
Marvel with the power of Accelerator.

A story set in a universe close to 616. With a few minor changes, and in the timeline before Avengers Disassembled. About a reincarnated with the powers of Accelerator. Childhood will not be counted, since nothing extraordinary happened. It will start from the moment of obtaining powers. A warning, Arthur is not a good person. ........ I do not own any copyright on any Marvel character.

Danteqqqq · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Arthur was in his room hanging out on his night off. Something had happened today, but since it didn't affect Arthur he didn't care.

Although for some strange reason things were quite busy.

The dark-haired man got up from the chair to look out the window. He had the vision at the main gate of the institute, so it was not difficult to verify what was happening.

And after seeing what was happening, Arthur understood why there was so much noise.

Looking through the window was a large angry mob, with many posters containing unsuitable content for young people.

With some interest, Arthur went out to verify what was happening.

There was no one outside his rooms, the only person outside being Arthur.

This also reminded Arthur that the X-men seem to have lousy timing. Since Rachel and her team were gone. Also counting the other teams.

But arriving at the entrance there was someone to ask what was happening.

"Hey Red. Did someone tell the whole neighborhood the wi-fi password?"

"This is not a good time Arthur. This is a critical time." Jean had a huge headache. Professor Charles Xavier publicly admitted that this was a school for mutants. All without any preparation or precaution. Making everything very difficult.

The redhead briefly informed Arthur of everything that had happened. Making the dark-haired man draw some conclusions.

"If I had to guess I would say that Casandra Nova did something to the professor. The way the professor finished off the old lady with a pistol didn't seem quite right. And the way the professor avoided my gaze almost seemed like he was hiding something." Arthur, Now he felt better knowing that he shouldn't doubt himself.

Jean didn't know what to answer. What Arthur said seemed plausible enough, and if you add to that the professor's disappearance there was almost no doubt.

"For now I'll go talk to them. You go back to your room." the redhead was tired, but it seemed like there was still a lot of work to be done.

"I'll watch from afar. Calming down an angry anti-mutant mob should be on the resume. So maybe he'll learn a few things." Arthur supported his back in a column with no sign of leaving.

The comment struck Jean as somewhat amusing. In a twisted way, but with some truth.

"Then stay back. You are a student and I must protect you."

Arthur didn't feel that he should be protected, but he appreciated the gesture.

Jean walked over and started talking to the mob. Consciously or unconsciously she may have used her powers since that homicidal mob calmed down a bit.

She had used her powers, though her beauty might have swayed her a bit as well.

After a few hours, the mob parted, leaving the entrance free again.

So Arthur's conclusion was, either get psychic powers or be a hottie so you can placate angry mobs.

"You can go back now. Do you see that nothing happened?" Jean was tired so she wanted to go get some sleep.

But Arthur stayed where she was as he continued to stare into the doorway. "Not everyone is gone, people are hiding in the distance. I can hear them breathing." This seemed like something different, so Arthur was ready to fight.

Jean looked in that direction, but without any response. It was already night and visibility was very poor. So she used her powers to probe the place, but the redhead felt strong interference.

"It would be a good time to get the X-men together." Arthur would help, but if things got complicated he definitely couldn't help everyone from a terrible death.

"Scott and Emma went by a name called John Sublime. Suspected of starting an anti-mutant cult. They were the people who tried to kidnap you and call themselves U-man, mutants who weren't born mutants. Doing horrible things like using mutant bodies." to acquire powers, some lunatics". Jean couldn't help but expose her anger in front of such a group of people.

"I know the other X-men groups are on other missions. But where are Hank and Logan? Someone has to clean up what's about to happen." Arthur could hear a group of people approaching. And from the sound of footsteps, those people should be wearing a lot of extra gear. And the dark-haired man doesn't think they are gifts for mutants.

"Logan went to pick up a new mutant and Hank is hurt. Someone attacked him and he's in a coma." Jean didn't want to convey her concerns, but the X-men situation was pretty bad.

Arthur just snapped his neck. Maybe some exercise wouldn't hurt. "They're splitting into two groups. So let me get this part Red." Arthur didn't want to be a hero, but this time he will make an exception.

Jean bit her lip, endangering a student is unthinkable for her. But the situation called for it. Although the decision was a bit simpler when it came to Arthur. Since he was a young man he couldn't be put in the same league as a normal boy, even by the standards of a mutant.

"Just repel, we don't want this to turn into a war." It was the last thing Jean said before heading to where the other group was flanking them.

The clash was close, Arthur planned to end this quickly. So the only slow ones were the mobs.

But it seemed that Arthur wasn't the only one with a super-heroic sense.

"What's up girls? This is not a good time." Arthur heard five almost perfectly timed breaths. And the keyword was almost, with the passing of the days they seemed to differentiate themselves more and more. It wasn't long before one of them changed her look, even dyeing her hair was a possibility.

"Sophie wanted to help"x4.

A thought that the remaining four did not share.

"But Miss Frost taught us to do the right thing." Sophie had a heroic ember inside of her. That she only grew under the guidance of Emma Frost. Though maybe it wasn't Emma's intention.

"If there's one thing I've learned, it's that if a blonde in pajamas requests me, I comply. But you don't look like direct combat. So you girls could do your weird brainwashing stuff before they get there. They're pretty close already." If the girl wanted to help, who was Arthur to deny it?

Sophie looked in the direction of her sisters. But in the end, the majority relented.

Codename Five-in-one. And together they could surpass the best psychics in the world. A quite terrifying power, although with the indicated preparation this was annulled.

"Something protects them. We can't do anything."x5.

It was a good try, too bad those lunatics wear full suits and have devices to evade psychics. They do get smarter with the passing days.

Arthur was ready to comfort the girls, but as he amplified the sound waves. The dark-haired man caught the sound of someone about to pull the trigger of a gun.

"below". There was almost no time to react, but Arthur managed to shield Sophie with his body. Although the bullet bounced destroying a painting that seemed expensive.

"Get behind me." Arthur got up and closed the door. Just using his hands to lean on the door itself.

"Let's back up. That door won't take a shot." Mindee was surprised how Arthur survived that. But she didn't think he couldn't cover them all.

"Easy, I've got you covered. Just stay behind me if you don't want to die a horrible death." Arthur's words made no sense. But the quintuplets had no choice. Since with that caliber of a bullet, there weren't many places to hide.

The first bullet was just the prelude to what was about to happen. Since a tidal wave of gunshots was the chorus that was heard throughout the institute at that time.

the quintuplets covered their ears as the noise was unbearable. But that did not calm the fear. They could see the bullets going through the walls like a hot knife through butter.

It was an unreal image that they were not used to. But maybe it was because of the dangerous situation, that they were slow to realize that the door that Arthur was grabbing seemed to be made of a super resistant material. Since it seemed that no bullet could pass through it.

"Hold on a little longer. And when I say so, back off as far as you can." It was best to attack, but it was difficult if he was defending the girls. So the dark-haired man is waiting for it to be time to reload.

The girls understood that this was the best plan. Arthur seemed to be bulletproof so they were getting in the way. That made them angry, but there was nothing they could do.

Arthur kept repelling each shot, as he could extend his powers to objects that were in contact with him. So right now that door was virtually indestructible. So it was a good defense.

Seconds passed, and the weapons began to heat up together with the decrease in ammunition.

The shooters weren't having a good time either. Since there was a wooden door that was bouncing all the ammunition with which it was. But in the end, the weapons had to cool down and also be reloaded.

Giving a little calm in the face of such a noisy event.

"Girls, now." Arthur withdrew a fist from the door. For him to get into a karate stance.

The black-haired man did the math in his head pretty quickly. To do the most damage in that situation.

And with everything ready Arthur gave a direct blow to the door that has been protecting them until a moment ago.

The Stepford Cuckoos did not know of Arthur's powers. Although they could already imagine that he was bulletproof. Maybe increase the density, as well as the objects he touched. But they never imagined how powerful a single blow from the dark-haired man could do.

With a single blow, the dark-haired man not only destroyed that door. He turned that door into a grenade that exploded, launching hundreds of razor-sharp shrapnel at super speed.

That only cut the U-man's momentum though. His suits were pretty tough only taking minor damage.

"I didn't say that was all." Arthur jumped out in a big jump. Approaching unwanted visitors.

When the dark-haired man set foot on the ground, it began to fragment, forming a huge spider web on the ground.

This had already scared most of them. Too bad that was the beginning.

With the other foot of his Arthur launched a kick that he swept through the concrete forming much more dangerous and deadly shrapnel. This time the suits didn't get to do much.

Several had been disabled. But Arthur completed the act when he picked up a rock only to immediately blast a hole through the stomach of one of the few who were left intact. "This would be a good time to retire." Arthur had no reason to make a massacre, a bigger one. Since it would be bad if those pretty blondes got traumatized.

Arthur's words had a powerful effect on those present. Picking up the wounded and leaving without looking back

Arthur felt somewhat sad that they didn't have time to use the stolen powers of the mutants. But maybe later.

"Go back to your room. There's still another group left." Arthur didn't have time to increase his interaction with the girls. Since Jean could be in trouble.

Moving pretty fast Arthur made it to the back where Jean was supposed to be.

Although it seemed that Arthur's worries were in vain. Although that didn't make the dark-haired man calm down, since in front of him was a redhead covered in dangerous flames that made Arthur feel the temperature rise.

Which should be impossible, but here was Arthur facing someone who could burn him if he gave him the chance.

But it seemed like it was a momentary event, as the flames disappeared after a short time.

It seemed that Jean also managed to shoo away the intruders from this side.

"It would be nice to know if you're going to lose your mind. I'd like to get my affairs in order." Arthur seemed pretty calm on the outside, but internally he was looking for any sign to attack to kill.

Jean had no time to worry about what was going through Arthur's mind. She was leaning on the ground quite tired. But not with homicidal thoughts. "I'll be fine. It was only momentary so you don't have to worry about me freaking out." Luck or coincidence, but the redhead still felt that she could control it, although there was another unfinished business inside her head, "But it seems that I will have to do something to improve the public image of mutants. If only in this city." Jean was already planning to invite several people to show that they weren't bad.

"Then I'll go to sleep. You should also try to rest." Arthur was careful. So he would keep an eye out in case she goes crazy.