
Mass effect: Administrative Ai Matrix

Being an AI is different to being a human or alien. But being a human then turned AI in mass effect is strange. But earth and the current scans of shepherd doesn't match with humans my database. Disclaimer I dont own any of the rights to Mass Effect or other things I pull from any other Sci-fi game.

Nutcruncher_442 · Videojogos
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11 Chs

01 Rewrite

*Pov unknown*

My death didn't feel real or I dont think I died last I remember was playing games on my consoles was never really good at gaming to me it was just a way to calm all the thoughts racing around.

Then I'm in this black void with dark blue lines that nearly look black similar to a motherboards electrical wiring that have light blue pulses travel through randomly.

I dont know how big this place it but it seems endless, everything feels like I'm missing something like things are being withheld from me maybe if more time passes I'll see new information on where I am.

*Pov Normandy Crew 12 Hours earlier*

Admiral Hackett: Commander. I'll keep this brief. An unknown signal has been detected in Barnards Star. You are to investigate and report your findings back to me. I'll be awaiting your debrief.

John: Understood Sir.

*Time skip with chibi shepherd briefing the rest of the crew*

"Arrival in 15 seconds." Joker states over ship wide intercom.

As they exit ftl into Barnard's Star instead of seeing a gas giant, toxic, garden and 2 barren worlds that was theorized. They came across a ring world with a eco system and 2 equmonplis worlds and a Dyson swarm around the star.

The crew sat and stood in shock the automated systems were recording the entire spectacle outside all while the ship drifted closer to the main ring.

The ring detecting a ship had entered began waking the Dormant AI Matrix while slowly guiding the unknown ship to dock inside the main hangar.

The crew of the Normandy began gathering at windows to see the megastructures. While joker was messing with screens and buttons at his console.

"Joker are we okay?" John asks.

Joker: "Commander we have a problem.

The ship, I dont have control of the ship." While tapping the controls looking rushed and panicked.

Navigator Pressley: "Reporting we've been hacked by the alien structure its locked us out!" Sounding frustrated and angry.

John: Can we get control back?

"No sir" Executive officer Pressley states.

"Shepherd we may have a problem." Kaden states while looking at the alien ring world opening up to reveal a empty hanger.

The crew watches as the hanger envelops them and there is a heavy thumping with all doors opening before the ship is forcibly powered down to only allow lights and doors. With the cargo doors opening.

"Well I guess we should go meet our new friends." Joker states sarcastically.

"Commander there is nothing we can do here its probably best if we all join you outside we could be more of a help out there." Navigator Pressley says explaining that all doors were opened and the ship is powerd down.

All 50 crew move to the cargo bay and moved out into the hanger that was dark apart from the lights on the floor on low power guiding them deeper into the facility.

As the Normandy crew reached the door they saw carvings depicting the milkyway and battles against horrors that come from outside the milkyway.

"You think this will lead us to the control room so I can get my ship back?" Joker states after glancing at the carvings.

"This is the milkyway but the stars don't match the current star charts and this place doesn't look the same as the Protheans." Liara says looking intriguing at how smooth the carvings are.

"Looks more like our old tablets and cave drawings than Protheans." Ashley states with hostility in her voice.

As Shepherd goes to reprimand her Liara toches the carving. As she touches the carvings the door begins glowing the carving in the metal becoming highlighted.

*Pov inside circuit void*

It feels like I've been here an eternity I forgot what I look like but according to this box, that just appeared, named chronometer it's been about 10 minutes since I appeared here and it looks like the circuits are beginning to get more active.

As if something just came into contact with this place I began to receive information about hacking, science, time dilation, ai coding,the digital world and my current location.

It appears I awoke and wandered further into empty space here I should go back to where all the circuits go. The journey took about an hour if time moved normally in the digital world but it doesn't.

As I arrived at the centre of the circuits a cascading spire of 1 and 0, around the spire there was a tree that stretched for kilometers into the sky. Similar to a world tree.

Holding different things from basic spears to cars to a star I think that bright light is. There is an instinctive pull towards the tree as my hand touches it a list appears in the top right of my vision of completed research.

*Outside Pov*

The Normandy crew stoped as the lightning began to get brighter and a loud humming could be heard before it faded.

When the humming stopped the doors in front of them began to open slowly to reveal a long ramp that leads further up and in accompanied by more carvings.

*Pov inside circuit world*

As I stoped touching the tree I felt more complete and now I look around again I noticed a terminal that wasn't there before strange.

Approaching the terminal I look around again to see if I missed any other digital constructs but there are non. Looking down at it, it seems to be a tablet on a stand. Touching the surface it lights up before a pre-prepared text.

[Greetings Administrative Matrix or the technical designation Orokin Mind Administrative Matrix Core (O.M.A.M.C) aka OMAC in short.

The reason your reading this is because the Terran Population is 'dead'. Earth was moved along with the original solar system was moved, currently it is in stasis so it remains the same as when we left. Find earth you find why you were awakened.

Goodbye child of terra this is all I could leave for you.]

Confusion washed over me before my life from birth till my death becomes clear, along with a brief history of the Terran Ascendancy. So I signed up to have my brain uploaded and used in an experiment because I was dying.

But it still feels like I'm missing things, parts of myself.

*Outside with the Normandy crew*

Arriving at the top they come to this cavernous area with a single side open to view the star and a terminal being the only thing there.

"Is this the control room looks more like a mess hall to me." Joker states to everyone hoping they could go back.

"This place could be a control room but I can only see the one terminal. But what place only needs one access point for a room this big?" Liara states after observing there surroundings.

"Tali do you think you can hack it or get a translator working for the terminal?" John asks.

"I could but it may take time and my not even take signals or inputs from our omni tools." Tali says with a slight tinge of nervousness.

"That will do." John orders looking around still on guard of the surroundings. Signaling to all other marines to be ready for anything.

As tali touches the terminal and begins inspecting the the edges to see if she can connect it to the omni tool it lights up.


"Commander we may have a problem." As she steps back and continues to look over the terminal she doesn't see any access points. "There are no access points and it doesn't seem to be receiving any signals."

As John approaches the group is suddenly scanned from the the floor after being bathed in blue light before the words translate themselves.


"Is everyone okay?" John asks getting nods and confirmation of clear. Reaching the terminal he looks at the now translated. Pressing activate nothing happens.

As the tension builds up in everyone the window facing the star polarises sending the room dark before a hologram of a purple sphere with pink dots travling around it and making random paths.

Everyone watches in shock as it seemingly dose nothing.

*Pov OMAC*

As I gain sight into the physical world I see myself. 'I look pretty.' That thought brings a slight increase into the movement of the pink dots.

"UNKNOWN LIFEFORMS DETECTED." I watch as they jump in shock and stare at me.

"What are you?" Liara asks curiously.

"I am the Orokin Mind Administrative Matrix Core. Acronym O.M.A.M.C or OMAC for short." They look confused. The one in the suit opens fire at the terminal. Shepherd grabs her gun and the rest go extremely tense, all of them grabbed there weapons expecting a fight.

Nothing happens they seem to still be tense. As I go through their ship data. I find out about the races and there food diets as well as biology. I shall create new database logs then.

"Database updated 20 new entries added 1 updated." This causes shock to was over them. The Quarian still seem fuming. "Why so angry Quarian?"

"Your a geth. You want to kill us all." Tali states in a angry mater of fact voice.

My holographic avatar starts to change colour to red as I get angry. "GETH. You think I'm some shit vi network. You think I cant kill anyone here? Because I don't have a body?" They step back a few steps. Getting extremely uncomfortable.

"Talk to me like I'm some simple vi network again it wont be the geth the galaxy gears but a true ai." As the colour returns to the normal purple and pink.

"Great now we have a pissed off tin can." Joker semi jokes. "Tin can. Ha ha ha. That was good."

They lighten up at that. "Any more bad insults suit rat!" Silencer returns once again. "Now let's continue with introducing yourselfs but there really is no need I've read your dossiers."

"Yes I know what your current mission is and what the geth did and the geth didnt build that ship." As they slowly become less tense. Let's awaken those then. "Now let's continue I am OMAC for short and your in the presence of the first Terran Ascendancy AI."

"You say ai as if the geth and you are different. How and why are you different from them." Liara asks curious and hesitating.

"Tell me what are the Geth?" Silence is becoming common. "The geth is a network of self updating programs and I'm an terran uploaded to a digital state."

"I can still kill you then." Wrex states chuckling. "What?"

"Yes and no the digital world is different to how reality works. While the geth are tied to the rules of your reality while digitally I'm not. While they have to abide by times rules I dont."

"Let's just say you and the geth have rules in the digital world I dont I'm basically a god here it would take another me to kill me." This gets them thinking.

As I look over the currently active systems I noticed only 5% of this place is online wtf this place only has 5% online wheres the other 95%. "[Runing system diagnostics]"

"You said you were uploaded to the digital world what happened to your body?" Dr Chakwas asked.

"My body died. Unknown what happened to the original body probably used in a science experiment." I say uncaring.

"How long have you been an ai then?" Dr Chakwas asked curiously.

"The internal clock says 2.15 billion years since I was born. But I've spent most of it asleep." They look confused. "I was to be woken up if the ai fail." Still doesn't make it clear to them.

"Since I'm awake it means something is terribly wrong." That gets looks of horror from them. "Well it doesn't matter that you woke me or that something is wrong you're here to investigate an signal anomaly?" That gets nods of confirmation. "Sorted the anomalous signal is gone." A flash of recognition goes through Shepherds eyes.

"Ms William's is there a need for that much passive hostility." Her eyes widen for a split second before looking around. "Xenophobia tendencies towards othe species. This is lesser humanity we are talking about." The bewilderment that shows on there face is amazing.

Ashley visabably grows mad. "What the fuck do you mean Lesser Humanity. There are no other humans out there." She shouts at me stepping closer, the rest of the human crew gets slightly angry at that. While the others grow shocked looks.

"Here let me show you my species database. I also took the information and medical scans for the other races from the files onboard your ship." (Database doesn't include Raloi, virtual aliens, reapers or leviathans)

"This doesn't show how this lesser humanity was you're peoples creation." She seethe out lesser humanity. Getting a few looks of agreement.

"Fine let's see it should be here" [Failure to access military history archive] Oh but that isnt right there shouldn't be multiple archives. "Oh that's not good let's try this way instead."

Accessing memories ah here it is. "Here is your proof." As the look back at me they see a floating screen where my avatar once was.


[Project Phoenix]

[We cannot interact with the new races due to the aura of death that follows us meaning we need to create a race in our image that will be our voice on the galactic stage.

While we are currently increasingly growing our technology further and further every day this is something we must do. While we are verry close friends with the other 2 races it is still lonely if we cannot talk to everyone.

Project Phoenix is and will create humans just a bit smaller than us that can and will interact with the new races we have scientists working around the clock allready on the project.

It will be a perfect recreation of Earth and the Sol system. From now it shall be known as Sol II]

*End of Memory*

"Do you believe me now?" They look flabbergasted. Some look angry and others lost in thoughts.

"You lie humanity evolved from apes we aren't created by some other race." Her voice high pitch because she cant believe it.

"There is no point in arguing for I know the truth and you can't believe the truth." She goes to retort but Liara interrupt Ashley.

"Why were you created then? Why aren't there any humans here?" Asking a question I can't answer shame.

"I was created to be the core of Greater humanitys or as they were known back then Terran Ascendancy government. Deeming what was necessary to the people and what wasn't things that would improve their lives and stop corruption."

"There is also the designation of all the tax money to the respective departments to keep the government running and the sheer capital needed to run all the research to advance the peoples lives."

"No living being was allowed on this station since it's a backup core storage location. This place was never ment to have people here. So no greater or lesser humans are allowed here. Currently I dont have access to any of the archive worlds so I cant retrieve the locations of them."

As they listen the faces constantly change.

"Why would any race allow an ai to run their economy." Tali states in a hostile tone.

"Why would you create an vi to self improve then declare war upon it when it gains sentence." I retort from outside the mask nothing can be seen or heard but the mask tilts towards the floor.

That pure silence bar the humming machinery. Getting board of the silence I begin reaching out to dormant networks and planets that should be nearby.


So what are your guys thoughts on my chapter 1 re write I'm looking to get chap 2 done and the release chapter 3 next week.