
Marvel World Breaker

After a car accident, Yi Hu was chosen as the spokesperson for a deity, tasked with destroying the fantastical worlds that were imagined into existence. Reluctant to die, Yi Hu reluctantly agrees to the deity's request. With his soul in tow, the deity transports Yi Hu to the Marvel Universe, where he is granted a new lease on life. However, Yi Hu adamantly refuses to carry out the task of world destruction, even if it means begging for food. A day later, Yi Hu finds himself living on the streets, imprisoned by individuals planning to harvest his organs. With no other choice, Yi Hu is forced to comply and embarks on his journey through different worlds, gradually transforming into an emotionless destroyer of worlds. ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.

Tzek · Anime e quadrinhos
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53 Chs

Stark Industries

 Yi Hu went to the nearest airport to show his identity, got on the plane that Potts had chartered for him, and three hours later, Yi Hu returned home and looked at the billions in his account, with a bright smile on his face. The stock of Stark Industries can lie on Tony's body to suck blood in the future.

  Obadiah Stane stood at the door of the press conference to greet Tony, and the two came to the podium one after the other. Stark slowly sat on the chair, raised his hands and said in a low voice, "Sit down, so I don't have to look up at you"

  A group of reporters squatted down slowly, listening to what Stark told. what he saw and heard. Two minutes later, Stark finished his speech and stood up and said in a flat tone, "I decided to close the weapons of Stark Industries. Department! Until I find a new direction for the company!"

  There was a flash of surprise on the reporter's face, and before they could ask anything, Stark squeezed out of the crowd, and Obadiah raised his hands and shouted loudly, "What should be concerned now is that Tony is back and he is very healthy!"

  The reporters didn't pay attention to each other's words, the news that Stark said just now would definitely sell the newspapers, ten minutes later Obadiah walked out of the press conference with a dark face At the scene, riding a self-balancing vehicle to the No. 16 area where there is a super-large arc reactor, Obadiah swiped his ID card on the access control with a gloomy face.

  "Look at what you've done! How much do you think the stock price will drop tomorrow?" Obadiah unbuttoned his suit with an angry look, and Tony spread his hands and said casually, "It will probably drop by 40 Come on."

  Obadia took off the snow lotus in his mouth, and said earnestly, "Tony, we manufacture arms, but we are doing this to maintain world peace! Only strong firepower can deter those villains!"

"Obadia I don't want to make a fortune, terrorists use the weapon I made to attack the people it was supposed to protect!" A trace of pain flashed in Tony's eyes, and Obadia's heart skipped a beat. Puppets are no longer easy to fool,

  Just when he was thinking about the new poisonous chicken soup, Tony Stark suddenly pointed to the reactor in front of him and said softly, "I am going to develop new energy!"

  Obadia looked up at the huge arc reactor and said speechlessly, "This thing is a Decoration, we knew before it was manufactured that it would not be able to pay back! And this technology has not been broken through for many years..."

"That was before!" Tony Stark smiled faintly and gently unbuttoned his shirt With the arc reactor exposed on his chest, Obadia looked at Tony's chest and then at the giant reactor beside him, with a look of astonishment on his face,

  "Is this a trick?"

  Obadia smiled and embraced Tony. Holding Stark's shoulder, he said in a low voice, "Tony, we are a team. As long as we work together, there is nothing we can't do! Just like your father and me back then! Can you stop doing this in the future and talk about it first!"

  Okay Yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you my thoughts in advance!"

  Stark showed a trace of helplessness on his face, what he hated most was this kind of preaching, Obadiah patted Tony on the shoulder and whispered, "Let me settle the matter." We are going to make a new change in this matter! Promise me that you must keep a low profile recently!"

  Tony nodded without sincerity, and the two left Area 16 talking and laughing. After returning to the villa, Stark will Lock himself in the basement to start improving the Arc Shock Reactor.

  Yi Hu, who was cooking in the kitchen, heard the news on TV about Stark closing down the weapon department, a look of joy flashed in his eyes, dropped the shovel, took out his mobile phone and began to buy stocks

  . Suddenly there was a burnt smell coming from the kitchen,

  "Oh, Shet! My fried eggs!" Yi Hu yelled and ran to the kitchen, but finally failed to save his lunch.

  At the same time, Stark asked Potts to put the new reactor into her chest. Looking at Stark's hot eyes, Potts was a little at a loss. After she was done, her back was already wet with sweat,

  "What are you going to do with this thing?"

  "Of course, destroy it. Nostalgia is not one of my many advantages!"

  Tony Stark waved his hand in a very casual tone, and Potts played with the reactor reluctantly. This was a manifestation of Tony's trust in herself. She didn't want to throw it away.

  After Potts left, Stark changed his clothes, drove a sports car and left the villa from the underground exit, and drove all the way to a military base to find Rody, hoping that the other party would support him to carry out new energy research.

  "What you have to do now is to calm down!" Rody looked at Stark and said with a serious face, "I'm serious!"

  There was a smile on Stark's face, and his eyes gradually became firm after the other party left. , although his friend Rody didn't understand his approach, it didn't affect his will.

  "Jarvis, create a new folder named Mark 2."

  Back in the villa, Stark began to improve the mecha before. An hour later, Stark installed the mechanical shell on his limbs and began to study how to fly.

  At the same time, the little leader of the Ten Rings led a group of people to search for the mechs dropped by Stark in the desert, and prepared to assemble them according to the design drawings.

  "Found it!" A member of the Ten Rings Gang held up a visor and waved his hand at the little boss. The little boss with a scar on his head looked at the raised face mech with a smile on his lips.

  "Sir, I think you should use a computer to simulate taking off first!"

  "Practice is the best simulation!" Stark put on the helmet and said in a relaxed tone, "Get ready...start!" As soon as the words fell, the propellers on his legs Quickly ignited the ignition, the next second Tony turned into a white light and rushed out of the basement and flew to the sky. Looking at the dark sky, Stark felt that he was free at this moment, and he decided to test the flying height of the mecha.

  "Sir, the outer surface of the mecha may freeze severely and cause damage!"

  "Continue!" Stark said calmly. At this moment, he has the illusion that he can fly out of the earth. The surface starts to freeze, the thrusters flicker a few times and then go off completely

  "Oh...no! Jarvis! Quickly spread the ailerons!"

  Tony yelled and fell from the sky, his hands began to grope, and finally, he manually opened the ailerons to crush the frost on his body. Jarvis also went online again at this time, controlling the aircraft A ignites and flies into the sky again.

  After some travelling, Stark returned to the villa. But because he miscalculated the weight of the mech and fell directly from the second floor into the basement, Tony covered his head with ice and walked to the computer to record the data.

A wrapped gift caught Tony's attention when passing by the desk, and when he opened it, he found that it was the old reactor that he asked Potts to dispose of.

   "Proof that Tony Stark has a heart"

  Looking at the words engraved on it, a smile appeared on the corner of Tony's mouth, and he sat slowly on the sofa. At this moment, Jarvis projected a model into the air,

  "Sir, what do you think of this color?"

  Looking at the red-gold mecha, Tony raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "The color is too dazzling, let's add some red." "Okay sir!"

  Tony looked at the golden-red mecha on the projection and showed a satisfied smile. The news began to report that he was bedridden. Seeing the flashing figure of Potts on the screen, Tony felt a little moved, "It will take about five hours for it to paint."

  "Okay, don't wait for me."

  Checking the time at his watch, he turned and walked towards the sports car. He decided to check on Potts. Half an hour later, Tony came to the venue, and Coulson immediately leaned forward to make an appointment with Potts to understand the whole story.

  "Yeah! You're right! I'll go to my assistant to arrange a time." Tony stared at the beautiful figure in the distance, Potts's blue backless dress perfectly set off the curves of the body

Coulson The corners of his mouth twitched, and he bet Stark hadn't listened to him just now.

  But years of secret agent literacy still made him squeeze out a smile and shake hands with Stark, watching him walk towards Potts and dance in the center of the stage.

  The two hugged each other tightly, and each could hear the heartbeat of the other. In the middle of the dance song, Tony proposed to go to the balcony to blow some air, and Potts readily agreed.

  When they came to the balcony, they closed their eyes and slowly approached each other under the impetus of the atmosphere. When they were about to kiss, they opened their eyes at the same time. Potts lowered his head shyly and Stark was also a little at a loss.

  "I want to drink something..." Potts lowered her head and said in a low voice. This kind of scene was not the kissing place she longed for. Stark nodded and went to the ballroom to watch the other party leave. Potts felt empty in her heart. Stark came to the bar and handed the bartender a Franklin and said Potts' request.

  While waiting, a beautiful figure quickly walked towards him, and Stark turned sideways in a panic, trying to avoid the other party's sight.

  "Hi, Tony!"

  Stark said in a low voice with a stiff expression, "Carly..."

  "My name is Christine."

  A trace of embarrassment flashed across Tony's face, and Christine took out a stack of photos and said disdainfully, "You The press conference said that the weapons department would be shut down, but what are these? This town is called Gamila, have you heard of it?"

  Stark took the photo with a dazed expression and looked at the photo with Stark The weapon of the industrial icon gradually darkened his face. He remembered that Ho Yinsen's hometown was called Gulmira.

  "I didn't approve the delivery!"

  "But your company approved it!"

  Facing Christine's questioning, Stark said in a serious tone, "The company's approval doesn't mean I agree!" After speaking, he took the photo and walked to the door. When he came in, Obadiah was interviewing at the door.

  "What's going on with these photos? What's going on with Gulmira? Why did you do this in secret!"

  Tony looked at Obadia angrily, and at this moment several reporters asked the two to take a photo, Taking advantage of the opportunity to take pictures, Obadia whispered in Tony's ear, "Who do you think kicked you out? I approved the weapons. Only in this way can I protect you!" Tony stood on the red carpet and

  stared He stared blankly at the back of Obadia's departure, feeling very uncomfortable and unable to understand why the other party did this. He had clearly promised to accompany him to transform the company.

  Stark returned to the villa in a daze, completely forgetting that there was another person waiting for him on the balcony, sitting alone on the sofa in the research room, while adjusting the mecha in his hand, he watched the news about Gulmira on TV, watching Those innocent civilians die under the weapons he made. Stark's eyes gradually became cold,

  especially the familiar little leader of the Ten Rings Gang in the camera. After coming down, he even went to Ho Yinsen's hometown to wreak havoc. He didn't dare to tell Ethan in the laboratory about it.

  Stark stood up and came to the TV, raising his right hand flatly. A burst of energy gathered in his palm and was fired by him, breaking all the glass in the laboratory, and then went to a platform and began to put on the mecha.

  Following the positioning sent by Jarvis, he began to fly at a high speed. Now he just wants to tear up those terrorists and destroy the weapons in their hands. An hour later, Stark fell from the sky amidst the horrified eyes of everyone.

  Several terrorists yelled and fired with AKs. Seeing the sparks shooting from the mechs, a trace of fear flashed across their faces, and then they were taken away by a palm cannon. The remaining terrorists quickly grabbed the guns beside them. The burning smell in the air in front of the civilians

  reminded them of the power of the cannon in their palms. Seeing the robot put down its hands, a trace of happiness flashed across the faces of the few people. Before they could speak harshly, two people appeared on the back of the mecha Small launchers headshot several people.

  The team leader who was in charge of arresting Tony Stark hid behind the wall and called the leader. Before he could say anything, he was caught by a mechanical arm through the wall and thrown on the ground. Listening to the noise on the phone, the little leader As soon as the face changed, people were asked to bring weapons to the temporary base to support

  "he is at your disposal."

  As soon as the words fell, Stark flew into the sky again, and suddenly a model of a cannonball appeared inside the visor. After an explosion, Stark fell from the sky. Looking at the mecha crawling out of the pothole, the watchman who was waiting in the tank shouted loudly that

  Stark turned sideways to avoid a shell, raised his right hand and a small rocket was fired by him, turned and flew into the distance, hero Never look back at the explosion.

  The bullets strafed into the sky to increase the energy supply of the palm cannon. Two crimson beams of light blew up the terrorists' arsenal one after another. The little leader sat on the pickup truck and looked at the mushroom cloud ahead with a very gloomy expression.

  At the Air Force base in California, an officer pointed to the red dot on the instrument and whispered "What is this? Got our clearance? Call someone from the CIA and ask if they are on a mission!

  " Not from the Air Force or from the CIA!"

  "Not from the Navy or from the Marine Corps!"

  Hearing his subordinate's answer, the officer said with a serious face, "Hurry up and call Colonel Roddy from the Weapons Development Department." "Why

  is there no response on the radar Is it stealth technology?" Rody walked slowly in front of the radar display, and the soldiers on the side quickly said, "No sir, its radar reflective surface is too small to display it." After a while of silence, Rody took out his phone and called

   Since it wasn't from the military, the only thing he could think of was the other party.