

Fourteen-year-old Su Chen aspired to lead an ordinary life, but fate had other plans – he was born extraordinary! His body possessed immortality, with cell activity reaching horrifying extremes. Even if reduced to a single cell, rapid multiplication and regeneration ensued. Constant genetic mutations and evolution equipped him with adaptive responses to stimuli and enemy attacks, rendering any attempt to harm him a futile endeavor. To encapsulate his myriad abilities, Su Chen conceived the concept of a system, diligently summarizing his ever-expanding capabilities. Acknowledging his eventual transformation into an omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent being, Su Chen humorously recognized this state as 'OAA' in his world. Yet, this extraordinary existence posed its challenges...

Shirokendama · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


The figure floating in the sky suddenly swelled up like a balloon, as if someone was fighting desperately from his stomach, and the whole person's physique became more and more spherical.


Involuntarily, he yelled in panic.

Next second...


The human body balloon exploded completely, a rain of blood splashed down. Su Chen, supported by the power of his mind, finished the act with understatement.

A dull sound echoed from a nearby door. Obviously, the occupants inside heard it and closed the door in horror.

The flustered footsteps, the sound of guns being loaded, and the heavy breathing were all unmistakably heard by the sensitive Su Chen through the door.


He raised his right hand forward, and an invisible wave of thought power rippled out. The door in front of him crumbled like thin cardboard, sawdust flying.

"Asshole, give me a shot..."

The owner of the private clinic, anticipating this scene, raised the bullet gun in his hand, but the gun flame never bloomed.


The entire gun disintegrated, as if a master dismantled it.

"Damn it..."

Panicked, the owner grabbed a scalpel and backed away, pleading for mercy, but Su Chen was not interested in hearing his pleas.

His gaze fixated on the scalpel, recalling the scenes in the experiment room. The doctor bragged about using it to dissect his head, fueling Su Chen's anger.


The power of rewriting reality surged, and the owner collapsed entirely, every inch of skin and flesh transformed into molecules, dissipating into the air.

One word determined life and death.

The appearance of these people dispelled any trace of goodwill in Su Chen's heart.

The humans in this world seemed hopeless.


Under the power of rewriting reality, the black doctor disappeared into the air, leaving only gray mist.


The scalpel fell from the air, making a crisp sound.

One word determined life and death.

The poor guy was obliterated, leaving no trace behind.

Su Chen entered the dark clinic, disgusted by its depravity. The square space was littered with debris, an operating table stood in the center, surrounded by chilling surgical tools.

The walls were adorned with X-rays and color pictures.

His keen sense of smell caught the scent of blood emanating from the compartment, further fueling his disgust.

"What a scum!"

For the first time, thirteen-year-old Su Chen felt disgust for the city he had longed for.


Su Chen glanced at the stack of banknotes in the drawer, feeling no shame in taking the ill-gotten wealth. After all he had been through, he understood the ruthless nature of the world.

Without the potential for infinite evolution, his immortal physique would become nothing but a sample in some experimental base.

Even passing this level wouldn't guarantee safety in a city full of sinister schemes.

"The world is sinister, people's hearts are unpredictable."

He pocketed the cash, then donned a coat to conceal his tattered clothes and left the clinic.

With the money, he headed to a nearby mall for new clothes, opting for a black hoodie and loose slacks.

After washing his face, Su Chen looked handsome despite his youth, exuding a cold demeanor.

As he walked out of the mall, he attracted the attention of many girls with his serious expression.

Some admired his focus, while others found his indifference cool.

In the neon-lit streets of Manhattan, partygoers filled the nightclubs. Amidst them, Su Chen stood out as a lone figure.

A white-collar worker approached him, offering to take him out, but Su Chen declined and walked away.

With determined steps, he soon arrived at a shop and bought a bag of donuts.

Sitting alone in the empty restaurant, Su Chen savored the donuts, feeling a rare sense of contentment.

Having arranged his priorities—his sister and revenge—Su Chen couldn't help but smile at the thought of Susan's resilience.

In the darkness, he felt a sense of assurance that she was safe.

Now, it was time to focus on revenge.

His search led him to William Stryker, a name known worldwide for his actions against mutants.

Through his phone, Su Chen learned about mutants and their plight. Despite not being one himself, he felt empathy for their oppression.

As he contemplated his next move, a girl with golden ponytails approached him, sparking a conversation.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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