
Marvelous Scarlet Spider

Isaac grew up in the midst of the rising Avengers along with the general populace. He knew about them but never adored them, especially not after the Chitauri Invasion where his life changes forever. Unfortunately, soon after the event he is put into a coma. He wakes up having lived his life as a hero and now finds that this life he will have to be one too, while also trying to achieve a normal life for a 18 year old with no friends. His story starts sometime after he wakes up from his coma. Uh, he also tries to do the right thing, even when he is mortally wounded. He likes sushi! He hates elementals. I personally like Andrew Garfield as Spider-man and I'm not saying he is the best. That goes to my main man Donald Glover- wait, wrong universe. ... ... ... ... .. . Also he's Spider-man but who cares about that. - No Harem - Multiple relationships that one would normally have before they meet the love of their life. I do not know own any characters as they are IPs of their respective companies besides my OC and any OCs that are featured in this work. Royal Road Link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/66862/marvelous-scarlet-spider FanFiction.Net Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14217496/1/Marvelous-Scarlet-Spider

Satyr_o7 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 12: Trying and failing?

'Fantastic they're 15..13..10..8…6, and they're right there.' He saw a flash of red and blue.

"Great, Cops totally love me" Isaac shot backwards with the lost of momentum but he held on with a web struggling to stay attached to the back door. Unfortunately, he had to run and he knew he couldn't just yank the web too hard to pull himself up. Isaac thought quickly and with his free hand, he shot a web towards a man hole cover that lifted rather easily.

'Don't throw it like a sling, don't!!!' He warned himself as he picked it up with a quick flick bringing it to him, he leaped and landed on it, treating it like a skateboard and stopping the asphalt from completely obliterating his shoes' soles. Plus with the smoother object, he could pull himself closer until a cop car cut into traffic to chase the car, almost smacking into him. Well that would be generous, It actually did hit him he just moved with the sudden change of momentum before it did any damage. Now he was dangling in the air which wasn't the best. Isaac looked behind him waving to the officer who wasn't totally used to seeing heroes trying to help.

'Is it me or it's just they don't seem to happy' Isaac thought as he watched them radio something and somehow Isaac started to hear it in his head.

"Code 16-10 Vigilante, hostile? Confirmative?" The cop asked.

"wh-w-wh-whoa. I'm not hostile." Isaac said as the manhole cover slipped from his feet's grip and flew backwards smashing into a mailbox causing the cops to swerve around the explosion of letters.

"Fu-you gotta be kidding me." He sighed, he turned to watch was in front of him. Isaac decided that they weren't going to be of any help so he pulled on the web while jumped up, shooting a web to the side of the van pulling himself towards the door. He landed on the side of the vehicle wondering how should go about it.

'Direct- hmm' Isaac was about to smash the van's door open but he realized he doesn't exactly know the situation inside, so he leapt on top of the van, landing as soft as he could which still ended up in him smashing the covered window with his foot. Isaac quickly pulled it out and took a look inside, seeing the kid tied up with the two guys who had napped the kid with loaded heavy duty firearms, immediately taking range at him.

"Can talk about this?" He asked before dodging instinctually as bullets were let lose inside of the van.

'I probably could've handled this better, but it's the lady fault. Alright, Alright.. let's get this done..' He focused and went to the otherside of the van, shooting a web to debilitate the vehicle's wheel. Isaac watched as his web struggled to properly stop the one wheel. Isaac quickly surmised that his webs weren't quite strong enough to completely stop it, only slow it down. Isaac used the jerk back from the lost of speed to jump and in midair pull the guns of both of the kidnappers out of their hands through the window he had made earlier. Though Isaac now didn't have any choice but to land on the cruiser which swerved again due to it's shift in weight but it was quickly corrected.

"Get the fuck off of the car you weirdo." A police officer yelled into the mic.

"Woah." Isaac held his ears which felt like they were bleeding. He shook his head trying to get rid of the ringing and slapped his face to focus on the task ahead.

Isaac ignored the cops as he looked to see the guys in the van scrambling to get their guns back in their hands. Isaac launched himself in to the van, opening it and grabbing the guns with his feet and tossing them to the cruiser webbing them to the car before entering the van.

"Woo. Now, can you please slow down? We have children- children that you stole on board. No, well ugh-fine." he thought out loud as on the child nappers struggled to stand but once they did, one of them went to punch the vigilante but Isaac was reluctant to do what he wanted in front of the child so he just evaded the assault. The kid was staring at them with a deep fear, long stirred to consciousness with the pungent leftovers of gunpower. Isaac just quickly took the thugs out. He dodged the one of the criminals punches, webbing him to the floor of the vehicle as he rolled to the side of the van at the lounge of the other who almost fell out but was saved by a quick web to the crouch. Isaac flicked his wrist to pull him back causing his pants to slide down to his ankle until Isaac could web his torso to the floor. The passenger than got up to join in but Isaac webbed his face causing the passenger to struggle to see and get it off.

"My bad. It's habit" Isaac chided before. He webbed the child pulling him close.

"Alright close your eyes." Isaac guided and the child nodded, immediately complying allowing Isaac to dodge a grab by the first recovered thug as he slid, jumping out of the van as he twisted his torso to send a web bullet to the van's rear wheel. Causing the wheel to blow up but it seemed like the chase was going to continue as the van turned.

Isaac landed nicely as he laid the kid on his feet.

"Open sesame." Isaac chanted as he ripped the ropes. One of the cruisers screeched to a halt and got out the car while simultaneously pointed their firearms

"Back up from the kid."

"REALLY, I just saved him."

"Don't make me warn you again you freak, Hands up."

"You save a kid and you gets the boys in blue trying to arrest you. What public sevants." Isaac backed up, giving the cops what the asked for until he heard.

"Copy, 10-71 Hostile, shoot on pretense…." The radio chirped. He could see the police officers ready to dispose of their bullets and Isaac was ready to break for it before the radio chirped and at the same time another cruiser rode, jumping at the sight of the concrete and landing on a halt. An officer who's hair was slightly messy looked at the Officer with a look that medusa would be terrified of.

"Really, Douglas? McKenzie. Seriously? He were going to execute him cause he scratched your cruiser."

"Wait, Yuri-"

"Shut the fuck up." Yuri said as the officers looked at each other before the radio interrupted them.

"10-22 on Hostile, there's multiple 10-80's in the area. 10-78!" The police officers put less pressure on their leading foot and immediately backpedaled cautiously to their cruiser.

"Copy. 10-4"

"How about kid.? Are you really going to chase them?" He called out. They glared at him before one of them smacking their teeth and hitting roof with the flat of his hand as they sped off.

"Really" Isaac was in disbelief but he heard his spider-sense trying to guide him places.

' So it seems like today is going to be busy' He thought unenthusiastically before he turned to look at the kid and held out his hand.

"You did good kid, give me fin." Isaac smirked and the kid gave him a high five seeming more okay but still slightly stressed.

"I got it from here. I can't believe I'm saying this but even if were sent to arrest you on site, you work faster than us. Though you should stop talk- There's been multiple crimes happening in the last hour. So if you're really good, can you just go and help?" The officer asked

"Wel- uh. Sure, where i-"

"8th, heading towards time square. Go and should be able to catch up right?..wait!" The officer wrote something on the paper and then gave it too him.

"It's my number, presuming you don't get shot next time, call me if ANYTHING happens" She said sternly before Isaac jumped, heading to towards whoever needed him at the moment.