
Marvel: The Gem Emperor


Creator3 · Anime e quadrinhos
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: The Birthing Of White

( ' = Thoughts/ Talking To Self | " = Talking Out load)

Black 'now finally after a day of training my powers I feel satisfied but here's the thing the only thing I didn't touch was my ability to create gems which I assume I have and I'm going to be testing that today'

so focusing on this ability while cupping a pile of dirt with the image of a White Diamond as I then completely covered the dirt with my hands a then bright sparkling black light shone from my hands looking like I was holding space itself in between them as the black light had specks of white that looked as if they where stars

I then uncovered the once dirt from my hands only for it to be replaced with a gleaming white 100% pure Diamond

Black "hm so I can make gems but it seems to only be a regular gemstone and now that I've finished that experiment I need to test two more things out before I proceed"

so taking more dirt I do that same process but thought of a rock and in places of the dirt just like what happened with the Diamond the once dirt was now a small rock

Black "oh so it does work but can I make more than just gems" I then continued to create more and more things with my power and what I've found out is that I can only make things that would naturally be made and they can only be inorganic so I can't just make a crane or something like that and as I said before I can't make anything organic and it's not limited to just gemstones so I have a large variety of inorganic things I could make I could even make something extinct like the fresh bones of a dinosaur and the next thing I tried out was if I could animate the gemstones I make like how pink can animate rocks with her tears

so infusing my energy into my hands once more I then manipulated it to fuse with the white Diamond that I made earlier as I kept the image of the white diamond from the tv show and after a couple of secs after placing it down on the ground nothing happened so I thought that it didn't work but then it happened from that diamond came a white even brighter than before as it covered the gemstone and formed the shape of a woman as it grew and grew until it reached a height just below my chest

now after a minute of silence, the woman clad in white started to move turning her head towards me

White "Mother that is you, you are my mother are you not"

keeping my composure I quickly thought of what to say in a moment like this

Black "that is indeed correct I am the all-powerful the Almighty Black Diamond Mother and Creator to gemkind although you my child are my first"

???"w-what am I what is my name Mother please name me," she said in a desperate but saddening voice

Black "do not worry my child for you are a Diamond the pinnacle of gemkind and the direct children of myself as for yourself you are White Diamond the personification of perfection now walk with me young one for you must learn your purpose"