
Marvelous Scarlet Spider

Isaac grew up in the midst of the rising Avengers along with the general populace. He knew about them but never adored them, especially not after the Chitauri Invasion where his life changes forever. Unfortunately, soon after the event he is put into a coma. He wakes up having lived his life as a hero and now finds that this life he will have to be one too, while also trying to achieve a normal life for a 18 year old with no friends. His story starts sometime after he wakes up from his coma. Uh, he also tries to do the right thing, even when he is mortally wounded. He likes sushi! He hates elementals. I personally like Andrew Garfield as Spider-man and I'm not saying he is the best. That goes to my main man Donald Glover- wait, wrong universe. ... ... ... ... .. . Also he's Spider-man but who cares about that. - No Harem - Multiple relationships that one would normally have before they meet the love of their life. I do not know own any characters as they are IPs of their respective companies besides my OC and any OCs that are featured in this work. Royal Road Link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/66862/marvelous-scarlet-spider FanFiction.Net Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14217496/1/Marvelous-Scarlet-Spider

Satyr_o7 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 8: Wishes being granted

"Well, You know. My birthday is coming up."

"I know, October 23rd." Isaac replied, trying to drink the last of his chocolate milk.

"And soo, I was wondering, if you. Would want to.-" Ernie stammered. Not knowing how to word it. Isaac's eyebrow raised. She coughed slightly before staring at him.

"Well, uh- Harry Osbourne is having a party on halloween, and Iwaswonderingifyouwantedtogotogether? It's alright if you say no, We can totally still hangout for my birthday." Ernie quickly asked and changed subjects like what she had said was the most embarrassing thing that was ever said between the two of them.

Isaac didn't mind going anywhere's with Ernie, it's just that fact that it was Harry's party. The fact that it was a party already discouraged him. He barely knew 1% of the student body who didn't refer to him as coma boy. And of that 1%, his clientele were probably half of that. Though at this point that might be shrinking.

Isaac, drummed his fingers rhythmically across the top of the plastic coated plywood table before he released a small sigh.

"Fine." Isaac answered. He watched his best friend's expression light up like fireworks on independence day and he figured the right choice was made. After all, it wasn't like anything bad would happen.

"Alright," She said as her smiled beamed across the table. The bell rang shortly after and they collected their things trying to beat the rush until the second bell, warning them that they had five minutes until they were late for class rang and the cafetarius exodus had began. Isaac went to get up when he felt his spider-sense start to warn him of danger but the signal wasn't strong enough for him to have a real need to move. He, however regretted that decision when he felt a hand clasp his shoulder while another one slammed his arms free, knocking a couple of text books to the floor as he then went with it.

He was pushed hard to the side that he tried to minimize the pain by pushing off with one of his hands to lessen the momentum but he still ended up skidding along the ground. He looked over to see a looming, chocolate skinned wall wearing their school's basketball jumper. He looked even higher up and saw Kong or as the teachers referred to him, Kenny McFarlene, who's currently the school's starting Center and more importantly, the boyfriend of the guy who had a peek of his junk the other day via Video.

"Woah, WHAT THE FUCK" Ernie spat with venom as she saw her friend get ragdolled to the floor with a simple shove.

"Shut up," Kong pointed, getting a surprised look from the girl before he glared back at the kid on the floor.

"You trying to get with my girl Isaac? I thought we were cool but now I'm hearing this bullshit from the girls about my girl and you being naked together." His face scrunched with a palpable anger and fury. Isaac immediately said something before he had a chance to think.

"Well technically, She just caught me naked. I wasn't really paying oh, fuck-" Isaac said as Kong gripped his sweater hoisting all 175 pounds of him up, before shoving him against the table and punched him in the face, causing Isaac to feel a dribble of warm, Iron tasting liquid start to mix with his saliva. Kong then hit him again but this time in the hit was nearly evaded as the students circled around them.

"Wait Kong, let's talk about th-"

The gathering crowd started to chant sporadically as Kong wailed on him a couple of more times but Isaac held on, knowing he could take a lot more punishment if he needed too. Isaac dodged a slowly approaching left hook before shooting his own blow but Isaac stopped himself from going all of the way, causing him to give Kong a love tap, getting him even more mad.

'I guess this is what happens, when you get lucky, fucking eggs.' He thought as he saw Kong wind back another fist but before it could be launched, he saw Ernie trying to hold it back but Kong smacked her causing Isaac to take Kong's hand and twisting it, to he winched.

"Arggh" Kong groaned as Isaac pronated the limb further. This random attack on him, he could deal with, but only him.

"Alright big guy, punching me- no problem but her, I can't let that slide." He kicked Kong's knee buckling his stance to now being on the floor where the loud chants that proliferated the cafeteria that had diminished to whispers when Ernie got hit, was now utterly silent as they watched Isaac turn the tables on the beat down. The lamb had revealed itself to be the predator as he was now the one dominating. Isaac pushed the wrist further. Almost to the point where he could break it if he went any further but his grip only intensified. Isaac let his eyes drift until he saw that Ernie was fine, which caused him a moment of relief. The breath he didn't know he was keeping locked, released slowly.

"Argghh stop. Stop"

"You want me to stop. What happened to trying make my skull concave a minute ago, hmm. If didn't know any better, I'd say an apology was needed. What do you say Wreck it Ralph wannabe" Isaac knew he wanted to hurt him, to cause him real pain for attacking so randomly and without any real evidence of the accusation but he wouldn't. Isaac knew better but that didn't mean he should just let the basketball player off of the hook just yet.

"I'm Sorry" Kong relented. His angry stature was now shivering as he wanted the pain to subside.

"You don't seem sorry, say it like you mean it to her. NOW KONG" Isaac chided, he basked in his emotions and he couldn't help but see his uncle Adrian in the bullies position but with each breath that was released, so to did the anger until he heard another girl yell, shoving him off of Kong.

Isaac unintentionally released his grip as the girl yelled and staggered back out of pure confusion.

"Just back off, freak." He heard as he saw the small person push him again before she dropped, tending to her boulder of a boyfriend who nursed his hand. A hand, grabbed the back of his shoulder.. He watched as the small person walked away and towards one of the basketball players, hugging him.

'Oh c'mon now I'm the bad guy, I don't see him with a busted lip.' Isaac sighed, he tenderly held his lip hoping that his salvia would provide him support in healing the wound as he lapped up the blood. He was about to say something when he saw the teacher coming, knowing that things were going to get even worse. He just gritted his teeth, before looking at Ernie who looked even more concerned for him than he was. His expression of annoyance softened when he walked up to her, bending to a sitting position.

"Fucking asshole, he didn't even take me out to dinner before sucker punching me like that." He sighed, smirking to show that he was alright but he felt his warm cheek swell slightly. From experience he knew it was going to bruise within the hour. He felt Ernie stare at him before giggling which caused his heart to calm once he saw that she was okay.

"You get punched like you're a wackamole but all you think of is food. Jeez Isaac, fuck- that's so ridiculous" She said as she laid her head on his shoulder to comfort him, since they both knew what was going to happen.

"What the hell is happening here " The teacher finally arrived, minutes after the fight was over.

"It's his fault " The girl blamed.

'Fuck shit it is!' He protested.