to sit in front of the man.

"Genetic experiments on myself, not really something I have tinkered with." Mordin stopped for a moment thinking of the assignment given to him by the Dalatrass. He was to get closer to Leo and ascertain the overall Krogan situation. "We need to speak about the Genophage soon."

"We will in a few more weeks." Leo stated. "Right now we are talking about you Dr.Solus."

"Very well, yes I would like to live longer. So does every Salarian. Just not in the cards except by heavy Synthetics." Mordin watched a Leo showed him a few genetic modifications. "I see.. your methods were done with all deceased Salarians. Change in life might provide to much of a change."

"Considering how your race can reproduce faster than any other, I am sure this is something that can go very easily in the right hands. 15 years guaranteed with only a 12.% drop in intelligence development." Leo sent the file over for him to go over personally. "Just think about it."

"Already have." Mordin tapped on his omni-tool signing the contract. Leo immediately felt an increase in his cultivation. Mordin provided more than he thought when signing. The Salarian scientist's eyes blinked rapidly at the information given to him. Enough that his mouth opened and closed for a few minutes. "Leo, the Salarians want a full update on your organ progress viewing it as a complete threat to Galactic stability. I believe they are hiring someone to frame you. No information on who et."

"Well.. was not expecting that." It was Leo's turn to blink a few times. "We will address that later to deal with when we talk about the Krogan issue later. Right your mind should be expanding quickly so we need to get that under control to prevent you from crashing."

Mordin just nodded quickly in understanding. Talking and just dialogue helped the hyperactive Slaarian out more than anything.


Dr.Chakwas wants to talk-


Leo was sitting in an apartment he rented on the Citadel. It didn't have much in the way of furniture but it was spacious enough to lay various computers for experimental studies. Much better than Normandy.

*Ding Dong!* The doorbell went off signaling the arrival of his guest. Dr.Chakwas came in siting in a chair Leo prepared for her.

"So where do you want to start first?"

"The breakthrough." Dr.Chakwas gave her full attention. "It was monstrous. I literally saw our body exploded in parts and reform. A limb separating then attaching again. If not for the Barrier I believe I would have seeded a new office. If not a new life."

"I am surprised you were able to see it transpire, it was most unusual to feel your gaze during the fight." Leo answered unsure of what happened. The only thing he could come up with was due to his Aspect in Medicine and Dr.Chakwas being a doctor it allowed for her to view so. Did you think or say anything during the process?"

Dr.Chakwas thought bout it for a bit before she came to answer. SH shook her head hoping that was not the case.

"I only muttered I wish I could see what was taking place is all."

A.I.- That is all it would take Leonardo. Despite the contract she signed was new, Dr.Chakwas has been in close proximity and providing power to your various Aspects in continuous increments. Her help with the Sensory Glove provided even more and also affected Jennifer overall. You must keep in mind that the Contracts stores energy between the contracted, yourself, and Lady Gaia.

"That was all it took apparently Doctor." Leo moved to get her something to drink. Fixing a bourbon for himself. The taste was stronger now with his improved tastebuds but like before it would not give him any type of relief. 'Her contract was simple in which she really just wanted to know what was going on overall. Glad she didn't wish for a giant lobster or something.'

A.I.- They only able to wish for what is in the scope of your power. Out of all of them, Maya, Jack, Zaed, and Nirali have the most congested amount of power. Only small ones will ever grant at this stage. However, the moment you become a Demideity that will change. No matter the various cultivation methods you mix and the "Path" you take to get there.

"I want to see the fight again. I am sure your place is more protected than the Infirmary." Dr.Chakwas sipped the water and waited. The Mental Cultivation Leo passed over to her definitely made it easy for her to process better. "I just want to see something."

Leo activates a mental technique projecting the battle into the room. The fight between himself and the Tribulation him showing in a way that excited and scared Dr.Chakwas.

The Tribulation warrior sent black lighting hurtling towards him. The lighting moved in a way that cut at the boundaries of his being. The tightening in his chest let him know it affected his body straight off the bat.

Leo continued dashing forward on his feet. Right as he would be hit by the attack when curved, he ducked and sent a wave of energy directly out in a Shockwave. Stunning his opponent briefly.

Leo clapped his hands together delivering a Haymaker directly to its face. Crushin a few of the teeth that hastily reformed in the mouth. The black lighting bent curved backstabbing him in the back.

"Ugh," Leo let loose a grunt. He grabbed his opponent then threw him to the ground before stomping on the head repeatedly. "Cheeky little thing arent' you!" Forcing the lightning out of his body, he took stock that it bypassed the defense of his body.

Dodging would just waste energy despite his current form acting more of his soul. Then he noticed the fight had transitioned to his Internal Space area. With his body feeling the exact same way it did on the outside.

"You rely to much on your body." The Tribulation Warrior stated.

"Pft! He places I am in calls for it! I am preparing humans and other races for what comes next!" Leo activated a movement technique moving around the black lighting going right at his opponent. His arms raised as he configured an Assault Rifle that fired rounds of mental and spiritual energy. "Only an idiot would go around just using lighting and the various elements in a futureristic setting like this!"

*Brrrrp!* The shot went out so fast and continuos that the lawl between shots did not come. Each hit peeling away at the Tribulation Warrior. It then flew up out of reach as Leo stopped firing not wanting to waste energy.

"Get back here!" Leo locked onto his target and jumped. Powered by a Biotic Charge with Blood Energy and Mental Energy the impact was as expected. The Tribulation warrior's chest caved in as it went higher up. "Fling!"

Hurtling it towards the ground, Leo went after opening fire once more. A blast of Black Lightning fired from its mouth knocking him back. With a grunt, Leo just switched to a Sniper Rifle.

*Kachak! Kachak!* Both rounds blasted holes in the opponent. Increasing the speed it hit the ground. The super rifle started to glow as he focused his energy.

"Technology must not be underestimated.. stupid relic!" Leo felt a change occur behind him as black robes fluttered about. The image of a human in black robes mimicking his posture. "I use everything that will get the job done!"

*Woosh!* The energy gathered and released the moment the Tribulation Warrior recovered. Its grisly visage smirking in a way that just pissed Leo off. As if thought everything was under its control.

"You would damage even yourself to get the job done?"

*KACCHOOM!* The round fired was his answer. Faster than a blink the Tribulation Warrior was pressed down by pressure that broke it apart revealing a human. Then the round from the rifle slammed into it breaking it apart.

"Not.. that.. easy.." The Tribulation Warrior pushed against the shot. "..your are a disgrace to cultivators.."

"Well.. I am a scientist, not something as limited as a cultivator." Leo looked at the thing as if it was a moron. The sniper rifle vanishing along with a good bit of his mental energy. His hand raised up as he snapped his fingers. "I wonder is you can survive the composition of a nuclear energy? I wonder if this can survive it s well."

*Snap!* The rifle round composed of mental energy exploded. No sound went out as the Tribulation Warrior wrapped it up in Black energy-containing it. Blood dripping from its nose.

"Where did he go?!" ALarmed it lost sight of Leo as it continued to resist the energy. "Kuk!" A hand rammed through its chest as Leo appeared behind it. "So you do know cultivation techniques.."

"Just a little Reaping is all." Leo's blood and spiritual energy wrapped around its heart and broke it down into pure energy. Seeing the Tribulation Warrior arms weakening he activated a Barrier jumping away. 'Well, didn't anything from that. So no heart really. What a gyp!"

*Clap!!* Smashing hands together, the Mental creation of the Nuke was snuffed out. Much to Leo's dissapointment.

"Ugh!" The Tribulation Warrior grimaced before turning towards Leo. It was greeted with two Smg to the face. "Tch!" Leo unloaded the rest of his mental energy into each shot. Peeling away at its face since it should have a brain at least.

The moment the guns vanished, Leo felt the backlash of not having mental energy left over. A headache that froze him a few seconds to long. He was hit with Black Lightning so strong his body seized and flesh exploded as they inflated.

"Grrr!" Leo growled in frustration as his blood energy circulated. The form of the Reaper behind changing as he created an Omni-tool. "I refuse to believe you are invincible! If so, you wouldn't have died!"

*Bzzzt!* The next bolt of lightning was completed parried. Leo pushed his understanding of Nature and took control of the Lightning hurtling it back at his opponent. Seeing the black eyes go wide, he grinned to himself in triumph.

*Bwoom!* The Tribulation Warrior turned into black particles from the impact then reformed. Less of the material covering it by the second. Leo hadn't stopped moving as he slipped to the side with physical speed dropping a few grenades.

"Your not going anywhere!" Leo used Warp to prevent it from moving. Power fully by Spirit energy, it didn't do damage as it should. But it did hold his opponent in place successfully. 'Just need to put a little more in this attack to keep it up!'

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Gate of Immortality

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas, Mordin

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