
Marvelous Twist

Evan Shepard finds himself inexplicably transported from his world into this new reality. With only three mysterious crystals and his knowledge of the MCU, Evan navigates the complexities of a universe where both mutants and superheroes coexist. As he strives to understand his new reality, Evan hatches a daring plan that starts with him obtaining Extremis, and ends with him standing at the top of the universal food chain. Amidst the unfolding adventure, Evan's past and origins come to light, revealing secrets that could alter the course of his journey. As he grapples with his identity, he must also navigate the intricate dynamics of this new world, where mutants and humans struggle for coexistence.

Wicked132 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Heroes in Harmony #61

With determination etched on every face, the assembled heroes positioned themselves, forming a formidable front in preparation for their ultimate confrontation with the menacing Master Mold. The air was heavy with tension, and their collective resolve seemed to hang in the balance.

Just as the tension reached its zenith, a distant roar pierced the skies. The high-pitched wail of engines heralded the arrival of two sleek fighter jets, their presence a sudden and dramatic punctuation to the unfolding battle. The supersonic boom that accompanied their entry was a thunderous testament to their velocity.

In perfect synchronization, the two fighter jets unleashed a devastating volley of rockets, each bearing the unmistakable insignia of Stark Industries. The projectiles, a symphony of destruction, arced gracefully through the air before finding their intended targets with unerring precision. 

Upon impact, the rockets detonated in brilliant, fiery blooms, and a swarm of minuscule, insect-like machines emerged from within.

These undetectable infiltrators rapidly descended upon the massive form of the Master Mold, their insidious presence hidden within the fiery chaos of the explosions. The dormant behemoth stirred with newfound vitality, its mechanical orbs pulsating with an ominous crimson glow.

The Master Mold, poised to unleash its intentions, began to utter a foreboding declaration, its metallic voice resonating with the promise of destruction. "So you have chosen, humans... and now you will face the—"

However, its ominous words hung suspended in the air-- the sentence left incomplete. The reason became abundantly clear as a squad of Iron Man suits, sleek and deadly, closed in on the colossal frame of the Master Mold. 

In a synchronized assault, they unleashed a relentless barrage of missiles and scorching energy blasts, a fierce bombardment that shook the very foundations of the underground lair.

High above the turmoil, Stark floated amidst the chaos, a triumphant smirk concealed beneath his iconic helmet. The audacity of Master Mold's speech seemed to amuse him. "You seem to like the sound of your voice too much for a piece of scrap," he quipped, his armored arms poised to deliver another volley of searing energy blasts.

Stark's words were akin to a spark igniting a fuse, the signal for the amassed forces to unleash their collective might. Soldiers shouldered their rifles and opened fire, a hail of bullets streaking toward their metallic adversaries. Tanks unleashed armor-piercing rounds that tore through the air with thunderous reverberations.

Simultaneously, the gathered heroes sprung into action. Some, like Stark, took the initiative to engage the Master Mold head-on-- their attacks focused on the colossal mechanical monstrosity. Others, however, directed their attention skyward, where the swarm of Sentinels hovered ominously over the behemoth's metallic body.

In the midst of this orchestrated chaos, a contingent of heroes lingered on the periphery, ready to provide support as needed. They stood vigilant, their keen senses attuned to the battle's ebb and flow, poised to assist the soldiers and police officers should the need for their intervention arise.

Amidst the frenetic battleground, Evan stood resolute among the few who chose not to engage the Master Mold directly. His decision was of hesitation but rather a calculated strategy. 

He understood that the moment of optimal opportunity would inevitably present itself. Although his formidable superhuman strength, regenerative abilities, and extensive combat experience against Sentinels could greatly aid in the battle, he knew patience was now his greatest asset.

With unwavering determination, Evan bided his time, maintaining a heightened state of readiness, acutely aware that the orchestrated plan required precise timing. He poised himself for swift and decisive action, knowing that his moment to shine would arrive without warning.

As his gaze canvassed the battlefield, it was drawn to Storm, her commanding presence undeniable. She ascended into the heavens, a living tempest in her element. 

Dark clouds gathered ominously above her, and with a gesture of her outstretched arms, she summoned torrents of lightning that lashed out with furious brilliance, striking down the Sentinel drones with unerring precision-- Each bolt of electricity searing through the mechanical assailants, reducing them to smoldering wrecks.

Marvel Girl floated gracefully beside Storm, her vibrant telepathic abilities on full display. With the subtlest of gestures, she manipulated the Sentinels, sending them hurtling through the air with little more than a flick of her fingers. A protective formation of Iron Man suits encircled the two women, their advanced weaponry making short work of any Sentinel that dared draw near.

The Human Torch, a blazing comet of fire and fury, soared through the skies in arcs around the colossal Master Mold. His fiery contrails left trails of ash in his wake as he systematically incinerated any opposition in his path. 

Down below, the indomitable Luke Cage led a charge, his figure blurring into a gale of raw violence. His massive frame surged forward with an unstoppable momentum, leaving chaos and destruction in his wake. 

Finally, Luke Cage reached his intended target, the looming figure of the Master Mold. He launched himself towards it with a titanic leap, undeterred by the Sentinels' desperate attempts to impede him. Their attacks barely registered against his unbreakable skin.

Following closely in Luke's wake, Jessica Jones and the Thing were equally unstoppable forces of nature. Their charge cleaved through the Sentinels with unerring precision, like hot knives through butter, leaving a trail of wreckage in their wake.

As Luke Cage relentlessly dismantled the Master Mold's formidable exterior, Jessica Jones and the Thing remained steadfast in their determination to protect him. They engaged the encroaching Sentinels, their every strike a fierce defense of their ally. Whenever the opportunity presented itself, they directed their attacks at the colossal frame of the Master Mold, seeking to weaken it.

Spider-Man, agile and acrobatic, danced through the battlefield, a beacon of assistance for the soldiers and police officers. His web-swinging prowess allowed him to swiftly traverse the area, providing aid wherever it was most needed. 

Iceman, his icy powers under precise control, accompanied the web-slinger. Together, they formed a dynamic duo that effectively managed the Sentinel incursion-- their teamwork and coordination a testament to their experience as heroes.

Meanwhile, Angel, Shadowkat, and Armor fanned out across the soldier's ranks, forming a protective perimeter that kept the encroaching Sentinels at bay. The defenders were relentless, their every action a testament to their commitment to the cause.

Having been miraculously healed by Evan's powers, Nightcrawler now stood resolute on the battlefield. His recent brush with a life-threatening injury hadn't dampened his courage or commitment to the cause. 

He braved the danger, unwavering in his determination to aid in any way possible and save as many lives as possible. With his teleportation abilities, he poised himself to swiftly shuttle anyone in peril to safety, whether they were fellow heroes or valiant soldiers.

Yet, amidst this united front, one crucial figure was conspicuously absent — Forge. However, his absence didn't signal inaction; he was playing his designated role as part of the overarching plan.

General Huntley's gaze was fixed on the tumultuous battlefield, where heroes, mutants, soldiers, and police officers united in their relentless assault against the mechanical menace. He said as he approached Evan. 

With a sense of awe, he spoke to Evan, his words infused with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. "Heroes, mutants, soldiers, cops... all working to destroy a threat to humanity-- it's almost inspiring..." His statement hung in the air, an acknowledgment of the sheer magnitude of this collective effort. "Is this what you've been working so hard for?" 

Evan, still watching the unfolding chaos, responded with a wry chuckle. "I might have been able to achieve it by now if General Dipshit Ross wasn't in the picture..." His tone carried frustration as he mentioned the general's name.

Evan continued, a smirk playing on his lips. "Glad you're here, sir. Otherwise, everyone would be trying to stop me from killing him instead of fighting the giant tin can if he were here..."

General Huntley's grimace deepened as he spoke, revealing the frustration that had undoubtedly built up over time. "Oh, some people tried to send him here-- it's honestly incredible how clueless the higher-ups tend to be, especially in Ross's case..." 

"It's like they're blind to his countless mistakes..." Huntley continued, his tone laced with disbelief and disappointment. He then turned to Evan, a glint of determination in his eyes. "Luckily, my sight is perfectly fine, and I'd be damned if I left the fate of humanity in the hands of a fool..."