



The classroom buzzed with a low hum of excitement as students received their graded report cards, each girl eager to see how she had fared. The chalkboard behind the teacher's desk displayed the words "Grade Review" in neat cursive. Mr. Kendall, a middle-aged man with thinning hair and round glasses, stood at the front of the room, flipping through a stack of papers.

Clearing his throat, he began to call out names.

Mr. Kendall: Sherry Howard? Nice grade overall.

Sherry, a quiet girl with short brown hair, gave a small smile, her shoulders relaxing as she collected her report.

Mr. Kendall: Nicole Jordan? Very good.

Nicole, with her neatly tied ponytail, beamed as she took her paper, clutching it like a trophy.

Mr. Kendall: Dolores Donovan? Well done, especially in English.

Dolores, a studious redhead, nodded respectfully, her cheeks pink with pride.

Mr. Kendall: Emma? Emma Frost? Not bad... not bad at all, Emma.

A girl with brown hair and piercing blue eyes stood up hesitantly. Her shoulders slumped slightly as she took her report card. She glanced at it briefly, her lips pressing into a thin line.

Emma (narrating, voice tinged with sarcasm): Yup, that's me... Emma Frost, everybody's favorite nobody.

She sat back down, letting out a quiet sigh. Meanwhile, Mr. Kendall continued down the list, his tone suddenly faltering as he read the next name.

Mr. Kendall: Uhh... Matilda Brant? I—

A girl with flowing blonde hair and striking blue eyes stood up confidently, cutting him off with a sly smile.

Matilda: Are you going to say that I did fabulously, Mr. Kendall? Or may I call you Ian?

The room rippled with a few suppressed giggles as Mr. Kendall adjusted his glasses and frowned.

Mr. Kendall: No, Matilda, you may not—

Matilda: (interrupting) Well, what do you know? A's in every subject. Guess I made the honor roll again.

She twirled a strand of her hair and held up her report card for everyone to see, a smug grin plastered across her face.

Mr. Kendall: (sighing) We're well aware of that, Matilda.

Emma watched the exchange out of the corner of her eye as she unfolded her own report card and looked at it closely. She leaned down slightly, muttering to herself as her stomach tightened.

Emma (whispering): But nowhere near perfect...

Her eyes scanned the grades listed on the paper:

English: B

Math: B+

History: B

Science: B

Spanish: B

Art: B+

Phys Ed: B

Emma folded the paper with trembling hands, glancing at Matilda, whose perfect scores seemed to shine brighter than ever in comparison.

Emma (narrating): Yup, that's how it always went. Matilda Brant was everything I wasn't smart, confident, and impossible to ignore. And me? Just Emma Frost, a B-average girl in a school full of overachievers.

Her grip tightened on the report card as she fought the sting of frustration rising in her chest.

 Mr. Kendall clapped his hands to get their attention, and the chatter died down.

Mr. Kendall: Ladies, settle down. I have an announcement to make.

The girls straightened in their seats, curiosity sparking in their eyes. Emma Frost rested her chin on her hand, half-listening, still preoccupied with her report card.

Mr. Kendall: Starting today, we'll have a new transfer student joining us. He's from the Philippines, and the only guardian he has is his adopted grandfather.

A few murmurs rippled through the room, the idea of a new student piquing interest. But when Mr. Kendall hesitated, adding another detail, the atmosphere shifted.

Mr. Kendall: And yes, he's… a male student.

The room buzzed with quiet murmurs of curiosity, but one student raised her hand high, her expression skeptical.

Nicole: (blurting out) But, Mr. Kendall, did the principal even allow a boy to attend an all-girls school?

A ripple of agreement spread through the classroom, some of the girls nodding or whispering in agreement. Emma Frost, sitting near the middle of the room, tilted her head slightly, intrigued but remaining silent.

Mr. Kendall: Yes, the principal has allowed it. He's an abroad transfer student, and we are expected to treat him kindly and respectfully. Now, you can come in!

The door creaked open, and the room fell silent. A tall, red-haired boy with striking green eyes stepped into the classroom, his posture confident yet approachable. His school uniform fit neatly, and his easy smile made every head in the room turn.

The reaction was immediate. A chorus of whispers erupted among the female students, their cheeks turning pink.

Student 1: (whispering) Is he... for real?

Student 2: (giggling) He's so handsome!

Student 3: (murmuring) I didn't know red hair could look that good...

Even Emma felt her breath catch for a moment, her normally cool demeanor faltering. She blinked, realizing she was staring, and quickly looked down at her desk.

Emma (thinking): Great. Just what this place needed—another distraction.

Mr. Kendall: (gesturing toward the boy) Introduce yourself, kid.

The boy nodded, stepping forward with a casual wave.

Wally: Umm... hello. I'm Wallace Rudolph West, but my friends call me Wally West. I'm 18 years old, and I was born and raised in Cebu City, Philippines.

The girls exchanged looks, their interest in the newcomer growing by the second. Wally seemed oblivious to the effect he was having, though he scratched the back of his head awkwardly, as if unsure what to say next.

Wally: (continuing) Uh... I guess I'm looking forward to getting to know you all? Thanks for having me.

A round of polite applause followed, mixed with more hushed whispers and admiring glances. Mr. Kendall clapped his hands once to restore order.

Mr. Kendall: All right, enough chatter. Wally, take a seat over there.

He gestured toward an empty desk near the back of the room. Wally nodded, giving a small smile as he walked down the aisle.

As he passed by Emma's desk, she risked another glance at him, only to find him flashing a friendly grin her way. She quickly looked away, her cheeks tinged with color.

Emma (narrating): Wally West. The boy who turned an all-girls school into a melting pot of swooning chaos.

Emma stole one last glance as Wally sat down, his easy confidence impossible to ignore.

Emma (thinking): Yup. This is going to be interesting.

The sharp sound of the school bell echoed through the classroom, signaling the end of the day. Mr. Kendall closed the textbook he'd been holding and gave the class one last look.

Mr. Kendall: See you tomorrow, class. And remember, this is only the second trimester. If your grades were less than stellar this time around, you still have the chance to improve them.

He adjusted his glasses, tucking his papers into a folder before heading for the door. The students began packing up their bags, the usual chatter starting to fill the air.

As soon as Mr. Kendall stepped out of the room, the atmosphere shifted. A wave of anticipation and excitement rippled through the class. Almost every female student turned their gaze toward Wally, who was busy stuffing his notebook into his backpack, seemingly unaware of the attention.

Student 1: (whispering) Should I talk to him?

Student 2: (grinning) You? As if! He probably likes someone more... refined.

Student 3: (giggling) I mean, he is from the Philippines. Do you think he can dance? Or sing?

Wally finally noticed the silence or rather, the lack of typical classroom chaos and looked up. He blinked, puzzled by the sea of wide-eyed stares directed his way.

Wally: (scratching the back of his head) Uh... did I miss something?

Emma sat at her desk, arms crossed, trying to act unimpressed despite her curiosity. She could hear the whispers, the giggles, and the occasional exaggerated sigh from the other girls.

Emma (thinking): Oh, for heaven's sake. He's just a boy. Why's everyone acting like he's some kind of movie star?

Matilda Brant, ever the bold one, stood up, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder as she approached Wally with a dazzling smile.

Matilda: (sweetly) Wally, right? Welcome to Show Valley. If you ever need someone to show you around, you know, introduce you to the important people here, I'd be more than happy to help.

Wally gave her a polite smile, zipping up his bag.

Wally: Uh, thanks. I think I've got it handled, but I'll keep that in mind.

Matilda's smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly recovered, tossing a glance back at the other girls as if to say I tried.

Emma watched the interaction, suppressing a smirk.

Emma (thinking): Looks like Matilda's charm doesn't work on everyone.

Wally slung his bag over his shoulder and looked around the room, his easygoing grin returning.

Wally: (cheerfully) Well, see you all tomorrow, I guess.

As he walked toward the door, the girls parted like the Red Sea, still whispering and giggling behind him. Emma caught herself staring again and shook her head, gathering her things.

Emma (narrating): Yup. First day here, and Wally West has already turned this school upside down.

She sighed, slipping her bag over her shoulder as she headed out.

Emma (thinking): This semester just got a whole lot more complicated.

Emma walked out of the classroom, clutching her report card tightly against her chest. Her head was slightly bowed as she navigated the hallway, lost in her own thoughts about her grades.

Emma (thinking): B's across the board. Not stellar, but not awful either. I just... I wish I could be better.

Her thoughts were interrupted by hushed giggles echoing from around the corner. She hesitated, her pulse quickening as she recognized the unmistakable voice of Matilda Brant, accompanied by her ever-present entourage.

Matilda: (mockingly) Oh, look. It's the poor little rich girl. Enema Frost.

The laughter that followed felt like sharp daggers, and Emma's heart sank. She turned the corner and, sure enough, there stood Matilda with her friends, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. Matilda strode up to her, the corners of her lips curled in a condescending smirk.

Matilda: (sweetly venomous) Hey, Frost.

Emma stopped in her tracks, gripping her report card tighter. She swallowed hard, her voice barely above a whisper.

Emma: (whispering) Oh no...

Matilda closed the distance, her tone dripping with fake friendliness.

Emma: (stammering) H-hi, Matilda.

Matilda: (grinning) We noticed you didn't seem too thrilled after you got your report card. Something wrong?

Emma (thinking): Stay cool, Emma. Just... stay cool.

Emma: (forcing a smile) I-it's nothing, really. I... I just didn't do as well as I'd hoped.

Matilda leaned in, slinging an arm around Emma's shoulder in a gesture that was anything but comforting. Before Emma could react, Matilda snatched the report card from her hands.

Matilda: (gleefully) Well, I aced every subject. Why not let me help? Maybe I can tutor you.

Emma's eyes widened in surprise. Could Matilda actually be offering to help? She dared to hope, even for a split second.

Emma: (hesitant) Really? That would be nice...

Matilda unfolded the report card and scanned it. Her expression quickly shifted from fake interest to exaggerated shock.

Matilda: (mocking) Oh. Wow. My god. Can these grades scream "mediocrity" any louder?

Emma felt her cheeks burn as she stammered, desperate to defend herself.

Emma: I-I...

Emma (thinking): Here it comes...

Matilda laughed, tossing the report card to the ground like it was trash.

Matilda: (sneering) Sorry, Frost. I'm afraid you're way beyond my help. But then again, that's what you've got Daddy for, isn't it?

Emma's hands shook as she bent down to retrieve the crumpled report card, but Matilda's next words stopped her in her tracks.

Matilda: (loudly) Everybody knows the only reason you were accepted here is because he's the second richest man in the state. So do you truly expect us to feel sorry for you because you're flat-chested and don't test very well? Get real, Frost!

The group erupted in laughter, their mocking voices echoing through the hallway. Emma's vision blurred as she clenched her fists, the report card still lying on the floor.

Unbeknownst to the group, Wally had been on his way back inside to retrieve something he'd forgotten. He stopped in his tracks when he heard Matilda's taunting voice. Curious at first, his expression darkened as he peeked around the corner, witnessing the cruel scene unfold.

Wally (thinking): What the hell is their problem?

He stayed hidden, fists tightening at his sides as he watched Emma try to pick up her report card, her head hanging low. Matilda and her friends continued their cruel laughter, oblivious to the red-haired boy's growing anger.

Wally (thinking): Someone's got to put an end to this...

His fists clenched in frustration as he watched Emma struggle to pick up her report card, her face reddening from the constant barrage of insults. He took a deep breath, weighing his options. Part of him wanted to step forward, to defend her from the mocking group, but another part one that had always been cautious held him back.

Wally (thinking): Maybe not the right time... I don't want to cause trouble.

He hesitated for a moment longer, watching as Matilda continued to belittle Emma. The words hit harder with every passing second, and Wally could feel his anger building. But instead of intervening, he slowly backed away, retreating out of view.

Matilda's voice rang out, cutting through the quiet air.

Matilda: (mocking) You don't even have to board here like the rest of us. You have a mansion, your own bedroom, complete with digital TV, access to gourmet foods, and a personal chauffeur who drives you to school every day. It must please you after all.

Emma (thinking): That's... that's not true. You don't understand...

Matilda turned, walking away with her friends, the final sting of her words lingering in the air.

Matilda: (dismissively) What are you wearing to the dance, Margo?

With a flick of her hair, Matilda and her friends exited the building, leaving Emma alone in the hallway. Wally watched them go from a distance, feeling a pang of guilt. He couldn't shake the thought of what had just happened, but he kept walking, pushing the feeling down.

Inside the school, Emma stood motionless, her head bowed in silence, as though the weight of the words had become too much to bear. She raised a hand to her temple, trying to steady herself.

Emma (thinking): Ow... my head... So many lately, I think my brain's about to explode!

Just as her vision blurred, her knees buckled. She felt herself losing balance, her body swaying dangerously to one side. But before she could fall, she felt a strong arm wrap around her, catching her.

Wally: (gently) Are you okay, uhhh…?

Emma looked up, her blue eyes locking with Wally's green ones. For a moment, the world seemed to slow down. She blinked, trying to clear her head.

Emma: (softly) Em-... It's Grace... Grace Frost.

Wally's grip tightened slightly as he steadied her, a look of concern crossing his face.

Wally: (carefully) Grace Frost? Are you sure you're okay?

Emma felt the last of her dizziness fade as she steadied herself against Wally's arm. She took a shaky breath, trying to push the weight of the encounter out of her mind.

Emma: (shaking her head) I'll be fine. Thanks... for catching me. I just... I don't know. It's been one of those days.

Wally gave her a reassuring smile, though a trace of concern still lingered in his eyes.

Wally: (gently) Don't mention it. But if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here.

Emma looked at him, surprised by the kindness in his tone. She wasn't used to that kind of attention, and it made her feel… something. But she couldn't quite place it.

Emma: (softly) I... I'll keep that in mind.

Wally nodded and stepped back slightly, giving her space as she steadied herself. But before he could turn to leave, Emma spoke again, her voice quieter this time.

Emma: (murmuring) You didn't have to do that. No one else would.

Wally glanced over his shoulder, giving her a small smile before responding.

Wally: (shrugging) Well, I'm not everyone else.

Emma watched him walk away, his words lingering in the air as a small spark of something something she hadn't felt in a long time began to stir within her.

Emma stepped out of the school, the cool air brushing against her face as she made her way toward the sleek black car waiting by the curb. Her chauffeur, Bryce, stood by the door, a polite and professional smile on his face. As soon as he saw her approach, he opened the door, bowing his head slightly in greeting.

Bryce: (smiling) Afternoon, Miss Emma!

Emma gave him a small, tired smile as she slid into the backseat.

Emma: (softly) Good afternoon, Bryce.

Bryce shut the door behind her, then quickly walked around the car to take his seat in the front. The engine hummed to life, and they began to drive away from the school, the tall trees lining the road swaying gently in the breeze.

After a few moments of silence, Bryce glanced at Emma through the rearview mirror. He had known her for years, and it was rare for her to seem this quiet and distant. Concerned, he asked gently.

Bryce: (carefully) Everything okay back there, Miss?

Emma raised a hand to her temple, the dull throb of her headache still lingering. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to steady her breathing.

Emma: (with a sigh) Just a slight headache. It's nothing... really.

She leaned her head back against the plush seat, trying to relax, but a part of her still felt rattled from the events at school. The words from Matilda and her friends, the cruelty, the weight of her own thoughts... it all felt like too much. As she let her eyes close, trying to find a moment of peace, she thought about the brief encounter she had just had with Wally.

Emma: (almost to herself) And met an interesting boy...

Bryce, hearing the quiet shift in her tone, glanced at her again, but didn't press her for details. He had been with Emma for long enough to know when she wanted to talk and when she needed space. Instead, he focused on the road ahead, allowing the moment to linger between them.

Bryce: (gently) I see. Someone who caught your attention, Miss Emma?

Emma's eyes fluttered open, and she couldn't help but smile faintly. She wasn't entirely sure how to respond, or if she wanted to open up about it at all. But the thought of Wally lingered in her mind, unexpected and confusing.

Emma: (pausing) Maybe... I'm not sure.

She looked out of the window, the passing scenery blurring as she let her mind wander. Despite the pain in her head, a small part of her couldn't help but think of the boy with the green eyes. There was something different about him something she couldn't quite place.

Bryce: (smiling) I see... well, if it's anything, I'm sure it's just another passing fancy, Miss Emma. Young people and their interests, huh?

Emma chuckled lightly, though the sound was tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Emma: (quietly) Maybe... but sometimes, I wonder if it's more than that.



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