
Marvel: Wrath of the Insect Queen

Vylania Shyaris Kryntila the 1st Crown Princess of the Vax'ux Empire, is betrayed by her people and exiled to the Marvel Universe. She will have her revenge, even if it kills her to do it. First novel so please be a little lenient. I hope you enjoy.

Totality · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1.

"I, King Vylviraz hereby exile Crown Princess, Vylania, for treason, conspiracy, and endangering the lives of the Iri people inhabiting my Vax'ux Empire!" A tall dark-haired man with insect hands and feet said to a crowd of people.

"Father! I would never do such a thing! Why can't you see that?!" A beautiful black-haired woman in shackles yelled. The King slapped her across the face and looked at her sternly, "Be happy that I am not executing you, traitor."

The King's finger then began glowing red, "In accordance with her exile, I will seal away her Mana!" The King then stuck his finger inside Vylania's stomach causing her to throw up blood and yell in excruciating pain, "AAAAAHHHHH!!"

Vylania's red eyes glowed as she looked at the crowd below, "I swear by my name that I will make you all see the truth! You all will know terror! YOU ALL WILL FEEL MY WRATH!" Vylania yelled before a blue portal opened and she was sucked into it. Vylania spun inside of the spatial vortex before she was spat out.

Vylania landed in a densely vegetated area, with high towering trees with red leaves and light fog, "Ptui, it seems I've landed in a rainforest...good." Vylania said as she spat out dirt that entered her mouth.

"Now, what to do about these shackles? If I could break them with my physical strength, I wouldn't have gotten caught in the first place." Vylania said as she sat under one of the many red-leaved trees, "I guess it's time to test how many of my abilities are left after my Mana was sealed."

Vylania closed her eyes to test her first ability, "Come to me." Vylania whispered and soon the ground began to violently shake.

"SKREEE!!" What bursted out of the ground was a long 35-meter centipede. The centipede had a purple carapace, four yellow eyes, two long antennae, and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. The centipede's mandibles resembled two large blades and its head was 15 meters wide. The centipede looked at Vylania before bowing its head, allowing her to touch it.

"Beautiful." Vylania said with awe as she petted the giant centipede, "Your name is going to be Qahraxis, a name fit for a child your size." Vylania said with a smile and the giant centipede, Qahraxis skree'd in appreciation.

"Although that ability works, I'm almost drained of my very limited Mana. Maybe I shouldn't have tamed the biggest creature I sensed," Vylania laughed as she closed her eyes again.

"Qahraxis, you may want to move back. If this next ability works, it's going to kill you almost immediately." Vylania told Qahraxis, who moved back quite a distance. Vylania exhaled and her body began to produce a thick, red liquid.

"Qahraxis honey, can you catch me a suitable test subject please?" Vylania asked and Qahraxis immediately dived into the ground, "I guess, I'll be waiting here for a while."

Vylania sat under a tree, "Shit, I should've asked him to break these damn shackles first." Vylania remarked as she waited for Qahraxis to return. Five minutes later, Qahraxis returned with a large deer-looking animal in his mouth.

"Good boy, now before I begin my test, can you break these shackles off of mommy?" Vylania asked and Qahraxis used his mandibles to snap the shackles in half, "Thank you!" Vylania smiled as she walked next to the injured deer-looking animal.

"Okay, drink this." Vylania made the deer-looking animal drink the red liquid that was produced from her body and within microseconds of the liquid touching its tongue, the deer shriveled up and died.

"That's another ability marked off on the checklist. Now the last one I can sense, although I don't want to injure myself, it is necessary." Vylania said as she broke one of the deer-looking animal's antlers and stabbed herself with it.

"Fuck!" Vylania yelled and blue blood oozed out of her body but after 45 seconds, the wound was completely healed.

"Much slower, but I'll take what I can get. Once I unseal my Mana, I'll be immune to death... at least from the beings of this multiversal port." Vylania remarked as she jumped onto Qahraxis's head.

"Take me to the highest number of living beings you can sense, honey." Vylania patted Qahraxis's head and he skree'd in understanding. Qahraxis then dived underground and Vylania had no trouble holding on. After 15 minutes of traveling, Qahraxis bursted out of the ground again and towered above a large village. The inhabitants of the village had red skin, dark-colored hair, and long tails, but otherwise looked very human.

Vylania jumped off of Qahraxis's head, creating a medium-sized crater. Vylania was then met with a few warriors sent to "deal" with Qahraxis.

"Who are you?! Why are you mounting a Vorryn?!" One warrior yelled which made Vylania frown, "So it seems my Iri Tongue is working," Vylania whispered to herself, "But these mongrels don't understand who they are speaking to."

Vylania turned into a blur in the eyes of the red-skinned warriors and reappeared holding the lead warrior by his jaw, "Watch your tone when speaking to a Queen, boy." Vylania said as she crushed the warrior's skull with her insectile hands, prompting the other warriors to put up their weapons.

Vylania laughed and provoked them with a "Bring it on" hand gesture. The warrior squadron of 15 charged at Vylania with anger. Vylania's red eyes glowed with joy and she subconsciously licked her lips, showing off her very sharp teeth.

"HAAAA!" A warrior let out a battle cry as he swung his sword at Vylania's head, only to hit nothing and find a gaping hole in his stomach, "Oops, didn't think you would die immediately." Vylania said with a laugh as she began to slaughter the squadron of warriors.

"That was fun, but now for the best part!" Vylania held her hand out over the group of dead warriors and soon green energy flowed out of their bodies and into hers, "Mmm~" Vylania's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she had a delighted smile.

"The taste of lifeforce never ceases to amaze me." Vylania laughed as she licked her lips and looked at the village full of people, very scared people to add.

"I'm going to enjoy this, so very much," Vylania said with a smile as she entered the village.